Court authorizes five administrative detentions

Honenu Attys. (L to R) Rom, Keidar, and HaLevi; Photo credit: Honenu

Thursday, July 20, 2023, 11:23 Yesterday (Wednesday), the President of the Central District Court in Lod, Judge Ruth Lorch, authorized the administrative detention orders served to four friends of the Eli terror attack victims. Judge Lorch also shortened one administrative detention from six to five months. The orders were served to the detainees after the attack in Eli and they were held under severe conditions. After many days of interrogation, various courts ordered their release from remand. However, they were then served with administrative orders of four to six months. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed the orders. Honenu Attorneys Nati Rom, Adi Keidar, and David HaLevi are representing the detainees.

Attorney Keidar stated, “With the extent of selective law enforcement these days, we were not surprised by the court’s regrettable decision. Yehuda and Shomron residents suffer from constant Arab terror and violence. Serving Jewish youth with administrative orders gives the genuine enemy the strength to continue their attacks, and the security forces do not adequately act against them.”

Attorney HaLevi added, “The orders are punitive and served for populist reasons to find favor in the eyes of foreign elements. Unfortunately, the current administrative orders indicate a lack of restraint on the part of the authorities, and citizens are frequently served with such orders. This is a slippery slope that will not lead to the desired results. My clients have needlessly suffered through no fault of their own. The orders should not have been issued. Shortening one administrative detention is not enough. We will consider appealing the decision.”

Attorney Rom further stated, “The premises on which the case is based and the material presented to the court are fundamentally erroneous. The genuine threat to the security of the nation is from our enemies who rise up to destroy us, not from these youths. Administrative detentions must be used only against terrorists who pose the danger of a ‘ticking time bomb.’ Until now, I was not acquainted with the use of administrative orders in the case of suspected property crimes, as serious as they may be. The conditions of the GSS interrogations are unacceptable. Also, detainees must not be prevented from meeting with an attorney. Selective law enforcement and capitulation to foreign pressures and considerations are deep-seated problems.”

Recently, a number of senior rabbis in the national-religious sector spoke out against the use by the GSS of administrative orders against Yehuda and Shomron residents.  Rabbi Elyakim Levanon, the Chief Rabbi of the Shomron, said that administrative orders are a failure of the system: “The fear of these youths who sometimes push limits is a baseless fear. The treatment of them has been a failure that caused only damage. These administrative detentions harass the youth. Instead of encouraging the youth to take part in positive acts, they thwart them and detain them, imprison them, and torture them, in order to silence them. This is a complete mistake.

“[Administrative detentions] will only exacerbate the situation. The youth have been handled improperly. They have been harassed. They must be directed to good places and properly guided. Their energy must be directed to good things and not crushed. These youths must be brought to good and healthy places by suitable treatment.”

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