Neriya Zarog released, returning home

Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 11:32 On the morning of Tuesday, November 26, following a steadfast struggle against an administrative order, Neriya Zarog has been released from remand. For over two weeks Zarog refused to sign on release conditions which obligated him to obey the administrative distancing order which removed him from his home, community and place of work. The order expired yesterday (Monday) and therefore Neriya agreed to be released to his home in the Kumi Ori neighborhood of Yitzhar.
Zarog’s wife and young children greeted him upon his release from remand, as did Honenu Attorney Nati Rom and Honenu director Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, who have been assisting Neriya from the start of his struggle against the administrative order.

Neriya Zarog released from remand; Video credit: Honenu
“We are pleased to see Neriya released after standing firm on principle against the antidemocratic order which violated his human rights,” stated Honenu Attorney Nati Rom, who is representing Zarog. We hope very much that this will not happen to other Israeli citizens in this democratic state, the State of Israel, and we hope that the violation of human rights in Yehuda and Shomron will stop. We are very happy to see Neriya returning home today, to his family and his work, and we hope that he remains there.”
See here for a complete listing of posts about the case.

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