Two terrorists denied parole

Screenshot, baby car seat with glass shards; Video credit: Ofer Ohana

Please click here for a list of posts relating to cases in which Honenu has represented victims of rock or Molotov cocktail attacks.

Sunday, October 10, 2021, 13:38 Two of the three terrorists who injured a Jewish infant in a rock-throwing attack in Gush Etzion almost three years ago filed a request for early release, to which the infant’s family objected. The parole board rejected the request.

In the objection to the early release, the infant’s mother stated that the attack and the injury had changed their lives. The attack could have easily ended differently, and early release of the terrorists would harm the family, the feeling of security in the area, the deterrence factor against terror, and the trust the public has in the law enforcement authorities.

Honenu Attorney Chayim Bleicher, who is representing the family as victims of terror, welcomed the decision: “We are pleased with the rejection of the request. One must not compromise in the war on terror, and we will fight to that end.”

The attack occurred almost three years ago, on Route 60, bypassing Halhul, between Hevron and Gush Etzion. A terror cell waited on the side of the road, and when the terrorists noticed an Israeli car approaching, they pelted it with rocks from a distance of ten meters.
The passengers of the car were a couple and their two young children. Their nine-month-old infant suffered mild injuries to his face from glass shards. The parents called rescue forces and continued driving for 150 meters, until they noticed soldiers by the side of the road and stopped next to them. An army medic provided medical treatment at the scene.

In plea bargain agreements, the Ofer Military Court in Yehuda handed down sentences to three members of the terror cell. One of the terrorists was charged with aggravated assault and throwing rocks at a moving vehicle. All three received a sentence of approximately four years’ imprisonment and payment of 15,000 NIS in compensation to the family, bringing the total compensation to 45,000 NIS. The decision stated that the penalty of a long prison term reflects the “severity of the danger to the lives and security of motorists”.

Infant receives medical treatment; Video credit: Ofer Ohana

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