Justice for Destau Bisset, Hy”d!

Destau Bisset, Hy”d; Photo courtesy of the family

Destau Bisset, Hy”d, age 74, was run over by two Arabs riding electric bicycles in Ramle during the Arab riots of May 2021, at the time of Operation Guardian of the Walls. He succumbed to his injuries approximately three weeks later. Eyewitnesses to the incident stated that the cyclists intentionally collided with Bisset, attempted to run over people waiting at a bus station and then fled the scene. The Israel Police and the GSS have not adequately investigated the murder. Honenu is assisting the family with realizing their rights and having the terrorists brought to justice. Below are posts describing the Bisset family’s ordeal and Honenu’s efforts to bring about a thorough investigation.

June 22, 2023: Ramle dedicates square in memory of Destau Bisset, Hy”d
June 21, 2023: Ramle to dedicate square in memory of Destau Bisset, Hy”d
June 15, 2023: Bisset family to DM Gallant: Recognize Destau Bisset as terror victim
November 7, 2022: Police ordered to transfer Bisset murder case material to GSS
June 15, 2022: One-year memorial for Destau Bisset, Hy”d
April 5, 2022: Family of Destau Bisset Hy”d: “Do not forget our father!”
January 27, 2022: GSS still refuses to investigate Bisset murder case

Atty. Bleicher (L) with members of the Bisset family; Photo credit: Honenu

November 18, 2021: Bisset family to head of GSS: Handle the investigation
October 19, 2021: Bisset family to Knesset party heads: Bring in the GSS
October 5, 2021: Protest: Justice for Destau Bisset, Hy”d
October 5, 2021: Destau Bisset’s son-in-law spoke at Knesset meeting
September 30, 2021: Destau Bisset’s family: “Apprehend our father’s murderers!”
September 6, 2021: Another suspect in Bisset murder case released
September 2, 2021: Remand of suspect in Bisset murder case extended
July 22, 2021: Family of Destau Bisset, Hy”d, demands GSS investigation
June 24, 2021: Family of Destau Bisset, Hy”d, demands murder investigation

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