Terrorist’s house not to be demolished, victim’s family protests

Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 19:30 Honenu is representing as victims of terror the family of Adiel Kolman, Hy”d, who was stabbed to death in a terror attack in the Old City of Jerusalem on March 18. Today Wednesday, September 5) his mother, Ya’el Kolman, responded to the decision not to demolish the terrorist’s house:
“I ask everyone who can to appeal the decision. The despicable murderer had received a permit to look for employment in Israel. He was not mentally ill. It may have been that he was taking medicine, but he was 100% functional and he had enough energy to cold-bloodedly murder my dear son.”
Kolman also mentioned that contrary to what had been publicized, she had not been updated by any official authority about the decision not to demolish the terrorists house.
Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing the Kolman family, stated that, “Demolition of the houses of terrorists who murdered Jews is a necessary measure for deterrence. It cannot be that because of external considerations terrorists’ houses are not demolished. It must be made clear: The house of a terrorist who commits murder will be demolished, no matter what.
“The moment we start to over-analyse the circumstances of an incident we decrease the almost last remaining deterrence factor against terrorists who come to murder. Tomorrow morning we will send a strongly-worded letter to the Central Command demanding that they change the decision and demolish the terrorist’s house. Additionally we will protest the fact that the family of the murder victim was not involved with the decision – they were not updated, not informed and heard about the decision from the media.”

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