Another raid on Mitzpeh Avichai, two residents arrested, a police officer threatened with a pistol one of the residents

Wednesday, March 23 14:22 This afternoon a large number of police and police detectives raided the Mitzpeh Avichai hilltop (Hilltop 18) near Kiryat Arba. The police arrested two residents.
Apparently this is a continuation of the arrest of one of the hilltop residents yesterday on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arabs.
Aryeh Davis, a resident of the hilltop and father of two reported that the raid began while he was walking his dog near the hilltop. A police officer by the name Zion Goeli ran in his direction with a drawn pistol in his hand and grabbed him, however it became clear that he was not wanted for questioning. Additionally one of the police detectives wandered around the hilltop while masked.
After they weren’t able to find the residents for which they searched, the forces situated themselves in the center of the hilltop and waited. Arab women standing on the roofs of houses near the hilltop suddenly called to the police and pointed to two residents sitting under a tree near the hilltop. The police hurried in their direction and arrested the two.
During the raid a police detective from the Central Unit of the Judea and Samaria District jeered at the residents and said that the police know that the Arabs set a filmed ambush, but they don’t care and they will arrest only Jews.
During an altercation that occurred on Monday Arabs from the area set an ambush for the residents of the hilltop.
Three Arabs broke into the hilltop and tried to ignite a field. Residents who were at their Purim meal at the time chased them and within a few moments tens of Arabs arrived and a rock throwing skirmish ensued. An Arab photographer situated himself an the start of the incident in a concealed location and filmed the skirmish.
Shortly the deliberation on “A”, the Mitzpeh Avichai resident arrested yesterday, will begin. The police are requesting that his remand be extended by five days. Honeu attorney Michael Ironi will represent “A”.
Three families live in Mitzpeh Avichai, along with several single men living in a few buildings on the hilltop.

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