Police Taser detainee in early morning raid

Sunday, July 6, 2014, 21:22 During the early morning hours of Sunday, July 6 GSS and police forces raided the homes of suspects in the kidnapping and murder case of the Arab youth from Shuafat. Six suspects were detained. Eye witnesses to the detentions report that the policemen, some of whom were plain-clothes, conducted the detentions very violently.
One of the detainees was Tasered even though there was no need. Eye witnesses reported that the policemen shot two Taser barbs at the suspect, which hit him in the neck. He was evacuated to hospital for medical treatment before being taken in for interrogation.
The use of Tasers is controversial and has been the subject of public debate in Israel several times during the past few years due to “quick trigger fingers” and unreasonable use of Tasers by policemen. Several months ago an indictment was filed by the Police Investigation Unit against policemen who used Tasers without due cause. Also the Knesset State Control Committee held a meeting on the matter several months ago and on Tuesday, July 8 the committee is scheduled to reconvene for a follow-up meeting.

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