Father and sons assaulted on Temple Mount

Monday, June 29, 2015, 16:48 On the morning of Monday, June 29, a Jewish man who ascended the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with his two sons was assaulted by an Arab who threw rocks and shoes at them. The father turned to the crime victims department of Honenu and said that during the entire time he was on the Temple Mount the approximately 10 policemen who surrounded and accompanied him and his sons did nothing against the group of Muslim women who verbally attacked them.
“The policemen only urged us to finish our visit on the Temple Mount quickly and at a certain point an Arab youth came and threw shoes and rocks at us,” said the father. One of the shoes hit the father in the back and the Arab apparently fled. “The policemen said that they would deal with the Arab,” added the father.
The father turned to Honenu for assistance and he and his sons filed a complaint with the police against the assailant. Later the police publicized that they had detained an Arab, approximately 20 years old.
Honenu, “The situation on the Temple Mount is one of lawlessness and absurdity. Jews are detained if they are suspected of moving their lips or preparing to pray, but wild Arab incitement and even assaults on Jews, verbal and physical, are ignored by the authorities. We demand that the police remove from the Temple Mount anyone who harms Jews or incites to harm Jews.”

For additional, but not all, cases in which Honenu attorneys represented Jews detained on or near the Temple Mount please see the links below.
May 28, 2015: Jewish youth on Temple Mount ‘framed’
May 10, 2015: Bridegroom detained on suspicion of praying on Temple Mount
April 20, 2015: Soldier detained on Temple Mount on suspicion of bowing
February 5, 2015: Rabbi Elitzur briefly detained on Temple Mount, faces possible ban
February 2, 2015: Court criticized police treatment of Temple Mount detainees
December 16, 2014: Jewish woman carrying grape juice detained at entry to Temple Mount
October 31, 2014: Police request rejected, Temple Mount activists released
August 6, 2014: Jewish youth detained on suspicion of singing at gate to Temple Mount
May 7, 2014: Temple Mount detainees released
February 6, 2014: Temple Mount: Israeli flag, banned – Hamas flag, permitted
June 23, 2013: Court: Ban on Jewish prayer on Temple Mount violates freedom of worship
April 29, 2013: Police selectively enforcing law on Temple Mount, detainee unconditionally released
May 8, 2013: Temple Mount detainees unconditionally released
April 23, 2013: Two minors detained on Temple Mount
December 19, 2012: Police lost control of Arab mob, abandoned Jewish women
October 4, 2012: Jews detained after Arabs riot on Temple Mount

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