Investigative judge continues examination of Ahuvia Sandak case

Honenu is representing those who are insisting on the investigation of the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, who was tragically killed in a police car chase on Tevet 6 5781/ December 21, 2020, and defending the many who are being detained while demonstrating for change in police behavior. The car Ahuvia was in with four other boys overturned when the police car collided with it from behind. Please click here for a list of posts connected to the case.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 12:29 On the morning of Wednesday, March 24, at the Jerusalem Magistrates Court, an additional deliberation was held in the framework of investigating the cause of the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, by the investigative judge examining the circumstances of the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, in a December 21, 2020, car chase with the Binyamin Police. Honenu Attorney Ariel Atari is representing the Sandak family. The policemen, who are suspected of causing death, have been continuing their activities as usual and have been neither suspended nor transferred from their duties.
During the deliberation, it was revealed that the Attorney General’s office intends to have an additional expert examine the scene of the accident in which Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, was killed. The significance of the step is that the Attorney General’s office is not relying solely on the opinion of the traffic inspector from the Israeli Police who examined the scene.
A private expert in accident reenactments who arrived on the scene several hours after the accident and examined the scene, determined unequivocally that the police car had collided with the car in which Ahuvia and four other youths were traveling. The car overturned from the force of the collision, causing the death of Ahuvia and injuring the other youths.
Honenu Attorney Ariel Atari: “Today, in the framework of the deliberation before the investigative judge, who is examining the cause of the death of Ahuvia, z”l, it turned out that the Attorney General’s office is about to implement a rare and exceptional procedure and demand an opinion from a new police traffic inspector, and perhaps from a traffic inspector who is not with the police, in order to further study the crime scene. This step indicates that the uncertainties which we identified regarding the incident from the start are genuine uncertainties. We definitely hope that the judge will continue this clarification until what actually happened there is clarified.”
Avraham Sandak, Ahuvia’s father, added: “Last week we received news that fragments of ancient scrolls had been discovered in the Judean Desert, and we received a message from ancient generations to our generation, a particular verse that was the only [complete] one found in the caves, from the days of Bar Kochva, ‘These are the things that you will do: Speak the truth, every man with his fellow man – truth and judgment of peace, adjudicate within your gates. And evil from a man to his fellow man, do not devise in your hearts; and do not love any false oath; for all these are things that I hate, says the Lord.’ (Zechariah 8:16-17) We have received a message from long past generations: ‘Truth and judgment of peace, adjudicate within your gates.’ We all pray that genuinely, more truth, justice, and peace will be judged within our gates.”

In related news, recently, protests demonstrating the death of Ahuvia, z”l, have resumed. Last week, at the String Bridge in Jerusalem, over 15 protesters were detained while demonstrating against the conduct of the Central Unit of Yehuda and Shomron Police and calling for an investigatory committee.

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