Honenu Attorneys Rom (L) and Keidar (R); Photo credit: Honenu
Thursday, August 29, 2024, 14:22 Following the military court’s decision to extend the house arrest of the soldiers who were detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist prisoner, Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Nati Rom, who are representing some of the soldiers, filed an appeal. The soldiers are prevented from returning to their jobs, therefore the attorneys are demanding their immediate release due to the detrimental effect on their ability to earn a living. Five additional soldiers who were detained over the same incident have already been released.
In the appeal, the attorneys sharply criticized the house arrest conditions: “The court erred in drastically limiting the freedom of the appellees. The need to monitor the appellees, both at their homes and at their places of employment, is disproportionate at this stage and does not serve any worthwhile purpose. The two appellees [whom Honenu is representing] presented documents attesting to their good characters from their employers who are aware of the accusations [against their employees] and agree to their return. However, supervision by the court at the work sites is not feasible, and the arrangement cited in the appeal did not satisfy either the prosecution team or the court.
“It appears that the prosecution and the court are occupied only with with minor administrative issues such as release conditions, and thereby not only violating the appellees’ freedom, but also inhibiting their defense. The resultant side effect is a ruling that the defense cannot accept. Is the honorable judge genuinely concerned that the appellees pose a danger either at home or at work? The court agreed that there are no unique military conditions involved. [The appellees] are reserve soldiers who were released from their service. The incident in question [for which the soldiers were detained] was an isolated military operation conducted a not insignificant time ago: They were given orders to search a terrorist and they carried out those orders. In light of all of the above, the honorable court is requested to cancel the decision and cancel the house arrest.”
Following the house arrest extension, the Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar requested to receive the investigative material in the case from the military prosecution.
Please click here for a description by the detained Sde Teiman soldiers of the incident.
Please click here for a statement from Hila, the wife of one of the soldiers detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist, who leveled sharp criticism at the Military Advocate General over his detention.
On July 30, the court ignored the soldiers’ concerned families and held a hearing in their absence.
Initially, Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar were prevented on various pretexts from meeting with the detainees and granting them legal counsel.