Court ruled – no proof that Shevut Ami is on Arab land

Wednesday, July 20 16:14 Yesterday (Tuesday) the verdict was given in the trial of Alex, a resident of Eli accused of trespassing at the Shevut Ami outpost near Kedumim.
The incident occurred approximately three and a half years ago during the evacuation of the Shevut Ami outpost. Alex was arrested along with approximately 30 youths accused of trespassing, disturbing a policeman in the line of duty and illegally gathering.
At the end of the trial K’far Saba Magistrate Court Judge Nava Bechor convicted Alex of participating in an illegal gathering and disturbing a policeman in the line of duty, but acquitted him of the crime of trespassing, being as the State did not succeed in proving that the land belonged to Arabs.
It should be noted that 20 indictments are outstanding against settlers arrested at Shevut Ami and this decision is a positive precedent that could result in the acquittal of many.
Attorney Alon Davidov, who represented Alex, responded to the verdict and said that, “This is a courageous decision by a court that rejected the opinions of experts from the Civil Administration and the Military Advocacy, such as Captain Ronit Levin, who is considered a outstanding expert on land ownership. The court rejected the expert opinions presented and reached the conclusion that entering the area of Shevut Ami was not a crime, and we welcome that conclusion.”
During the trial Captain Ronit Levin, an officer in the Department of the Adviser on Issues of Yehuda and Shomron in the Military Advocacy, testified and said that in her opinion there is no need to prove who the owners of the land are in order to indict on the crime of trespassing in Yehuda and Shomron.
Honenu represented Alex during his arrest, and also the Head of the Department of Major Cases followed the case during all of the deliberations.

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