Court releases detainee charged with assaulting IDF officer

Honenu Attorney Shimshilashvili; Photo credit: Honenu

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 15:52 On Thursday (April 11), the Jerusalem Magistrates Court released a Yehuda and Shomron resident who was detained the previous day on suspicion of assaulting an IDF officer in the Binyamin region. The incident began when Arabs attacked Jewish shepherds. The resident arrived at the scene, as did IDF soldiers, who drove the Arabs away.

After the incident, the resident was detained and taken in for interrogation by the police, where an IDF officer who had been present at the incident claimed that he had been assaulted by local Jewish residents, and claimed that the detained resident had assaulted him and broke his cell phone. The resident was held in remand and brought the following day to a court hearing. At the hearing, the police requested a five-day remand extension for the resident. However, the court released him. Honenu Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvili is representing the resident.

Honenu Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvili, who is representing the resident, stated, “The court’s decision to release my client on the same day despite opposition from the police indicates the court’s belief that he has no connection whatsoever to the charges made against him. My client did not break anyone’s cell phone or assault anybody. I thank the court for seeing the entire picture, accepting our claims, and releasing my client.”

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