Families of suspects threatened, Honenu demands police protection

Monday, July 7, 2014, 12:05 The Israeli Police and the GSS have made headlines by leaking details of the investigation in the murdered Arab youth case, thereby endangering the suspects and their families. Honenu expects the Israeli police and the GSS to protect the families of the suspects so that the cycle of bloodshed is not widened.
The following is a translation by Honenu of a letter sent by Honenu attorney Adi Kedar to Yaniv Piamenta, the Superintendent of the Jerusalem Central Police Unit.
8 Tammuz 5774
July 6, 2014
Re: Protection for families of suspects in the murdered Arab youth case
Dear Superintendent Yaniv Piamenta,
Central Police Unit, Jerusalem
1.After numerous and repeated requests from the families of the suspects, and also in light of the threats which have been voiced by various individuals who seek revenge, we consider the Israeli Police to be responsible for the safety and security of the families.
2.The information leaked to the news media only exacerbates this sensitive situation.
3.We request that you update the undersigned as to the security arrangements you recommend implementing.
Adi Kedar, Esq.

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