Clashes and arrests at Givat Ronen

Monday, March 26, 20:08 Once again, Jews arrested in clashes at Givat Ronen.
Honenu reports that two residents of the Givat Ronen hilltop near the community of Har Bracha in the Shomron were arrested today after clashes broke out with Arabs plowing in close proximity to the hilltop.
This morning (Monday) Arabs from the village of Arak Burin arrived to plow fields located only several meters from the hilltop. The Arabs plowed with the authorization and under the protection of the army, border police and Yassam (Special Police). Several Givat Ronen residents who took issue with the “security forces” were attacked by the Arabs. In response the residents defended themselves and one of the assailants was wounded in the head, apparently from a rock.
Army and police forces arrested a Givat Ronen resident on suspicion of throwing a rock. The forces also arrested an additional resident who refused to present identification.
To reiterate, approximately six weeks ago terrorists from Arak Burin infiltrated Givat Ronen and attempted to break into one of the houses. The man of the house noticed the terrorists and drove them away.
The two arrestees will remain in remand overnight. Honenu attorney Adi Kedar is handling the case.

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