At judge’s recommendation police cancel appeal, GSS detainee released

Thursday, May 22, 2014 22:40 On Wednesday, May 21 Petah Tikva Magistrate Court Judge Merav Greenberg rejected the police request for a five-day remand extension on a 16-year-old detainee, one of the minors being held under severe conditions at the GSS Kishon Detention Center. During interrogations, the GSS interrogators did not inform the accused of the date of the incident with which he was suspected to have been involved, and therefore he could not give an alibi immediately upon his detention. Only after the judge informed the detainee of the date of the incident of which he was suspected of involvement could he present an alibi. The judge accepted the alibi and ordered the detainee released. In her decision, Judge Greenberg noted that the case against he accused had weakened and that the time had come, at the fourth request for an extension of his remand, to release him.
The police representative requested a delay in carrying out the decision in order to appeal to the district court against the release and the judge agreed.
On Thursday, May 22 a deliberation took place on the appeal at the Lod District Court. At the deliberation, representatives of the police and the GSS presented confidential evidence to Judge Shira Ben-Shlomo. After the presentation Judge Ben-Shlomo recommended that the police change their minds and cancel their appeal. The police did cancel their appeal and the detainee was released. Honenu attorney Adi Kedar represented the detainee.

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