Honenu Atty. Poleski; Photo credit: Honenu
Thursday, August 22, 2024, 14:19 A hearing took place today at the military court for five of the soldiers who were detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist prisoner and who are currently under house arrest. Although the investigation is over, the Military Advocate General requested a two-week extension of the house arrest. Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar, Nati Rom, and Moshe Poleski, who are representing some of the soldiers, demanded their immediate release in light of the fact that the investigation has been completed. Five additional soldiers who were detained over the same incident have already been released.

Honenu Attorneys Rom (L) and Keidar (R); Photo credit: Honenu
Honenu Attorney Adi Keidar stated, “The house arrest no longer serves any legitimate purpose but seems to be designed to maintain media exposure and to cover up the problems of the staff of the Military Advocate General who are attempting by any means to ‘keep the case alive’. We hope that the court will cancel the house arrest, or significantly ease the conditions and allow our clients to earn an honorable living, return to their families, and celebrate the upcoming holidays with them.”
Honenu Attorney Nati Rom added, “Unfortunately, the prosecution requested an extension of the soldiers’ house arrest, which greatly disrupts their lives and their ability to earn a living for their families. This is especially unreasonable in light of the fact that they are no longer being investigated, and it is not known if or how they will be indicted. It is clear to all that that my clients are not dangerous to anyone, and it is disgraceful that certain individuals are attempting to extend their house arrest.”
Please click here for a description by the detained Sde Teiman soldiers of the incident.
Please click here for a statement from Hila, the wife of one of the soldiers detained at the Sde Teiman military base on suspicion of assaulting a Nukhba terrorist, who leveled sharp criticism at the Military Advocate General over his detention.
On July 30, the court ignored the soldiers’ concerned families and held a hearing in their absence.
Initially, Honenu Attorneys Rom and Keidar were prevented on various pretexts from meeting with the detainees and granting them legal counsel.