Honenu Attorney Moshe Poleski; Photo credit: Honenu
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 17:17 The Beit Lid Military Court extended by two days the remand of the soldiers detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist prisoner, despite an announcement by the Military Advocate General that they were ready to consider the release of the soldiers to house arrest. Honenu Attorneys Nati Rom and Moshe Poleski, who are representing some of the soldiers, revealed at the hearing that senior security authorities – in the IDF, the GSS, and the Mossad – consented to house arrest under their surveillance.
After the hearing, Attorney Rom stated, “Now that the investigation is over, there is no need to keep the soldiers in remand. Unfortunately, the court accepted the position of the prosecution who claim that the soldiers pose a danger. It is obvious to any rational person that the soldiers do not pose a danger to the public. It is sad to see that the court did not release the soldiers. We hope that they will be released in the near future. The soldiers should be returned home already.”
Attorney Poleski added, “Unfortunately, the judge came to court having already reached a decision. The hearing was merely a formality. Contrary to the law, the judge was not willing to hear the defense attorneys’ claims and did not consider the developments that had occurred since the previous hearing. The Military Advocate General agreed to release the soldiers to an alternative to remand contingent upon an expert opinion by a probation officer. We claimed that there were no grounds to keep the soldiers in remand. They left their homes when called and only wanted to serve the People of Israel despite the high price that they and their families would pay. They should have been released already. Unfortunately, this is a rigged game, with a system that is judging itself. The judge refused every request to release the soldiers to house arrest. We will consider appealing the decision.”
Please click here for a description by the detained Sde Teiman soldiers of the incident.
Please click here for a statement from Hila, the wife of one of the soldiers detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist, who leveled sharp criticism at the Military Advocate General over his detention.
On July 30, the court ignored the soldiers’ concerned families and held a hearing in their absence.
Initially, Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar were prevented on various pretexts from meeting with the detainees and granting them legal counsel.