After week in remand, GSS detained minors meet with attorneys

Sunday, January 6, 2019, 00:12 At approximately midnight on the night of Saturday, January 5, Honenu Attorneys Adi Keidar and Nati Rom and Attorney Itamar Ben Gvir completed a visit with the three minors detained on Sunday, December 30. The minors had been interrogated by the GSS under severe conditions and had been prevented from meeting with an attorney for a week.
On Friday, January 4, the GSS issued a new order which continued the prohibition imposed on the three minors preventing them from meeting with their attorneys until Saturday night. The new order expired at 22:00 on Saturday night, at which time the GSS would have been able to extend the order if there had been a development in the investigation.
After the visit the attorneys stated that, “As we have asserted from the start, our clients are not connected in any way to the case. They do not have any connection to the case and the GSS does not have any evidence connecting them to the act.
“Our clients underwent trying days and suffered the extremely inappropriate conduct of the GSS interrogators. The trauma of the interrogations, through no fault of their own, will remain with them for their entire lives. The order preventing us from meeting with the minors stemmed from unacceptable considerations, and its sole purpose was to extract false confessions from the interrogated detainees, a process which did not succeed. The youths clearly denied all connection to the act, and unfortunately they were interrogated also on Shabbat.
“At this moment two additional minors are prevented from meeting with an attorney, which should cause every Israeli citizen to lose sleep.”
On Sunday, January 6, at 15:00, at the Rishon LeTzion Magistrates Court, the attorneys will hold a press conference at which they will detail what the youths have endured while being held in remand by the GSS.

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