Since the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, who was tragically killed in a police-car chase on 6 Tevet, 5781 (December 21, 2020), Honenu has been representing those who are insisting on investigating the incident and defending the many who are detained while demonstrating for a change in police behavior. The car Ahuvia was in, with four other boys, overturned when the police car collided with it from behind. Please click here for a list of posts connected to the case.

This is how the Yehuda and Shomron Police rammed the youths’ car and killed Ahuvia, z”l.
Sunday, April 21, 2024, 10:48 Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, was tragically killed in a police-car chase in December 2020. The police car collided with the car Sandak was in with four other boys, causing it to overturn. The boys have been indicted for various charges. Honenu Attorney David HaLevi, who is representing one of the boys, petitioned the Jerusalem Magistrates Court to cancel his indictment because of claims of abuse of process. The petition itemizes how the Yehuda and Shomron Police and the Police Investigation Unit corrupted the investigation of the incident and attempted to blame Sandak’s death on his friends.
Attorney HaLevi described how the police officers who rammed the youths’ car were not summoned by the Police Investigation Unit (PIU) for interrogation until many hours after the incident. The officers had enough time to coordinate their testimonies and were initially not even interrogated when they reported to the PIU. The officers were interrogated several days after the incident. Attorney HaLevi cited how the PIU and the police handled the investigation together, despite the inherent conflict of interest: The PIU is the authority responsible for investigating police officers. He further explained how the State Attorney and the Attorney General arrived at the scene of the incident to silence public rage over the cover-up of the failures in the investigation. Considering the failures, Attorney HaLevi petitioned the court to cancel his client’s indictment on the grounds of abuse of process.
Attorney HaLevi: “This outrageous case should never have been opened, and now it should be closed. Therefore, we petitioned the court with a reasoned request to cancel the indictment because of abuse of process. I sincerely hope that the court will agree to our request and put an end to the very injustice of prosecuting my client.”