Plea bargain in trial of Kedumim resident accused of blocking building inspectors during the freeze

Wednesday, May 4 10:45 At the Petah Tikva Magistrate Court yesterday a plea bargain was closed in the case of “N”, a resident of Kedumim charged with blocking Israeli Civil Administration building inspectors when they came to distribute building freeze orders in the community of Kedumim.
“N” was charged with assaulting a policeman, resisting arrest and causing a disturbance, however after it was proven to the prosecution that the evidence against him was not strong, a plea bargain was closed according to which most of the clauses in the charge sheet would be nullified, but not resisting arrest. “N” will not be convicted and will be sentenced to 100 hours of community service and a fine of 250 NIS.
Honenu lawyer Adi Kedar represented “N”.

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