Amona cases

During the months leading up to the destruction of Amona in February 2017, Honenu provided legal counsel to protesters. Honenu attorneys arrived at police stations to counsel detainees. Honenu’s staff filed complaints with the Police Investigation Unit on behalf of protesters who either suffered or witnessed police brutality. Staff members visited hospitalized protesters, recorded their testimonies, and documented their injuries for the purpose of filing complaints and claims. Protests continued after the destruction and so did Honenu’s counsel to detainees. See a partial listing of cases below.

March 14, 2017: Amona police brutality case
February 14, 2017: Protester detained in Jerusalem
February 9, 2017: Forged document prevents soldier’s release
February 2, 2017: One detainee at protest opposite Police Commissioner’s residence
February 2, 2017: Video clips of police brutality in Amona – Part 2
February 2, 2017: Honenu to GOC: The evacuation of Amona was illegal
February 2, 2017: Video clips of police brutality in Amona – Part 1
February 2, 2017: Amona: More complaints of police brutality
February 1, 2017: Amona: Violence starts where there are no cameras
December 27, 2016: Amona protester released from house arrest
December 19, 2016: Amona protester’s leg broken by police brutality
December 12, 2016: “Legitimate protest does not justify administrative orders”
December 4, 2016: Minors detained over Amona fliers
December 1, 2016: Stringent restrictions imposed on Amona protesters

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