Four detained when protesting against aid to Gaza Strip

Honenu Atty. Shimshilashvili; Photo credit: Honenu

Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 9:29 On Wednesday morning (May 1), the police detained four youths protesting the transfer of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. They were detained near Ma’aleh Adumim after blocking aid trucks that had arrived from Jordan. The detainees were taken to the police station.

Honenu Attorney Daniel Shimshilashvili, who is assisting the detainees, issued a statement: “This is a scandal. In a time of war, the State of Israel is investing massive resources in transferring humanitarian aid to an enemy who is trying to destroy us. Israeli soldiers escorted the truck caravan. It is insane for them to be guarding aid trucks headed for an enemy instead of fighting them.”

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