Givat Ronen arrestees released

Tuesday, March 27, 12:51 A deliberation took place today at the Petah Tikva Magistrate Court at which the two Givat Ronen (Seneh Ya’akov) residents arrested yesterday (Monday) during clashes which broke out at the site were released.

Yesterday residents of the nearby Arab village Arak Burin arrived to plow their fields close to the Givat Ronen hilltop. The plowing is carried out in coordination with the army and guarded by army, border police and Yassam (Special Police) forces. Residents of the hilltop who arrived to protest the army’s actions were attacked by the Arabs. In response one of the Arab assailants suffered a rock injury to his head.

The army and the police removed the Givat Ronen residents from the site and arrested two of them, one on suspicion of throwing the rock which injured the Arab assailant, and the other for refusal to present identification.

Today (Tuesday) the two arrestees were released at the Petah Tikva Magistrate Court. They will pay bonds of 1000 and 500 NIS and will remain under house arrest until this coming Friday.

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