Current News
- March 24, 2025: Will the terrorist arsonist be paroled?
- March 20, 2025: Police refuse firearm license despite not reading GSS report
- March 19, 2025: Honenu Attorney Rom awarded NIS 80,000 compensation for attack by Arab assailant
- March 18, 2025: Police detain Jewish youth attacked by Arabs in Jerusalem
- March 16, 2025: Minor sues left-wing activist over defamatory Facebook post
- March 13, 2025: Court releases soldier detained after shooting Arab shouting “Allah akhbar”
- March 13, 2025: Temple Mount Cases
- March 12, 2025: Jewish victim sues Arab assailant over attack in Lod
- March 12, 2025: Jewish shepherd demands police prosecute activist for sexual harassment
- March 10, 2025: Alleged sexual harassment by GSS will not be investigated
- March 5, 2025: Family sues over terror attack on Mount of Olives
- March 5, 2025: Judge silences terror victim Janashvilli at hearing
- March 4, 2025: Two of Ahuvia Sandak’s friends sentenced
- March 2, 2025: Jewish minor sues left-wing activist for defamation
- March 2, 2025: Indicted Arab bus driver sentenced to only community service
- March 2, 2025: Civil suit against Arabs who attacked Jewish youth six years ago
- February 26, 2025: Police detain Jewish man for posting video of his attempt to enter Temple Mount
- February 23, 2025: Weapon returned after legality of tweet responding to Yair Lapid confirmed
- February 20, 2025: Restrictions for indicted Sde Teiman soldiers extended until end of proceedings
- February 19, 2025: Attacked Jewish driver awarded NIS 95,000 compensation
- February 19, 2025: Military Advocate General indicts Sde Teiman soldiers
- February 17, 2025: Detained Sde Teiman soldiers sue
- February 17, 2025: Yehuda and Shomron residents detained one month after disturbance
- February 10, 2025: Youth placed under administrative house arrest must confirm his address
- February 9, 2025: NIS 120,000 suit filed against Arab assailant
- February 6, 2025: Shomron resident indicted after firing warning shots
- February 5, 2025: Weapon confiscated from security squad member who detained suspicious Arab
- February 4, 2025: Arab attacks Jewish hiker, Honenu demands arrest
- February 4, 2025: Pepper-spraying Arab sentenced and sued
- January 30, 2025: Military court extends restrictions for Sde Teiman soldiers
- January 29, 2025: Priest not arrested after attacking Jewish man in Jerusalem
- January 29, 2025: Court acquits head of security of all charges
- January 20, 2025: Court releases demonstrators detained protesting terrorist release
- January 16, 2025: Right-wing activist detained for hanging signs on Western Wall
- January 15, 2025: Two defamation suits against “Looking the Occupation in the Eye”
- January 14, 2025: Victim of antisemitic attack sues for compensation
- January 9, 2025: GSS threatens protesters hours after terror attack
- January 8, 2025: Yehuda and Shomron resident acquitted of most charges a year later
- January 7, 2025: Memorial marks four-year anniversary of Ahuvia Sandak’s death
- January 7, 2025: Sandak demonstration detainees released
- January 5, 2025: Activists detained over Shabbat without cause
- December 31, 2024: Likud members to DM Katz: Release the Jewish administrative detainees
- December 31, 2024: Janashvilli’s attacker to serve house arrest near his victim
- December 30, 2024: Arab municipal worker vandalizes car in Jerusalem
- December 29, 2024: Two bridegrooms detained on Temple Mount
- December 25, 2024: Terrorists hurl Molotov cocktails at Rabbi Lior’s home
- December 24, 2024: GSS wants to ‘talk’ with administrative detainees
- December 24, 2024: Arab attackers indicted, but not charged with terror crime
- December 23, 2024: Hevron detainee appeals and reports abuse
- December 18, 2024: Minors detained for assault, then released without explanation
- December 18, 2024: Sde Teiman video clips and case material leaked
- December 18, 2024: Yoshvaev family sues terrorists for arson
- December 17, 2024: Will Janashvilli’s attacker serve house arrest near his victim?
- December 17, 2024: Flag-waving activist awarded compensation
- December 16, 2024: More terrorists sued for damages in Beit Orot attack case
- December 16, 2024: Assault case closed, Honenu sues in civil court
- December 15, 2024: Yeshiva student under house arrest: “To whom am I dangerous?”
- December 13, 2024: Honenu refutes security source lie
- December 12, 2024: Car-ramming victim demands demolition of terrorist’s house
- December 11, 2024: Will the DM meet with the administrative detainees?
- December 11, 2024: Three Arab construction workers attack yeshiva student
- December 5, 2024: Home Front Command refuses to relax house arrest conditions
- December 5, 2024: Eight outpost detainees released
- December 4, 2024: Terrorist’s attorney reveals effect of lenient prison conditions
- December 4, 2024: Hearing held for administrative detainee
- December 4, 2024: DM Katz cancels first administrative detention order
- December 3, 2024: Honenu to DM Katz: Release the administrative detainees
- December 3, 2024: Honenu to PIU: Investigate the officer who threatened to burn down protester’s house
- December 2, 2024: Appeal accepted, sentence increased for Wadi Ara terrorist
- December 1, 2024: District Court upholds Jordan Valley detainee ruling
- November 28, 2024: Two Jordan Valley detainees released
- November 26, 2024: Sde Ephraim terrorist indicted for attempted murder
- November 25, 2024: Honenu to State Attorney: Recommend DM release administrative detainees
- November 25, 2024: Antisemitic attacks in Jerusalem
- November 25, 2024: Old City terrorist sentenced to 12 years
- November 25, 2024: Attacked Jew indicted for assault
- November 24, 2024: Three Hevron detainees released Saturday night
- November 21, 2024: Sde Teiman soldiers released from restrictive conditions
- November 17, 2024: Honenu requests alternative to house arrest at grandparents’ home
- November 17, 2024: Bedouins viciously attack Jewish youth in Be’er Sheva
- November 14, 2024: Old City assailant to pay victim compensation
- November 14, 2024: Appeal accepted, penalties increased for Yoshvaev arsonists
- November 13, 2024: Honenu Attorney Rom sues Arab assailant
- November 12, 2024: Jewish youths detained over discussion of Temple Mount sacrifice
- November 11, 2024: Jewish family sues Arab attackers over City of David incident
- November 11, 2024: Brutal police officers to stand trial for assault
- November 10, 2024: Ahuvia Sandak’s friends indicted in plea bargain
- November 7, 2024: Court releases Oz Tzion resident charged with assaulting officer
- November 7, 2024: Jewish security prisoner denied furlough for daughter’s Bat Mitzva
- November 6, 2024: Administrative orders based on political agenda
- November 5, 2024: Two more Wadi Ara terrorists sentenced
- November 4, 2024: Right-wing activist awarded compensation for false detention, handcuffing
- November 4, 2024: Administrative detention reduced for Binyamin resident
- October 31, 2024: Administratively detained Binyamin resident brought to hearing
- October 31, 2024: Brother of administratively detained Binyamin resident reacts
- October 30, 2024: DM Gallant serves Binyamin resident with administrative order
- October 29, 2024: Arabs riot, Jews are detained
- October 28, 2024: Appeal to reopen assault case accepted
- October 28, 2024: Minor detained at Sandak protest awarded compensation
- October 28, 2024: Supreme Court rejects appeal by Meir Gabai’s attacker
- October 28, 2024: Activists detained and released after trying to enter Gaza Strip
- October 13, 2024: GSS detainee interrogated under severe conditions
- October 13, 2024: Minor released hours before Yom Kippur
- October 10, 2024: Another detainee denied his right to legal counsel
- October 10, 2024: More convictions in Janashvilli mob attack case
- October 9, 2024: Appeal rejected, detainee still denied right to legal counsel
- October 9, 2024: Honenu: Arrest the antisemitic bus driver inciting violence
- October 9, 2024: Convicted Ma’aleh HaZeitim attackers sued in civil proceedings
- October 9, 2024: Detainee denied right to legal counsel, Honenu appealed
- October 8, 2024: Jewish victim sues Arabs over assault, Tik Tok video
- October 6, 2024: Jewish youths detained on Temple Mount for shofar blowing released
- October 6, 2024: Administrative order reduced by one month
- October 2, 2024: Hearing held for administrative detainees
- October 1, 2024: “Rejoicing over the death of an arch-terrorist is not a crime”
- October 1, 2024: Jewish man banned from Temple Mount for six months
- September 30, 2024: Administrative detainees’ families level criticism at DM Gallant
- September 29, 2024: DM Gallant persists with administrative orders
- September 26, 2024: Police detain and assault activist who sued officer
- September 25, 2024: Police reopen case against violent Arab bus driver
- September 25, 2024: Court relaxes house arrest conditions for Sde Teiman soldiers
- September 24, 2024: Injured terrorist who sued victim is sentenced
- September 23, 2024: Honenu to police: Arrest the Arab security guard inciting to terror
- September 22, 2024: Arab bus driver convicted of attack near Modi’in
- September 22, 2024: Attacked Jewish youth detained for interrogation
- September 19, 2024: J’lem District Court orders seizure of PA funds for punitive compensation
- September 17, 2024: Old City assailant sued for NIS 45,000
- September 16, 2024: Attack victim detained and interrogated as suspect
- September 16, 2024: DM Gallant signs another administrative order
- September 15, 2024: Police reopen Hadera attack case after Honenu appeal
- September 12, 2024: Arab mob attacks Jews in Hadera, but police close the case
- September 11, 2024: Four administrative detainees appeal their orders
- September 10, 2024: AG transfers investigation of Sde Teiman video clip to the IDF
- September 10, 2024: Arab attacks Jewish sheltered factory worker
- September 10, 2024: Givat Assaf incident: Police claim protesters threw rocks
- September 9, 2024: French Hill assailants indicted
- September 9, 2024: Police officers convicted of brutality at Shilo vineyard destruction
- September 9, 2024: Detained minors finally meet with attorneys
- September 8, 2024: Gag order imposed on case, minors denied legal counsel
- September 7, 2024: Bedouins attack Jewish shepherd in Mevo’ot Yeriho
- September 5, 2024: Major- General Avi Bluth refuses to cancel engaged man’s administrative order
- September 5, 2024: Police: Givat Assaf incident not a traffic accident
- September 5, 2024: Detained minors to be held one week without benefit of legal counsel
- September 5, 2024: Double murder Hawara terrorist indicted
- September 4, 2024: Three detainees interrogated for two days without meeting with an attorney
- September 4, 2024: Yeshivat Homesh demands that B’tselem remove false claim
- September 3, 2024: Jews attacked while “Circling the Gates” in J’lem
- September 3, 2024: GSS detains minor and bars meeting with attorney
- September 3, 2024: Arab arrested for puncturing tires in Jerusalem
- September 2, 2024: Sde Teiman soldiers will return to work
- August 29, 2024: Honenu appeals house arrest of Sde Teiman soldiers
- August 28, 2024: Hearing to be held for four administrative detainees
- August 28, 2024: Two more Givat Ronen detainees released
- August 28, 2024: Honenu demands investigative material in Sde Teiman case
- August 22, 2024: DM Gallant signs four administrative orders
- August 22, 2024: After showcase detention, minor released, adults expected to be released
- August 22, 2024: Five Sde Teiman soldiers still under house arrest
- August 21, 2024: Jewish children board bus, Arab driver leaves mother at bus stop
- August 21, 2024: Arab bus driver indicted for attack near Bnei Brak
- August 20, 2024: Terrorists indicted in Yeshivat Homesh case
- August 19, 2024: Police threaten terror attack victim
- August 19, 2024: Victim says attack, police say accident
- August 18, 2024: One Givat Ronen detainee released
- August 18, 2024: Itamar resident released to house arrest
- August 18, 2024: Gush Etzion resident released with Honenu’s assistance
- August 15, 2024: Attacked Beit Orot couple awarded additional compensation
- August 15, 2024: Arab bus driver assaults yeshiva student in Mitzpe Ramon
- August 14, 2024: Court releases right-wing activist detained in Gaza Envelope
- August 12, 2024: Courts bars press photographers from Sde Teiman hearings
- August 12, 2024: Arab media reveals faces of Sde Teiman soldiers
- August 11, 2024: Detained Sde Teiman soldiers’ remand extended by two days, again
- August 8, 2024: Military court addresses Sde Teiman case leaks to media
- August 7, 2024: Honenu again appeals Sde Teiman detainees’ remand extension
- August 7, 2024: Minors detained at Tzur Yisrael unconditionally released
- August 7, 2024: One year later, case closed against Elisha Yered
- August 7, 2024: Honenu to police: Arrest the assailants
- August 6, 2024: MK Son Har-Melech appeals the closing of assault case
- August 6, 2024: Honenu: “The scandal must be ended!”
- August 4, 2024: Detained Sde Teiman soldiers’ remand extended by two days
- August 4, 2024: Hearing to be held for detained Sde Teiman soldiers
- August 1, 2024: Jewish driver sues convicted Arab assailant for NIS 150,000
- July 31, 2024: Detained Sde Teiman soldiers describe incident
- July 31, 2024: Honenu appeals Sde Teiman detainees’ remand extension
- July 31, 2024: Havat Maon resident accused by foreign anarchist exonerated
- July 30, 2024: Hearing for detained Sde Teiman soldiers begins
- July 30, 2024: Wife of detained Sde Teiman soldier speaks
- July 30, 2024: Detained Sde Teiman soldiers held in remand overnight
- July 29, 2024: Attorneys barred from counseling detained Sde Teiman soldiers
- July 28, 2024: Three detained at protest over Arab workers at Bruchin
- July 28, 2024: Honenu to State Attorney: “Reopen the case”
- July 26, 2024: Neriya Zarog – Updates
- July 25, 2024: Police return tefillin after over a year
- July 25, 2024: Neriya Zarog requests alternative to administrative order
- July 24, 2024: Arab bus driver still not indicted for attack near Bnei Brak
- July 23, 2024: Honenu appealed, the PIU reopened brutality case
- July 21, 2024: Terrorist indicted three years after attack
- July 15, 2024: Success: Suit against ‘Derech Chayim’ dropped
- July 9, 2024: Another protester detained in Emanuel
- July 7, 2024: Slanderous statement about Yeshivat Homesh is a lie
- July 4, 2024: Israel Police to compensate minor for mistreatment
- July 2, 2024: Police detain Elei Azza founders for trespassing
- June 26, 2024: One detained at protest in Efrat
- June 23, 2024: Protester detained in Emanuel
- June 19, 2024: Honenu considering appeal over stiff sentences
- June 19, 2024: Falsely-detained Attorney Rom to add defamation charge to suit
- June 13, 2024: Detainee held under shocking remand conditions fully acquitted
- June 13, 2024: Old City incident: Attacked soldier released from remand
- May 29, 2024: Honenu demands trial for car-ramming in J’lem
- May 28, 2024: Honenu to J’lem Police: Cease baseless Pride March protest detentions
- May 27, 2024: Another J’lem Day mob attack terrorist convicted
- May 21, 2024: DM signs administrative order against Shomron farm resident
- May 20, 2024: Assaulted bus passenger awarded compensation
- May 19, 2024: Two protesters detained near Kiryat Gat
- May 15, 2024: Court released minors despite police opposition
- May 14, 2024: Temple Mount flag waver detained
- May 9, 2024: Beit El resident interrogated by GSS ordered released
- May 9, 2024: Demonstrators block aid trucks to Gaza, 4 detained
- May 6, 2024: Detainee prohibited from meeting with attorney
- May 6, 2024: Detainee held despite lack of evidence
- May 3, 2024: Postponed hearing held, detainee’s remand extended by two days
- May 3, 2024: Detainee not brought to court, hearing postponed
- May 1, 2024: Hundreds protest destruction at Or Meir; three detained
- May 1, 2024: Four detained when protesting against aid to Gaza Strip
- April 28, 2024: DM signs five administrative orders on holiday eve
- April 22, 2024: 11 detained over plans to perform Passover sacrifice, all released
- April 22, 2024: Legal campaign for Israeli citizens under sanctions continues
- April 21, 2024: Honenu demands minor’s release from administrative detention
- April 21, 2024: Sandak case: Request for indictment cancellation on grounds of abuse of process
- April 21, 2024: Eight detained in predawn raid
- April 18, 2024: DM Gallant serves administrative detention order to minor
- April 18, 2024: No criminal trial, so assault victim sues in civil court
- April 18, 2024: Honenu appeals to reopen assault case
- April 17, 2024: Havat Maon resident detained after defending attacked shepherd
- April 16, 2024: Detainees sexually harassed and illegally handcuffed
- April 16, 2024: Protester dragged by his beard, PIU closed case, Honenu appealed
- April 15, 2024: Attorney Rom sues police over false detention
- April 15, 2024: Protesters detained, Ahimeir’s murderers still at large
- April 11, 2024: Police ruin class trip, three students compensated for false detention
- April 11, 2024: Court releases detainee charged with assaulting IDF officer
- April 11, 2024: Last-minute detention order extension appealed
- April 10, 2024: Civil Service Commission interrogator threatens right-wing activist
- April 10, 2024: Honenu to Major-General Fuchs: Cancel the order
- April 8, 2024: At hearing, Civil Service Commission requests more time to prepare case
- April 8, 2024: Old City resident awarded 40,000 NIS compensation
- April 7, 2024: Prolonged legal battle ends with terror victim recognition
- April 4, 2024: Ramadan in Jerusalem: Arabs incite, Jewish resident is banned
- April 2, 2024: DM Gallant signs last-minute detention order extension
- April 1, 2024: Military Prosecution to appeal sentence in Gelman murder case
- April 1, 2024: Family of detained injured combat soldier petitions High Court
- March 31, 2024: Minor falsely detained at Sandak protest awarded compensation
- March 29, 2024: Arik Ascherman - Cases
- March 28, 2024: Arab convicted of attempted rape sued in civil court
- March 28, 2024: GSS attempts to recruit youth drop-out in failed ruse
- March 28, 2024: Administrative order bars youth from celebrating Purim in Jerusalem
- March 28, 2024: Dozens protest at Kerem Shalom crossing, four detained
- March 27, 2024: Case reopened, Old City assailant convicted
- March 27, 2024: Jewish family sues left-wing activist for slander
- March 25, 2024: Arrested for request to read the Book of Esther in ancient Gaza synagogue
- March 22, 2024: Postponed administrative order appealed
- March 21, 2024: Precedential ruling: Administrative order postponed
- March 21, 2024: Attempted murder in Hevron requires decisive actions
- March 19, 2024: After 3-year litigation, King Store withdraws libel suit
- March 12, 2024: Supreme Court denies request from Meir Gabai’s attacker
- March 10, 2024: Injured combat soldier detained
- March 10, 2024: Honenu to Israel Police: Suspend the brutal officer
- March 8, 2024: GSS agents to administrative detainee: “You have a lot to lose”
- March 7, 2024: Honenu appealed, court released illegally detained minor
- March 7, 2024: Honenu Attorney Rom will sue Netivot Police officers
- March 6, 2024: Honenu: Investigate police brutality at Kerem Shalom
- March 5, 2024: Honenu Attorney Rom detained at Netivot Police Station
- March 4, 2024: Eliav Gelman’s murderer not sentenced to life
- March 4, 2024: Why were Arab, but not Jewish, detainees released?
- February 22, 2024: Victim attacked after recording crime
- February 22, 2024: 30 demonstrators detained at Kerem Shalom Crossing
- February 21, 2024: Suspended prison guards petition for reinstatement
- February 18, 2024: State refuses to appeal terrorist's lenient sentence
- February 15, 2024: Honenu's first victory in legal campaign for Israeli citizens under sanctions
- February 14, 2024: Honenu launches legal campaign for Israeli citizens under sanctions
- February 13, 2024: Detained Givati soldier released
- February 12, 2024: Britain sanctions Moshe Sharvit
- February 11, 2024: Protesters holding prayers at Kerem Shalom Crossing detained
- February 11, 2024: State Attorney appeals Wadi Ara terrorist sentencing
- February 8, 2024: Meir Gabai calls for appeal on attacker's sentence
- February 6, 2024: Busload of protesters detained en route to Kerem Shalom Crossing
- February 1, 2024: Kerem Shalom Crossing detainees released
- January 31, 2024: Nitzana Crossing protesters released
- January 31, 2024: 40 protesters detained at Kerem Shalom Crossing
- January 30, 2024: More protesters detained at Kerem Shalom Crossing
- January 30, 2024: Detained reserve soldier released
- January 30, 2024: Honenu demands return of illegally dismissed prison guards
- January 30, 2024: Right-wing activist summoned over tweets
- January 29, 2024: Reserve soldier protesting at Kerem Shalom Crossing detained
- January 29, 2024: Protesters detained at Nitzana Crossing
- January 28, 2024: Terror victim protests aid to Gaza
- January 25, 2024: "The State attempted to defame Elisha Yered"
- January 17, 2024: Shuafat attacker sentenced, will pay compensation
- January 15, 2024: Meir Gabai’s attacker given lenient sentence
- January 15, 2024: Elisha Yered not informed of case closing
- January 11, 2024: Will Elisha Yered's rights be violated again?
- January 10, 2024: Protester sues over brutal detention
- January 8, 2024: Attacked house-sitters compensated for detention
- January 3, 2024: Neriya Ben Pazi appeals administrative order
- December 13, 2023: Elisha Yered released, but still harassed
- December 11, 2023: Petition rejected, terrorist’s house to be demolished
- December 11, 2023: Elisha Yered released from detention
- December 3, 2023: Government ministers criticized over treatment of terror victims
- November 30, 2023: Court serves released terrorist with stalking injunction
- November 28, 2023: Rock and Molotov cocktail terror – Cases
- November 27, 2023: One of Janashvilli's attackers sentenced
- November 7, 2023: Detained IDF combat soldier released, returned to front-line unit
- September 6, 2023: Neriya Zarog appeals to court for his release
- September 3, 2023: Minor sues Israel Police over mistreatment
- September 3, 2023: Jewish woman attacked at New Gate, no suspects detained
- August 30, 2023: Arab minor threatens Jews with knife in Old City Jerusalem
- August 30, 2023: Justice demands alternative to administrative detention
- August 28, 2023: Victim sues Shavuot eve assailant for 30,000 NIS
- August 27, 2023: Pregnant woman attacked on way to hospital, no arrests
- August 27, 2023: Assault victims interrogated as suspects
- August 27, 2023: Arabs attack Jewish family in City of David
- August 24, 2023: Police to pay Attorney Rom NIS 7,500 compensation
- August 24, 2023: State Attorney appeals Yoshvaev arsonists' sentencing
- August 23, 2023: Did the GSS recruit a Binyamin resident?
- August 21, 2023: Oz Tzion attack and detentions, August 2023
- August 21, 2023: Neriya Zarog submits legal objection to GOC of the Central Command
- August 21, 2023: Petah Tikva stabber indicted for terror attack
- August 15, 2023: District Court releases Indor to house arrest
- August 15, 2023: Indor released to house arrest, again
- August 14, 2023: Honenu demands investigation of Petah Tikva stabbing as a terror attack
- August 14, 2023: District Court maintains Indor's claim of self-defense
- August 14, 2023: District Court to rule on Indor's remand extension
- August 13, 2023: Demonstration protesting Indor's detention
- August 13, 2023: Honenu objects to Indor's transfer from hospital
- August 11, 2023: Yehiel Indor's remand extended by five days
- August 10, 2023: Supreme Court releases Elisha Yered to house arrest
- August 9, 2023: Yered released to house arrest, Indor still in remand
- August 9, 2023: Magistrates Court releases Yered and Indor
- August 9, 2023: Supreme Court returns decision on Elisha Yered to Magistrates Court
- August 8, 2023: Police to appeal Yered's release
- August 8, 2023: Elisha Yered released to house arrest
- August 8, 2023: Honenu appealed for release of Yered and Indor
- August 7, 2023: Oz Tzion detainees expected to be released soon
- August 7, 2023: Oz Tzion shepherd files complaint against attackers
- August 6, 2023: MK Gottlieb visits Oz Zion resident: "He's in intensive care, and he's detained!"
- August 6, 2023: Attack near Oz Tzion: No Arab rioters detained or interrogated
- August 5, 2023: Serious attack near Oz Zion in Binyamin on Shabbat
- July 31, 2023: Otzma Yehudit MKs: "Cancel the administrative orders!"
- July 27, 2023: Administrative detentions authorized on Tisha B'Av eve
- July 27, 2023: Tisha B'Av: Over 10 detainees on the Temple Mount
- July 26, 2023: Arabs attack Yeshiva students at kayaking site
- July 24, 2023: Deir Qaddis attacker apprehended
- July 23, 2023: Amiram Ben Uliel's heavily coached reenactment
- July 23, 2023: Police detain 13-year-old boy despite court decision
- July 20, 2023: Court authorizes five administrative detentions
- July 19, 2023: Administrative detainees brought to hearing
- July 17, 2023: DM Gallant signs three more administrative orders
- July 17, 2023: Detained at dawn, but not brought to court
- July 13, 2023: Driver of terrorist squad that murdered R. Shevah convicted
- July 13, 2023: Kfar Saba Memorial Day terrorist withdraws appeal
- July 13, 2023: One of Janashvilli's attackers convicted of attempted murder
- July 13, 2023: Newlywed Ariel Dahari still under administrative order
- July 12, 2023: "The GSS is fixated on finding Jewish suspects"
- July 12, 2023: Soldier detained after Eli terror attack indicted
- July 12, 2023: Detainee held under shocking remand conditions indicted
- July 11, 2023: Suspect charged with setting Rabbi Lior's car on fire sentenced
- July 10, 2023: DM signs administrative order minutes before hearing
- July 10, 2023: Bnei Brak victim: "Indict the terrorist for attempted murder"
- July 9, 2023: Detainee held under shocking remand conditions released
- July 6, 2023: Soldier detained after Eli terror attack released
- July 6, 2023: Left-wing activist indicted for assaulting Tal Yoshvaev
- July 5, 2023: Gag order lifted, shocking remand conditions revealed
- July 3, 2023: Trial of Ahuvia Sandak's friends begins
- July 3, 2023: Honenu to Jerusalem Police: Mt. Zion is a public site
- July 3, 2023: Ramat Gan resident fined for anti-LGBT sign
- June 29, 2023: Justice for Destau Bisset, Hy"d!
- June 28, 2023: Friend of terror attack victim released from remand
- June 28, 2023: Protester sues police over beard-tearing incident
- June 26, 2023: Court releases Yehuda and Shomron residents detained near Ateret
- June 26, 2023: Detained friends of Eli terror attack victims to meet with attorney
- June 26, 2023: Honenu to Police Commissioner: Dismiss the brutal officer
- June 25, 2023: Father of GSS detainee speaks
- June 25, 2023: Soldier detained near Ateret transferred to GSS
- June 25, 2023: Rabbi Eliyahu on discrimination by the judicial system
- June 24, 2023: Ateret placed under lockdown for hours
- June 24, 2023: Honenu director: "You are turning victims into attackers"
- June 23, 2023: Four friends of Eli terror attack victims detained
- June 23, 2023: GSS detains another friend of Eli terror attack victims
- June 23, 2023: Detainees to spend Shabbat in remand
- June 23, 2023: Three more detainees have not met with an attorney
- June 22, 2023: Arabs attack Jewish children near Ariel, their defender is detained
- June 22, 2023: Jerusalem courts reject church's claim of trespassing
- June 22, 2023: Ramle dedicates square in memory of Destau Bisset, Hy"d
- June 21, 2023: Ramle to dedicate square in memory of Destau Bisset, Hy"d
- June 21, 2023: Eli terror attack detainees released
- June 20, 2023: Temple Mount activists detained with lamb unconditionally released
- June 19, 2023: Terrorist convicted of Lod stabbing during Operation Guardian of the Walls
- June 16, 2023: Justice for Amiram! - 60 protesters outside Eshel Prison
- June 15, 2023: PIU foot-dragging on sexual assault complaint from MK Son Har-Melech
- June 15, 2023: Bisset family to DM Gallant: Recognize Destau Bisset as terror victim
- June 15, 2023: Kochav Ya'akov resident charged with throwing rocks released from remand
- June 14, 2023: Court releases illegally handcuffed detainee
- June 13, 2023: Assault victims interrogated under warning for assault
- June 13, 2023: Two more terrorists sentenced for Yoshvaev arson incident
- June 11, 2023: Jewish man assaulted by Arab security guards accused of assault!
- June 8, 2023: Released from administrative detention, but not to brother’s bar mitzva
- June 8, 2023: GSS interrogated a soldier and three civilians on Shavuot
- June 6, 2023: Arab worker attacks Jewish woman in front of her children
- June 6, 2023: District Court releases detained attack victims
- June 5, 2023: Detained IDF soldier released to house arrest
- May 31, 2023: Honenu to police: Stop false detentions on Pride March day
- May 30, 2023: Jew assaulted by Arab at entrance to Bab Hutta awarded 14,000 NIS
- May 28, 2023: Lenient plea bargain after attempted weapon theft from IDF soldier
- May 28, 2023: Nine anti-missionary protesters detained near Western Wall
- May 25, 2023: Justice for Amiram!
- May 25, 2023: Kfar Duma Arson Case
- May 24, 2023: Avraham Yered to be released to administrative restrictions
- May 24, 2023: Detained IDF soldier to meet with attorney
- May 24, 2023: Honenu to Chief Rabbis: Help Amiram celebrate Shavuot
- May 23, 2023: Detained IDF soldier banned from meeting with attorney
- May 22, 2023: Petition to DM Gallant: Allow Avraham Yered to get married
- May 22, 2023: Temple Mount activist petitions court over Old City ban
- May 18, 2023: Update on Amiram Ben Uliel
- May 18, 2023: Honenu Attorney detained on Temple Mount
- May 14, 2023: Detained Jerusalem Pride March protester awarded compensation
- May 11, 2023: Honenu: Verdict is not commensurate with circumstances
- May 10, 2023: Rock-attack terrorist sentenced to 10.5 years
- May 10, 2023: Man and his mother attacked, assailants indicted
- May 8, 2023: Jews preventing Arabs from plowing Jewish land detained
- May 8, 2023: Honenu demands reopening of violent carjacking case
- May 7, 2023: Police beat right-wing demonstrator in Rehovot
- May 3, 2023: Arabs break victim's toe, Honenu demands arrest
- May 2, 2023: Honenu denounces discriminatory enforcement of incitement laws
- May 1, 2023: Court dismisses indictment of youth accused of assaulting Arab
- May 1, 2023: Dahari's administrative order extended by four more months
- April 30, 2023: Suspect charged with setting Rabbi Lior's car on fire convicted
- April 30, 2023: Honenu to police: Terror attack, not accident
- April 27, 2023: Administrative restraining order will result in loss of livelihood
- April 27, 2023: Court releases Temple Mount activist
- April 27, 2023: Arab bus driver assaults Jewish driver near Modi’in
- April 23, 2023: Honenu: The conviction is political persecution
- April 20, 2023: Prison Service denied Jewish detainee house arrest due to Ramadan
- April 20, 2023: Yoshvaev family sues arsonists for 1,300,000 NIS
- April 20, 2023: Shimon HaTzadik terrorist to be convicted of attempted murder
- April 19, 2023: Yeshivat Homesh indictments canceled
- April 18, 2023: GSS detainee sexually harassed
- April 4, 2023: Amiram Ben Uliel will not be alone for the Passover Seder
- April 3, 2023: District Court reduces administrative detention by one month
- April 3, 2023: Honenu to Chief Rabbis: Help Amiram participate in the Seder
- April 2, 2023: Jew assaulted by Arab at entrance to Bab Hutta sues for 120,000 NIS
- April 2, 2023: Passover Seder outside Eshel Prison for Amiram Ben Uliel
- April 2, 2023: Ben Uliel's exoneration should follow Zadorov's
- March 30, 2023: Recent GSS detainees have not met with an attorney
- March 29, 2023: Court acquits detainee from demonstration for Ahuvia Sandak, z"l
- March 28, 2023: Hawara detainees unconditionally released
- March 27, 2023: Discriminatory use of water cannon at demonstration
- March 27, 2023: Administrative orders served despite exonerating evidence
- March 26, 2023: "Right-wing activists have rights, too"
- March 22, 2023: Court rejected appeal by terrorist who murdered Avraham Hasno, Hy"d
- March 20, 2023: Attacked Beit Orot couple sue additional assailant
- March 16, 2023: Honenu CEO to DM Gallant: Release the detainee for family brit celebration
- March 15, 2023: DM Gallant: Detainee not allowed to join family brit celebration
- March 14, 2023: Honenu to PIU: Investigate acts of police brutality in Eviatar
- March 14, 2023: GSS detainees have not met with an attorney
- March 13, 2023: Arab police station security guard assaults Jewish youth
- March 12, 2023: Honenu: Administrative orders serve foreign interests
- March 9, 2023: More terrorists sentenced in Beit Orot attack case
- March 6, 2023: Administrative detention reduced for Shomron minor
- March 6, 2023: Youth sues over police brutality at Shilo vineyard destruction
- March 5, 2023: Harassment: Police still check home for administrative detainee
- March 5, 2023: Administrative detention reduced for Shomron resident
- March 2, 2023: Hawara detainees conditionally released
- March 2, 2023: DM Gallant serves administrative orders to released Hawara detainees
- March 1, 2023: Honenu to Military Advocate General: Investigate the false statement
- March 1, 2023: Remand extended for Hawara detainees
- March 1, 2023: Detainee released within hours, court order was baseless
- February 28, 2023: Detentions at Binyamin rock terror protest
- February 27, 2023: Binyamin Brigade Commander gave false testimony
- February 26, 2023: Last Yitzhar raid detainee released
- February 23, 2023: Prison guard assaulted Shomron resident
- February 22, 2023: Appeal to investigate Tisha B'Av attack near Prophet Micah's Tomb
- February 20, 2023: Claimant awarded 10,000 NIS in civil suit
- February 20, 2023: Police raid Yitzhar before sunrise, detain residents
- February 20, 2023: Despite Courts refusal to issue warrant, police detain Yitzhar resident
- February 20, 2023: MK Son Har-Melech to Police Comm.: Dismiss the offending officers
- February 19, 2023: Honenu: Fire the border police officers for brutality
- February 17, 2023: MK Son Har-Melech filed PIU complaint for sexual assault
- February 15, 2023: Police brutality at Shilo vineyard destruction
- February 14, 2023: Left-wing activist indicted for assaulting farmer
- February 13, 2023: Ben Uliel petitioned court over prison conditions
- February 13, 2023: Courthouse staff went home early, detainee spent Shabbat behind bars
- February 9, 2023: Appeal rejected despite assailant's admission of racist motive
- February 9, 2023: Police will investigate Arab prisoner who bit Jewish prisoner
- February 8, 2023: Honenu: Investigate the criminally reckless Arab bus driver
- February 7, 2023: Supreme Court denies Ben Uliel appeal
- February 7, 2023: Attacked Beit Orot couple sue for damages
- February 6, 2023: Honenu demands appeal of lenient sentencing
- February 5, 2023: Hevron attack terrorist's house will be demolished
- February 1, 2023: Injured terrorist who sued victim is indicted
- January 31, 2023: HaNevi'im Street attacker given light penalty
- January 31, 2023: "Insignificant" case closed without indictment
- January 29, 2023: Dahari released from administrative order for wedding and Shabbat
- January 29, 2023: Demand to reopen Jerusalem Day assault case
- January 29, 2023: Injured terrorist sues victim, court rejects suit
- January 26, 2023: Honenu appealed, the assailant was indicted
- January 26, 2023: J'lem Day mob attack terrorists sentenced
- January 25, 2023: Honenu requested, the State Attorney appealed
- January 24, 2023: Minor detained at Sandak protest sues police
- January 24, 2023: Administrative order still stands, two days before wedding
- January 23, 2023: Damon Prison: Arab prisoner bit Jewish prisoner
- January 22, 2023: Arab attacker detained, but released days later
- January 22, 2023: Outpost in memory of R. Chaim Drukman destroyed
- January 22, 2023: Likud activists call for cancelation of administrative orders
- January 19, 2023: Honenu appeals to reopen road violence case
- January 19, 2023: Yeshivat Homesh: Hearings for rabbis and students postponed
- January 19, 2023: Yeshivat Homesh: Hearings for rabbis and students postponed
- January 18, 2023: Jewish victim who acted in self-defense exonerated from all charges
- January 18, 2023: R. Drukman's support of administrative detainees
- January 17, 2023: Detainees' families protest at Ayalon Prison: Cancel the administrative orders
- January 16, 2023: Janashvilli: Revoke my attackers' citizenship
- January 16, 2023: Yeshiva student on family vacation attacked in J'lem
- January 15, 2023: Sandak protest: Despite video clips, police brutality not investigated
- January 12, 2023: Parents of administrative detainees to DM Gallant: Cancel the orders
- January 12, 2023: Harassment of Sandak case protesters continues
- January 11, 2023: Police denied minors food, the judge provided
- January 11, 2023: Administrative order imposed on engaged Shomron resident left standing
- January 10, 2023: R. Eliyahu on the two-year memorial of Ahuvia Sandak, z"l
- January 8, 2023: Two terrorists convicted for Yoshvaev arson incident
- January 6, 2023: Prof. Aumann to Supreme Court President: Reconsider the Ben Uliel case
- January 5, 2023: Reckless Arab bus driver injured elderly passenger
- January 4, 2023: Policemen without badges uprooted Yitzhar vineyard
- January 3, 2023: Pride March protester compensated, police policy revealed
- January 3, 2023: Will an IDF petition to demolish terrorist's house be accepted?
- January 2, 2023: Administrative order imposed on Shomron resident 3 weeks before his wedding
- January 1, 2023: Yeshivat Homesh awarded 100,000 NIS in slander suit
- December 31, 2022: MK Saada at Sandak memorial: They would not listen
- December 30, 2022: Police want to stop "Justice for Ahuvia!" protests
- December 29, 2022: Former MK Ben Ari launched legal battle
- December 29, 2022: Demand to investigate attack in Old City J'lem
- December 29, 2022: Two years since Ahuvia Sandak's death, R. Drukman's condolence call
- December 28, 2022: Former MK Ben Ari launches legal battle
- December 27, 2022: Brutal policeman still not investigated, suit filed
- December 27, 2022: Inciting journalist investigated
- December 27, 2022: Inciting journalist investigated
- December 26, 2022: Honenu mourns the passing of Rabbi Chaim Drukman, ztz"l
- December 25, 2022: Jewish homes attacked three times in one week
- December 21, 2022: Body of arch-terrorist to be held by the State
- December 20, 2022: Bereaved families to DM: Do not release arch-terrorist's body
- December 20, 2022: High Court petition: Do not release arch-terrorist's body
- December 20, 2022: Ben Uliel sues GSS for 5 million NIS
- December 19, 2022: Disturbing assault "trend" in Old City J'lem
- December 14, 2022: One attacker indicted in road violence case
- December 14, 2022: Petition rejected, detainee not released for sister's wedding
- December 14, 2022: Old City terror victim awarded huge compensation
- December 13, 2022: Attacker finally indicted after two appeals
- December 13, 2022: Minor sentenced for Yoshvaev arson incident
- December 11, 2022: Honenu: Temple Mount attack was an act of terror
- December 7, 2022: Terrorists' families attack Rozen and his attorney after hearing
- December 7, 2022: Administrative detainee petitions to attend sister's wedding
- December 6, 2022: Will a Beit Orot attacker be paroled?
- December 4, 2022: Terrorist's attorney: Jewish presence is the problem
- December 4, 2022: Molotov-cocktail terrorist sued for damages of 200,000 NIS
- December 4, 2022: Protest: No more administrative orders!
- December 1, 2022: Beit Hanina attackers released to house arrest
- November 29, 2022: Appeal accepted in Beit Orot attack case
- November 29, 2022: DM's parting gesture: Administrative order to Shomron youth
- November 27, 2022: Arabs infiltrated farm, attacked farmer in Gush Etzion
- November 26, 2022: Honenu: Inciting activists must be penalized
- November 24, 2022: Potentially fatal rock attack near Mt. Olives
- November 22, 2022: Victim demands dismissal of terror-supporting doctor
- November 20, 2022: Honenu demands immediate investigation of brutal policeman
- November 16, 2022: Molotov cocktail set man on fire, but the case was closed
- November 15, 2022: Border policeman injured youth at protest today
- November 14, 2022: Mitzpeh Ziv terrorist sentenced
- November 14, 2022: Honenu: No grounds for administrative order
- November 10, 2022: Stabbing victim to DM: Demolish the terrorist's house
- November 9, 2022: Another Pride March protester awarded compensation
- November 8, 2022: Jewish journalist attacked within sight of police
- November 8, 2022: Detainee released by court, but DM Gantz signed administrative order
- November 7, 2022: Tal Yoshvaev attacked in sukka
- November 7, 2022: Police ordered to transfer Bisset murder case material to GSS
- November 6, 2022: Remand until end of proceedings for terrorist who destroyed R. Lior's car
- November 6, 2022: Arabs attack Jewish family in Beit Hanina
- November 5, 2022: Demonstration protesting violation of Shimon HaTzadik detainees' rights
- November 3, 2022: One Shimon HaTzadik detainee released
- November 3, 2022: Rabbis call on GSS to stop interrogation of GSS detainees
- November 3, 2022: R. Eliyahu calls for release of Shimon HaTzadik detainees
- November 2, 2022: Supreme Court rejected arch-terrorist's request for appeal on parole denial
- November 1, 2022: Gag order lifted from Shimon HaTzadik case
- October 30, 2022: Arab woman choked Jewish youth in Ramle
- October 29, 2022: Protest, GSS detainees still not met with an attorney
- October 28, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik detainees have not met with an attorney
- October 27, 2022: En banc Supreme Court hearing requested for Ben Uliel
- October 26, 2022: Defenders of home in Shimon HaTzadik detained
- October 26, 2022: Court rejected arch-terrorist's second parole request
- October 26, 2022: Arab attacked man defending harassed youth on J'lem light rail
- October 25, 2022: Beit Hanina attackers detained and released the same day
- October 24, 2022: HaNevi'im Street attacker convicted
- October 24, 2022: Police raid Oz Tzion without warrants
- October 20, 2022: Arabs attack yeshiva students in J'lem, one detained, but released
- October 16, 2022: All Hawara protest detainees released
- October 10, 2022: Two Jewish brothers attacked on Sukkot
- October 7, 2022: Youth received compensation for two Pride March detentions
- October 7, 2022: Temple Mount activists not distanced from Eastern Wall
- October 6, 2022: Arch-terrorist not granted parole
- October 3, 2022: Three minors detained on Temple Mount
- October 3, 2022: Youth sues over police brutality at Yahish Tzion
- October 2, 2022: Court decision: Blowing a shofar at the Eastern Wall is permitted
- October 2, 2022: One detainee at protest following shooting
- September 29, 2022: Honenu: Appeal the Memorial Day attack terrorist's sentence
- September 29, 2022: Honenu to AG: Investigate the inciting journalist
- September 28, 2022: Gelman family demands maximum sentence for terrorist
- September 24, 2022: Ben Uliel will pray alone in his cell on Rosh HaShana
- September 22, 2022: Honenu to Chief Rabbis: Help Ben Uliel pray with a minyan
- September 22, 2022: Glass bottle smashed in youth's face, Honenu demands indictment
- September 21, 2022: Sha'ar Shechem attacker sentenced to 33-month active sentence
- September 21, 2022: Honenu to PIU: Investigate the border policeman who pulled a man by his payot
- September 20, 2022: Residents detained at Binyamin outposts
- September 19, 2022: Honenu to State Attorney: Appeal the lenient ruling
- September 19, 2022: Honenu to Israel Police: Reopen Ra'anana mob attack case
- September 19, 2022: Memorial Day attack terrorist sentenced
- September 18, 2022: Impounded car returned to Yeshivat Homesh
- September 16, 2022: Police demand private photos from wedding photographers
- September 15, 2022: Sandak protest: Detainee awarded compensation
- September 15, 2022: Jewish shepherds attacked near Ma'aleh Hever
- September 15, 2022: Will an arch-terrorist be granted parole?
- September 13, 2022: Right-wing activist sues journalist for libel
- September 13, 2022: Sha'ar Yafo car-ramming terrorists sentenced
- September 12, 2022: Sha'ar Yafo car-ramming terrorists to be sentenced
- September 12, 2022: Detainee released thanks to intervention by Honenu
- September 11, 2022: Honenu: Allow Ben Uliel his religious rights on the High Holidays
- September 9, 2022: Protests after shooting in Hawara
- September 7, 2022: Two more terrorists indicted in Janashvilli case
- September 7, 2022: State Attorney to appeal lenient penalty for Beit Orot attackers
- September 6, 2022: Geulat Tzion filed complaint over police brutality
- September 5, 2022: Parole board rejected request from Janashvilli's attacker
- September 1, 2022: Supreme Court rejects Ben Uliel appeal
- September 1, 2022: Attorney Feldman: Supreme Court ruling authorizes confession by torture
- August 31, 2022: Tomorrow: Supreme Court decision on Ben Uliel appeal
- August 30, 2022: Court ordered release of Ramat Migron detainees
- August 30, 2022: Police brutality reported at destruction of houses in Ramat Migron
- August 30, 2022: Arabs attack Bnei Akiva youth in Lod
- August 29, 2022: Janashvilli opposes parole of his attacker
- August 28, 2022: Assault case closed despite evidence
- August 26, 2022: Arabs attack Jewish children, their defender is detained
- August 26, 2022: State Attorney's Office persists: Border policeman is not a victim of terror
- August 25, 2022: Case closed, Shomron resident acted properly
- August 25, 2022: Honenu: Soldiers' hands must not be tied
- August 23, 2022: Detained Pride March protester's appeal not yet handled
- August 21, 2022: Elisha Yered ordered released to house arrest
- August 19, 2022: Honenu appealed to J'lem District Court: Release Elisha Yered
- August 18, 2022: Against regulations, Ben Uliel not allowed to hug his daughter at visit
- August 18, 2022: Honenu: GSS must investigate Tisha B'Av attack near Prophet Micah's Tomb
- August 15, 2022: Another indictment in Janashvilli attack case
- August 11, 2022: Two attackers, only one is being investigated
- August 10, 2022: Tisha B'Av attack near Prophet Micah's Tomb
- August 9, 2022: Arabs attacked Jews in Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av
- August 8, 2022: Suspect charged with setting Rabbi Lior's car on fire indicted
- August 7, 2022: Nine Temple Mount detainees on Tisha B'Av
- August 5, 2022: Arab attacked Hareidi man at funeral of R. Weiss
- August 4, 2022: After mob attack near Alei Zahav, only one suspect detained
- August 4, 2022: No'a Ariel, z"l: "We are acting like battered women"
- August 4, 2022: Arab workers attacked two Jewish brothers in J'lem
- August 2, 2022: Hareidi assault victim sues Arab attacker for 90,000 NIS
- August 1, 2022: "Five Yasamnikim on a 60-year-old diabetic"
- July 31, 2022: Remand extended for suspect of setting Rabbi Lior's car on fire
- July 31, 2022: Honenu to State Attorney in Beit Orot attack case: Appeal the lenient sentence
- July 28, 2022: Sandak family to Ombudsman: Investigate the PIU
- July 28, 2022: Honenu mourns the passing of Ya'akov Heruti, z"l
- July 28, 2022: Another of Janashvilli's attackers indicted
- July 27, 2022: Police brutality documented at Yahish Tzion
- July 27, 2022: Hareidi youth awarded 60,000 NIS after attack
- July 27, 2022: Yoshvaev sues Arab neighbor over harassment and threats
- July 26, 2022: Court ruled against the State, border policeman is victim of terror
- July 26, 2022: Arab assailant to pay Jewish driver 90,000 NIS compensation
- July 24, 2022: Another of Janashvilli's attackers has been apprehended
- July 24, 2022: Two terrorists sentenced in Beit Orot attack case
- July 21, 2022: Supreme Court ruled: Terrorists will retain Israeli citizenship
- July 21, 2022: New community detainees taken to police stations
- July 18, 2022: Administrative order recipients set up protest tents
- July 17, 2022: Will the terrorist be paroled?
- July 14, 2022: Appellate court overturned ruling in Gelman murder case
- July 13, 2022: Hearing to be held in Gelman murder case
- July 12, 2022: Last two terrorists convicted in Beit Orot attack case
- July 11, 2022: Laughing Arabs assault Jewish victim, no suspects detained
- July 10, 2022: Honenu appealed, police eased Temple Mount administrative order
- July 8, 2022: Arab security guard at light rail work site attacked Jewish man
- July 7, 2022: Shechem shooters still walking free
- July 6, 2022: Police close Ra'anana mob attack case
- July 5, 2022: Ariel detainee released to house arrest
- July 4, 2022: "Welcome to your GSS interrogation" – A detainee breaks his silence
- July 4, 2022: Arab youths attacked Jewish youth on Jerusalem light rail
- July 1, 2022: Solidarity March held in support of the Ariel detainee
- June 30, 2022: Solidarity March in support of the Ariel detainee
- June 29, 2022: Ariel attack: Security forces fired into the air in self-defense
- June 29, 2022: Senior rabbis write letter in support of Ariel detainee
- June 29, 2022: Bus driver attacked and tried to run over victim
- June 28, 2022: Honenu Attorney Keidar: Transfer the Ariel detainee to the police
- June 28, 2022: Detained protesters unconditionally released
- June 27, 2022: Updates on Ariel detainees - One suffered heart incident
- June 27, 2022: Protest opposite Knesset, Honenu Attorney Keidar meets with Ariel detainee
- June 26, 2022: Mother of 7, organizer of attacked group of children, detained in Ariel
- June 26, 2022: Protest in Ariel: "Stop the Madness!"
- June 26, 2022: Eli Rozen: It was attempted murder, no grounds for leniency
- June 26, 2022: R. Eliyahu joins call to investigate brutal attack near Ariel
- June 25, 2022: Shomron Regional Council Head Degan: "Release the attacked detainee!"
- June 24, 2022: Ariel detainee has not yet met with Honenu Attorney Keidar
- June 23, 2022: Ariel resident accused of murder after defending attacked children
- June 23, 2022: MKs sign letter in support of Ariel detainee
- June 23, 2022: MK Arbel demands answers regarding Ariel detainee
- June 23, 2022: Following second appeal, assault case reopened, again
- June 22, 2022: Honenu Attorney Keidar demands to meet with Ariel detainee
- June 22, 2022: Arabs attack Jewish children near Ariel, their defender is detained
- June 20, 2022: Terrorists convicted of injuring 10-year-old girl in rock attack
- June 20, 2022: Shuva Ben Shushan's attacker sentenced to 23 years
- June 19, 2022: Four years after complaint is filed, "Mivtan" responds
- June 16, 2022: Another terrorist convicted in Beit Orot attack case
- June 15, 2022: One-year memorial for Destau Bisset, Hy"d
- June 13, 2022: Police brutality at destruction of memorial for Rina Shnerb, Hy"d, raises public outcry
- June 12, 2022: Youth petitions Supreme Court to ascend the Temple Mount
- June 12, 2022: Etchalta Conference: Ahuvia Sandak's father spoke in his memory
- June 12, 2022: No suspects apprehended two weeks after City of David attack
- June 8, 2022: Arabs attacked a group of touring students, the guide was detained
- June 8, 2022: Administrative detainee denied phone contact with family
- June 7, 2022: Shomron flag march participant attacked on Jerusalem Day
- June 7, 2022: Destruction of memorial for Rina Shnerb, Hy"d, police brutality reported
- June 7, 2022: Assault case closed for second time, Honenu appealed
- June 6, 2022: Complaint filed over outrageous detention
- June 6, 2022: No detentions two weeks after rock terror attack
- June 6, 2022: Impounded cars returned to Yeshivat Homesh
- June 2, 2022: J'lem Pride March: Over 20 Jews detained due to their religious appearance
- June 1, 2022: Minor banned from Old City J'lem, Honenu appealed
- June 1, 2022: Brutal attack on three yeshiva students in J'lem
- May 31, 2022: Rosh HaAyin resident attacked, then detained
- May 30, 2022: Sha'ar Yafo car-ramming terrorists convicted
- May 29, 2022: Lod terrorist released with electronic anklet
- May 29, 2022: Activist sues police for illegal confiscation of personal weapon
- May 28, 2022: Rabbi Elyashiv HaCohen assaulted by police in Old City J'lem
- May 24, 2022: Still no progress in Hawara mob attack investigation
- May 23, 2022: Honenu to Supreme Court President: Defend the Temple Mount ruling
- May 23, 2022: Honenu calls for bodyguards for Judge Saharay
- May 22, 2022: Jerusalem court allows Jewish prayer on Temple Mount
- May 18, 2022: Jewish youth NOT distanced from Old City Jerusalem
- May 17, 2022: Absurd contact ban includes non-acquaintances
- May 17, 2022: Old City J'lem attack case closed despite video evidence, Honenu appealed
- May 16, 2022: Border policeman sues terrorist
- May 15, 2022: Hareidi youth unconditionally released after Shabbat in remand
- May 15, 2022: Acco terrorist allowed short release without electronic anklet
- May 12, 2022: Supreme Court approves administrative order
- May 10, 2022: Attacked couple testified in court at penalty hearing
- May 9, 2022: Penalty hearing for Shuva Ben Shushan's attacker
- May 9, 2022: Penalty hearing for Beit Orot terrorists
- May 9, 2022: Arab bus driver indicted for racially motivated threats
- May 9, 2022: PLO flag waved at Supreme Court Building entrance
- May 8, 2022: Tomorrow: Penalty hearing for Shuva Ben Shushan's attacker
- May 3, 2022: Arab attacked Jewish man in J'lem on Shabbat
- May 2, 2022: Terrorist's brother attacked Tal Yoshvaev
- May 1, 2022: Family of Yehuda Guetta, Hy"d, donates compensation funds
- April 26, 2022: Unauthorized administrative order served to Jewish youth
- April 25, 2022: Sandak family awarded compensation for legal expenses
- April 25, 2022: Indicted terrorist released due to "family circumstances"
- April 24, 2022: Pregnant woman injured in rock attack
- April 24, 2022: R. Ohayon's murderer sentenced to life imprisonment
- April 19, 2022: Judge shortened remand, DM Gantz extended it
- April 15, 2022: Another Temple Mount activist detained, released
- April 14, 2022: Arab attacked Jewish woman on the light rail in Jerusalem
- April 14, 2022: Temple Mount activists detained, strip searched
- April 14, 2022: Hozrim L'Har chairman distanced from the Temple Mount and detained
- April 13, 2022: Sandak family petitions High Court of Justice
- April 13, 2022: Gur Hamel, z"l, petitioned the court for medical treatment, died before the hearing
- April 12, 2022: Letter from Honenu to Ayalon Prison demanding medical care for Gur Hamel, z"l
- April 12, 2022: MK Raz on Gur Hamel's death: "I am waiting for investigation results"
- April 12, 2022: Horrific recording: Hamel screamed in pain hours before his death
- April 11, 2022: DM Gantz signs another administrative detention order
- April 11, 2022: Tragedy in Ayalon Prison: Gur Hamel died after being denied medical care
- April 11, 2022: Minors filmed immersing in spring awarded 40,000 NIS compensation
- April 10, 2022: Binyamin community residents warn of next attack
- April 10, 2022: Sharp increase in number and severity of administrative orders
- April 7, 2022: Illegal strip searches – Cases
- April 7, 2022: Can acts of terror be "youthful mischief"?
- April 7, 2022: Terrorist infiltrates Jewish community in Binyamin region
- April 6, 2022: Rozen: "These terrorists wanted to murder me!"
- April 5, 2022: Strip-searched students awarded 25,500 NIS compensation
- April 5, 2022: Family of Destau Bisset Hy"d: "Do not forget our father!"
- April 3, 2022: Court released activist: "Limited protests are allowed"
- March 31, 2022: Ben Uliel still held under severe conditions
- March 31, 2022: Rock narrowly misses toddler, but case is closed
- March 30, 2022: "Suspend the brutal border policeman"
- March 29, 2022: "There has been more than one terror attack in Hadera"
- March 28, 2022: Jewish driver attacked, case reopened after appeal
- March 24, 2022: Purim: Police illegally entered home of minor under house arrest
- March 24, 2022: Investigative judge continues examination of Ahuvia Sandak case
- March 24, 2022: No indictments one month after stabbing attack
- March 23, 2022: Remand shortened for administrative detainee
- March 23, 2022: Confiscated weapon returned to civilian who killed terrorist
- March 23, 2022: One-year sentence for life-threatening attack
- March 22, 2022: One of Janashvilli's attackers sentenced
- March 21, 2022: Synagogue in memory of Ahuvia, z"l, two outposts destroyed in Binyamin region - Update
- March 21, 2022: Synagogue in memory of Ahuvia, z"l, two outposts destroyed in Binyamin region
- March 18, 2022: Head of security released from administrative detention
- March 17, 2022: Court ordered police to return personal weapon to activist
- March 16, 2022: Brigade Commander requests release of head of security
- March 15, 2022: Jewish youth brutally attacked in Ma’aleh Adumim sues for compensation
- March 14, 2022: Supreme Court rejects appeal by Eli Rozen attack suspect
- March 14, 2022: Arab woman choked Jewish man, case closed without indictment
- March 14, 2022: Penalty hearing for R. Ohayon's murderer
- March 13, 2022: Arab driver vandalized Jewish-owned cars
- March 13, 2022: Hearing to be held for administrative detainee
- March 11, 2022: No evidence, no trial, so DM Gantz signs administrative order
- March 10, 2022: Barkan terror attack – October 2018
- March 9, 2022: Last abettor to Barkan terrorist sentenced
- March 9, 2022: Siege to be lifted from Yoshvaev home in Shimon HaTzadik
- March 8, 2022: Rabbinical establishment demands fair trial for Ben Uliel
- March 8, 2022: First Supreme Court hearing held on Ben Uliel's appeal
- March 8, 2022: Following appeal, assault case to be reexamined
- March 7, 2022: Protest for Ben Uliel: "Torture Leads To Lies!"
- March 6, 2022: The Kfar Duma case: The reenactment – Where is the missing recording?
- March 6, 2022: The GSS admitted that the Kfar Duma murder has not been completely solved
- March 6, 2022: The Kfar Duma case: The black car, selective validation of testimony
- March 6, 2022: The Kfar Duma case: The matter of "concealed information"
- March 6, 2022: The Kfar Duma case: The cement pillars that Ben Uliel did not remember
- March 6, 2022: The Kfar Duma case: The car that was or wasn't
- March 6, 2022: Six house-torchings in one year: What actually happened in Kfar Duma?
- March 6, 2022: Ben Uliel's daughter: "It's very hard for me. Please come to the protest."
- March 6, 2022: Yoshvaev petitions court to lift siege from their house
- March 1, 2022: Duma case: New video demonstrates GSS torture method
- March 1, 2022: Will the Ra'anana mob attack be investigated?
- February 28, 2022: Police close off Yoshvaev family home to visitors
- February 28, 2022: Sandak case: Detained protester awarded 6,000 NIS compensation
- February 27, 2022: Justice for Amiram! - Sign the petition!
- February 22, 2022: GSS brought detainee from Haifa court to Ashkelon court, without cause
- February 22, 2022: All detainees from questionable wholesale detention released
- February 21, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik attack victim demands GSS investigation
- February 17, 2022: Six Shimon HaTzadik detainees released
- February 16, 2022: Questionable wholesale detention by Yehuda and Shomron police
- February 15, 2022: Who decides what "extreme and forbidden acts" are?
- February 15, 2022: Two suspects convicted in Eli Rozen assault case
- February 14, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik stabber to remain in remand
- February 13, 2022: Jewish youths detained in Shimon HaTzadik
- February 13, 2022: One of Janashvilli's attackers convicted
- February 13, 2022: Police raid home of Yoshvaev family in Shimon HaTzadik
- February 13, 2022: Attack in Shimon HaTzadik
- February 9, 2022: Bereaved families: Revoke terrorists' citizenship
- February 9, 2022: Pride March protester detained, Honenu appealed
- February 8, 2022: Arabs punch Jewish youth near Old City Jerusalem
- February 8, 2022: All suspects in Yigal Yehoshua murder case remanded until end of proceedings
- February 7, 2022: Penalty hearing in Shimon HaTzadik vehicular arson case
- February 7, 2022: Shomron resident detained on reserve duty in southern Israel
- February 6, 2022: Arabs shoot tear gas at Jews in Shimon HaTzadik
- February 2, 2022: Arabs attack disabled man near Sha'ar Shechem
- February 1, 2022: Arabs attack hareidi near Sha'ar Shechem
- February 1, 2022: Sandak case: Youths sue AG's office over leaked video clip
- February 1, 2022: Neriya Zarog sues Yehuda and Shomron Police
- January 31, 2022: Arab assaults boys on light rail in Jerusalem
- January 30, 2022: Sandak family holds press conference, legal battle continues
- January 27, 2022: Public figures react to AG's decision in Sandak case
- January 27, 2022: Honenu Attorney Atari: We will do justice to the Sandak case
- January 27, 2022: Sandak family responds to AG decision to close case
- January 27, 2022: GSS still refuses to investigate Bisset murder case
- January 26, 2022: Rabbis in support of Sandak family
- January 26, 2022: Sandak family demands clarification from AG
- January 25, 2022: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one
- January 25, 2022: Unexpected support for Sandak family from media consultant
- January 25, 2022: Demand to reopen Sha'ar Shechem assault case
- January 24, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik resident attacked by anarchist
- January 24, 2022: Pride March Protest Cases
- January 24, 2022: Police to compensate for false detention on Pride March day
- January 23, 2022: AG's opinion in Sandak case leaked to media
- January 22, 2022: Honenu representing Jewish youth attacked in J'lem
- January 22, 2022: 85,000 NIS compensation awarded to Ramleh detainees
- January 19, 2022: Temple Mount activists demand cancelation of administrative orders
- January 18, 2022: Central District Police: Ra'anana attack was an "altercation"
- January 18, 2022: Gelman family to attend appeal hearing
- January 17, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik resident demands more police protection
- January 16, 2022: Suspects in Yigal Yehoshua murder case remanded until end of proceedings
- January 16, 2022: Assault victim detained and interrogated
- January 13, 2022: Oz Tzion: Arab arsonists indicted for attempted murder
- January 12, 2022: Honenu demands investigation of Hawara mob attack
- January 11, 2022: Rock and Molotov cocktail terror - Cases
- January 11, 2022: Weapon confiscated from man who defended group from rock barrage
- January 11, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik assault case reopened after Honenu appealed
- January 11, 2022: Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu in support of Neriya Zarog
- January 11, 2022: All Oz Tzion detainees released
- January 10, 2022: Supreme Court reduces minor's sentence by 8 months
- January 5, 2022: Yehuda Guetta's murderer sentenced to life imprisonment
- January 4, 2022: Shimon HaTzadik detainees conditionally released
- January 3, 2022: Acco terrorist might be released to house arrest
- December 30, 2021: Honenu: Attack was attempted murder, not aggravated assault
- December 30, 2021: Illegal strip searches - Cases
- December 30, 2021: Neriya Zarog to be compensated for illegal strip search
- December 29, 2021: School group attacked in Shimon HaTzadik
- December 29, 2021: Hevron terrorist sentenced to 19 years' imprisonment
- December 29, 2021: Demand to return arson suspect to remand
- December 28, 2021: Jewish shepherd attacked by Arabs near Havat Maon
- December 27, 2021: Barkan terror attack - October 2018
- December 27, 2021: Penalty hearing held for Barkan attack abettor
- December 26, 2021: Restrictions lifted from Temple Mount activists
- December 26, 2021: Honenu: GSS should investigate Ra'anana attack
- December 26, 2021: Compensation demanded for illegal destruction of outposts
- December 26, 2021: Memorial Day attack terrorist convicted
- December 21, 2021: Knesset committee met to discuss Sandak case
- December 16, 2021: Temple Mount activists released
- December 16, 2021: Lod shooting victim: Charge the terrorists with attempted murder
- December 14, 2021: Court lifts restrictions from Ra'anana attack victim
- December 14, 2021: Case closed after deficient investigation, Honenu filed appeal
- December 12, 2021: Detainee unconditionally released, court censured police
- December 12, 2021: Protest marks one-year anniversary of Sandak, z"l, death
- December 10, 2021: One year memorial for Ahuvia Sandak, z"l
- December 8, 2021: Policeman who threatened to file false complaint will not stand trial
- December 8, 2021: Neriya Zarog served with administrative order
- December 4, 2021: Avraham Sandak: External investigation clearly necessary
- December 2, 2021: Sandak case: Mounted police disperse protesters
- December 2, 2021: Lod: Jewish medic's shooters indicted
- December 1, 2021: Development in the Sandak case: AG transferred case back to State Prosecutor
- December 1, 2021: Arab assailant admits to racist motive
- November 30, 2021: Workplace assault case to be reopened
- November 28, 2021: Appeal to reopen assault case
- November 27, 2021: Sandak case: Protests at Zion Square and opposite residence of PIU head
- November 24, 2021: Outpost destruction in Binyamin region, two detainees hospitalized
- November 24, 2021: Sandak protest: Police spray "skunk" at residential buildings
- November 24, 2021: Light rail assault case to be reopened
- November 21, 2021: Sandak protest: Display mounted in Jerusalem
- November 18, 2021: Bisset family to head of GSS: Handle the investigation
- November 17, 2021: Two outposts destroyed in Binyamin region
- November 16, 2021: Another Barkan terrorist abettor convicted
- November 16, 2021: Rabbi Shai Ohayon's murderer convicted
- November 14, 2021: Case closed despite security camera video evidence
- November 11, 2021: Another incident of rock terror in Jerusalem
- November 11, 2021: Penalty hearing held for Hevron terrorist
- November 10, 2021: Knesset Members support Sandak family at protest watch
- November 10, 2021: Lod stabber released from remand
- November 9, 2021: Police to compensate Yitzhar resident for illegally scrapped car
- November 8, 2021: Sandak case: J'lem District Court released protest detainees
- November 6, 2021: Protest: "Put the policemen on trial!"
- November 5, 2021: 1,000 Demonstrators demanded "Justice for Ahuvia"
- November 4, 2021: "Justice for Ahuvia!": Timeline of the demonstration
- November 3, 2021: Sandak case: Protest at the Justice Ministry
- November 2, 2021: Sandak case: Ombudsman leveled criticism at head of PIU
- November 1, 2021: Sandak case: Will the AG put the policemen on trial? – Update
- October 31, 2021: Sandak case: Will the AG put the policemen on trial?
- October 31, 2021: Attack in Old City Jerusalem
- October 28, 2021: Pepper-spraying assailant released
- October 28, 2021: Sandak family to State Prosecutor: Put the policemen on trial
- October 27, 2021: Suspects apprehended, but not located? - Update
- October 27, 2021: Police to compensate youth for fist-punch
- October 26, 2021: Will abettor to Baruch Mizrahi's murder receive life imprisonment?
- October 25, 2021: Suspects apprehended, but not located?
- October 21, 2021: Central DA to Lod detainees: "Not guilty"
- October 20, 2021: Barkan terror abettor appeal rejected
- October 19, 2021: Bisset family to Knesset party heads: Bring in the GSS
- October 17, 2021: Border policewoman attempts to evade indictment
- October 14, 2021: Assaulted brothers interrogated under warning
- October 13, 2021: Indictment of Yitzhar resident withdrawn
- October 12, 2021: "Selective law enforcement regarding incitement"
- October 11, 2021: Case closed against suspected serial attacker in Yaffo, Honenu appealed
- October 11, 2021: Two yeshiva students assaulted in Old City Jerusalem
- October 10, 2021: Two terrorists denied parole
- October 10, 2021: Despite video clip, fist-punch not acknowledged
- October 7, 2021: Minor awarded 7,500 NIS for illegal strip search
- October 6, 2021: Demand to detain Arab rioters
- October 5, 2021: Protest: Justice for Destau Bisset, Hy"d
- October 5, 2021: Destau Bisset's son-in-law spoke at Knesset meeting
- October 4, 2021: Penalty hearing held for Yehuda Guetta's murderer
- October 1, 2021: Arabs and anarchists attacked, Jews were detained
- September 30, 2021: Destau Bisset's family: "Apprehend our father's murderers!"
- September 29, 2021: Security forces injure protesters at Yitzhar outpost
- September 29, 2021: Detained youth awarded 5,000 NIS
- September 14, 2021: Trial of suspects in attack on Eli Rozen opened
- September 13, 2021: Military Court exonerated terrorist who shot Ben-Yosef Livnat, Hy"d
- September 12, 2021: Three youths awarded 37,500 NIS for rights violations
- September 12, 2021: Shots fired at Acco victim's place of residence
- September 6, 2021: Another suspect in Bisset murder case released
- September 5, 2021: J'lem resident sues over false detention during Pride March
- September 2, 2021: Remand of suspect in Bisset murder case extended
- September 1, 2021: "Wedding of Hate" defendants exonerated
- September 1, 2021: Dozens of rabbis sign letter of support for Honenu
- August 30, 2021: Suspect detained over Bisset murder
- August 29, 2021: High Court of Justice censured GSS
- August 25, 2021: Youths falsely detained in Ramle sue police
- August 22, 2021: Soldier's father requests censure of MK Tibi
- August 19, 2021: Molotov cocktail terrorist sentenced to 6.5 years' imprisonment
- August 18, 2021: Another youth compensated for detention at J'lem Pride March
- August 17, 2021: Acco assailant released to house arrest with electronic anklet
- August 17, 2021: Supreme Court ordered DA's office to present confidential material
- August 17, 2021: Police to investigate MK Tibi over Hebron assault
- August 17, 2021: Police to compensate youth over false detention at J'lem Pride March
- August 16, 2021: Left-wing activist to compensate security head with 10,000 NIS
- August 15, 2021: Yassam policeman indicted by disciplinary department
- August 12, 2021: High Court of Justice petitioned over administrative order
- August 9, 2021: Journalist interrogated in Sandak case still fighting for justice
- August 3, 2021: Yehuda Guetta's murderer convicted
- August 2, 2021: Suspect in Bisset murder case released from remand
- August 2, 2021: J’lem resident opened fire in self-defense, was detained
- August 2, 2021: Assault case reopened after appeal by Honenu
- July 29, 2021: Remand of suspect in Bisset, Hy”d, trial extended
- July 29, 2021: Acco assailant remanded until end of proceedings
- July 29, 2021: Honenu objects to light sentence for Beit Jala terrorist
- July 28, 2021: Jewish youth brutally attacked in Ma’aleh Adumim
- July 28, 2021: Kfar Duma Case – Articles, Videos, Podcasts
- July 27, 2021: Honenu - Podcast listings
- July 27, 2021: Episode 4 of Honenu’s podcast: Duma case, Part 4
- July 27, 2021: Youths detained after brutal mob attack released
- July 27, 2021: Ra’anana resident compensated over false detention during Pride March
- July 25, 2021: New sentence for Barkan terror attack abettor
- July 25, 2021: Supreme Court overturns decision, keeps terrorist in remand
- July 25, 2021: Brutal Arab mob attacks Jewish youths, GSS interrogates hospitalized youth – Update
- July 22, 2021: Brutal Arab mob attacks Jewish youths, GSS interrogates hospitalized youth
- July 22, 2021: Family of Destau Bisset, Hy”d, demands GSS investigation
- July 21, 2021: Comptroller censures police over Jaffa Gate car-ramming investigation
- July 21, 2021: Kiryat Arba yeshiva bugged, GSS suspected
- July 20, 2021: Honenu demands updates on Lod Arab riot cases
- July 19, 2021: Road to Mt. Olives danger to Jewish travelers
- July 15, 2021: Honenu filed objection, terrorist withdrew request
- July 15, 2021: Court rejects Duma case minor’s appeal
- July 12, 2021: Mahane Yehuda stabbing not attempted murder
- July 11, 2021: Over-policing at protests after the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l
- July 11, 2021: Complaint filed over brutal detention at Jerusalem Flag Dance
- July 8, 2021: Terrorist’s house demolished
- July 8, 2021: Complaint filed over Tel Aviv Pride March detentions
- July 7, 2021: Episode 3 of Honenu’s podcast: Duma case, Part 3
- July 7, 2021: Family compensated 45,000 NIS for terror attack
- July 6, 2021: Jewish shepherds attacked near Kochav HaShahar
- July 6, 2021: Detention over self-defense
- July 4, 2021: Prosecution demands stiff penalty for Beit Jala terrorist
- July 1, 2021: Attack victims interrogated as suspects
- June 30, 2021: Chief Justice rejected request to block demolition of terrorist’s house
- June 30, 2021: Episode 2 of Honenu’s podcast: Duma case, Part 2
- June 30, 2021: Hareidi passenger attacked by Arab bus driver
- June 29, 2021: Acco attack victim threatened at court hearing
- June 28, 2021: Police sued for unjustified use of water cannon with “skunk”
- June 27, 2021: Ben Uliel’s attorneys request investigative material – Appeals stage
- June 24, 2021: Family of Destau Bisset, Hy”d, demands murder investigation
- June 23, 2021: Pro-LGBT campaign posters hung on police station wall
- June 23, 2021: High Court of Justice authorizes demolition of terrorist’s house
- June 22, 2021: Honenu launches podcast
- June 21, 2021: Acco assailant indicted
- June 21, 2021: Assailants in antisemitic assault at gas station sentenced
- June 20, 2021: Beit Jala terrorist convicted of attempted murder
- June 17, 2021: Arabs attack hareidi man at Sha’ar Shechem
- June 17, 2021: Jewish drivers ambushed in Jerusalem
- June 17, 2021: Attempted throat-slashing in Lod
- June 16, 2021: Brutal detention at Jerusalem Flag Dance
- June 15, 2021: Serial attacker suspected in Yaffo – Update
- June 10, 2021: Yehuda Guetta’s murderer indicted
- June 10, 2021: Serial attacker suspected in Yaffo
- June 8, 2021: Brutal attack in Acco
- June 8, 2021: Arab mob attacks Jewish driver in Beit Hanina
- June 7, 2021: Attack in Abu Tor
- June 6, 2021: Father and son attacked in Yaffo
- June 6, 2021: 2021 Jerusalem Pride March detentions – Update
- June 3, 2021: Will terrorist's house be demolished?
- June 3, 2021: 2021 Jerusalem Pride March detentions
- June 2, 2021: “A Test of Freedom: False Detentions During Pride Month Events”
- June 1, 2021: Jewish boys attacked at Tomb of Shimon HaTzadik
- May 31, 2021: Rock attack in Gush Etzion
- May 30, 2021: Arab janitors beat Jewish students
- May 26, 2021: House of Memorial Day attack terrorist not to be demolished
- May 26, 2021: Antisemitic attack in Zion Square
- May 25, 2021: Investigative judge concludes examination of Ahuvia Sandak case
- May 25, 2021: Honenu demands that rioters not be released
- May 24, 2021: Jerusalem City Council member detained while erasing graffiti
- May 20, 2021: Court cancels Ramleh detainees’ restrictions
- May 20, 2021: Court censures 50 minute police response time
- May 18, 2021: Appeal accepted in self-defense case
- May 14, 2021: Attack in French Hill
- May 14, 2021: Honenu Attorney Nati Rom detained at Lod Police Station
- May 13, 2021: Rishon LeTzion Magistrates Court releases Lod detainees
- May 13, 2021: Over 100 Jews detained last night
- May 13, 2021: Arab rioting in Lod
- May 12, 2021: Court rejects appeal by Lod detainees
- May 11, 2021: Remand extended for Lod residents who defended neighbors
- May 11, 2021: Newly engaged couple attacked by Arab mob in Jerusalem
- May 11, 2021: Lod residents detained after defending neighbors
- May 10, 2021: Jews detained at Temple Mount gates
- May 10, 2021: Assault near Tomb of Shimon HaTzadik
- May 9, 2021: Arab rioters on Mt. Scopus injure passers-by, students
- May 9, 2021: Violent Sheikh Jarrah demonstration documented
- May 9, 2021: Yeshiva students attacked in Talpiot
- May 6, 2021: Assault case reopened after Honenu intervened
- May 5, 2021: Arabs shouting “Itbakh al Yahud” injure Jewish youth
- May 5, 2021: Sandak case: Union of Journalists to join petition
- May 4, 2021: Minors detained over praying at Temple Mount gates
- May 3, 2021: Petition filed to reveal full gag order
- May 3, 2021: Youth to be compensated over false detention during Pride March
- April 30, 2021: Arabs set fire to house in Oz Tzion
- April 29, 2021: Ahuvia Sandak case: Is the cover-up continuing?
- April 29, 2021: Border policemen to stand trial in disciplinary hearing
- April 28, 2021: Youth brutally beaten by Arab mob in Jerusalem
- April 28, 2021: Jewish family attacked in East Jerusalem
- April 28, 2021: Defense might request retrial for Duma case minor
- April 26, 2021: Jerusalem assault case reopened
- April 26, 2021: Reopened theft case closed again
- April 25, 2021: Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, two detainees at demonstration
- April 25, 2021: Police setup in Bat Ayin
- April 24, 2021: Jerusalem terror victims not recognized
- April 23, 2021: Overnight terror in Jerusalem
- April 21, 2021: Barkan terror attack abettor sentenced
- April 19, 2021: Arab mob attack on Binyamin motorists
- April 19, 2021: Man injured in Yaffo assault
- April 19, 2021: Policeman threatened to file false complaint
- April 19, 2021: Rock attack on Mt. Olives bus
- April 19, 2021: Ya’alon to testify for the defense in “Wedding of Hate” trial
- April 15, 2021: Sandak family plans event at Ma’aleh Ahuvia
- April 12, 2021: Will Ma’aleh Ahuvia be destroyed again?
- April 12, 2021: Bus driver assaulted passenger, police didn’t investigate
- April 7, 2021: Administrative order canceled after appeal
- April 7, 2021: Injured youths interrogated a second time
- April 6, 2021: Harassment and destruction in Kumi Ori
- April 6, 2021: “Ma’aleh Ahuvia” outpost destroyed, 3 detained
- April 6, 2021: Brutal detention in Kumi Ori beit midrash
- April 5, 2021: Detainee had summoned help
- March 26, 2021: Five detained over suspicion to perform Passover sacrifice
- March 26, 2021: Demonstrator falsely detained, twice
- March 24, 2021: Investigative judge continues examination of Ahuvia Sandak case
- March 22, 2021: Compensation for Molotov cocktail attack on home
- March 22, 2021: Assailant to pay 40,000 NIS in compensation
- March 18, 2021: Protest: Call to prosecute policemen who killed Ahuvia Sandak
- March 17, 2021: Assailant to compensate R. Yehuda Glick
- March 15, 2021: Ben Uliel’s attorneys request gag order cancellation
- March 15, 2021: Demand to close case against journalist falsely detained over tweet
- March 11, 2021: Gag order on appeal by Ben Uliel
- March 10, 2021: Police brutality in Oz Tzion
- March 10, 2021: Signed warning left in drawer for six weeks
- March 10, 2021: Car impounded without warrant at entrance to Kochav HaShahar
- March 9, 2021: Light penalty for severe beating
- March 8, 2021: Ben Uliel’s attorneys request investigative material
- March 8, 2021: Journalist falsely detained over tweet - Update
- March 7, 2021: Two Jewish women assaulted in Jerusalem
- March 4, 2021: Neriya Zarog compensated for false detention
- March 4, 2021: Journalist falsely detained over tweet
- February 25, 2021: Police apologize, request not to pay legal expenses
- February 23, 2021: Despite weak evidence, minor indicted
- February 21, 2021: Bereaved parents: “Revoke terrorists’ residency status”
- February 21, 2021: Judge levels unprecedented criticism at police
- February 21, 2021: Memorial Day attack victim opposes mediation
- February 18, 2021: Rock terror continues
- February 17, 2021: Antisemitic attack at Ma’ayan HaShiloah
- February 16, 2021: GSS detains five, impounds two cars
- February 16, 2021: Antisemitic attack in Wadi Joz
- February 16, 2021: Suspects detained over antisemitic assault at gas station
- February 14, 2021: Light penalty imposed on assailant in plea bargain
- February 11, 2021: Over 50 days after the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, demonstrations continue
- February 10, 2021: Arab rioters damage Jewish farm
- February 9, 2021: Investigative judge requests clarifications on Ahuvia Sandak case
- February 9, 2021: Antisemitic assault at gas station
- February 3, 2021: Minor interrogated after filing complaint with PIU
- February 2, 2021: Protest tent opposite Minister Ohana’s home
- February 2, 2021: Activist indicted over protest sign
- February 2, 2021: Yeshiva students injured in antisemitic attacks
- January 31, 2021: Reform Movement harassed right-wing social media personality
- January 31, 2021: Activists’ restrictive conditions canceled
- January 30, 2021: Protests over the death of Ahuvia, z”l, continue
- January 29, 2021: Women’s evening in memory of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, motzei Shabbat
- January 28, 2021: Discriminatory handling of protest sign
- January 27, 2021: Lenient penalty for threat to murder relative of terror victim
- January 26, 2021: Demonstrations protesting the death of Ahuvia, z”l, continue
- January 26, 2021: Threatened Shomron resident detained
- January 23, 2021: Ahuvia Sandak, z”l, protests continue
- January 23, 2021: Givat Ronen detainee unconditionally released
- January 22, 2021: Protests marked 30 days since Ahuvia Sandak’s death
- January 22, 2021: Rabbis demand answers regarding Ahuvia Sandak
- January 21, 2021: Thirty days since Ahuvia Sandak’s death
- January 21, 2021: Complaint filed against border policeman
- January 20, 2021: Ahuvia Sandak, z”l: “Making Sense of the Facts”
- January 20, 2021: Despite evidence, assault suspects not yet detained
- January 20, 2021: Demonstrations to mark 30 days since Ahuvia Sandak’s death
- January 18, 2021: Complaint filed against abusive Arab policeman
- January 16, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 27, more protests
- January 15, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 26
- January 14, 2021: Yitzhar resident detained over sign
- January 14, 2021: Medic describes accident scene
- January 14, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 25
- January 13, 2021: Judge Weinshall to investigate circumstances of Ahuvia Sandak’s death
- January 13, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 24
- January 12, 2021: Concerns of bias in the investigation of Ahuvia Sandak's death
- January 12, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 23
- January 11, 2021: Honenu details flaws in investigation of Ahuvia Sandak's death
- January 11, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 22
- January 10, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 21
- January 9, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 20
- January 9, 2021: Injured youths testified to PIU
- January 8, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 19
- January 7, 2021: Honenu publicized online protesters’ rights brochure
- January 7, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 18
- January 6, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 17
- January 5, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 16
- January 5, 2021: Ahuvia’s parents to the Deputy AG: Recuse the head of the PIU from the investigation
- January 4, 2021: Yasam policeman assaulted minor at protest
- January 3, 2021: Police brutality reported at protest
- January 2, 2021: Another protest over the death of Ahuvia Sandak, z”l
- January 1, 2021: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 12
- December 31, 2020: Shomron resident threatened by GSS
- December 28, 2020: Severe long-term criticism of Yehuda-Shomron Police
- December 23, 2020: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 3
- December 22, 2020: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 2
- December 21, 2020: Unmarked police car rams youths’ car, killing one – Day 1
- December 21, 2020: Minor in Duma case: “I want to return to normal life”
- December 20, 2020: Hevron: Arabs assault, Jews are detained – Update
- December 20, 2020: Agricultural terror in Har Hevron region
- December 19, 2020: Hevron: Arabs assault, Jews are detained
- December 18, 2020: Zarog case continues
- December 16, 2020: Arab admitted assault, not tried
- December 10, 2020: Homesh detainees not distanced from Shavei Shomron
- December 8, 2020: Defendant indicted for antisemitic assault
- December 7, 2020: Homesh yeshiva destroyed, rabbis, students detained
- December 3, 2020: Breaches in security fence near Mevo Horon create security hazard
- December 1, 2020: Court ordered police to “exercise consideration”
- November 30, 2020: Rabbi Glick sues attacker
- November 29, 2020: Injured minor detained in bed, taken for interrogation
- November 26, 2020: Appeal to reopen case against violent bus driver
- November 25, 2020: Yitzhar detainees released
- November 22, 2020: Terrorist’s attorney withdrew parole request
- November 17, 2020: Minor compensated for multiple rights violations
- November 15, 2020: Entire family harassed by police checks
- November 8, 2020: Youths compensated over false detention before Pride March
- October 29, 2020: Defense team being formed for Ben Uliel’s appeal
- October 28, 2020: Supreme Court partially accepts appeal
- October 27, 2020: Plea bargain deliberation for Barkan terrorist abettor
- October 26, 2020: Demand to investigate assault by bus driver
- October 26, 2020: Rabbi Ohayon’s murderer fit to stand trial
- October 25, 2020: IDF to demolish terrorist’s house
- October 25, 2020: Complaint filed against Arab Knesset Member
- October 21, 2020: Strip-searched minor awarded compensation
- October 20, 2020: Ramming attack terrorist sentenced
- October 12, 2020: Deliberation held on demolition of terrorist’s house
- October 6, 2020: Border policewoman convicted in disciplinary trial
- October 4, 2020: Ten-year-old girl injured in rock attack
- October 1, 2020: Court issued interim order not to demolish terrorist’s house
- September 29, 2020: Assault victim to be compensated
- September 29, 2020: Honenu mourns the passing of Rabbanit Miriam Levinger, z”l
- September 27, 2020: Will Ben Uliel pray in a minyan on Yom Kippur?
- September 25, 2020: Terrorist’s family’s new house not to be demolished
- September 22, 2020: Victim of ambush interrogated – Details
- September 22, 2020: Victim of ambush interrogated
- September 22, 2020: Victim of mistaken identity to receive compensation
- September 17, 2020: Rabbi Levanon: Ben Uliel not guilty
- September 17, 2020: Family meeting for Ben Uliel suddenly canceled
- September 16, 2020: 42 months' imprisonment for minor in Duma case
- September 14, 2020: Rabbis support campaign to fund Ben Uliel’s Supreme Court appeal
- September 14, 2020: Still no detentions from brutal Lag B’Omer attack
- September 13, 2020: Assault case reopened thanks to Honenu
- September 13, 2020: Attack in Be’er Sheva, suspects released
- September 11, 2020: Assault case reopened and closed, victim not informed
- September 10, 2020: Rabbi Ohayon’s family demands demolition of terrorist’s house
- September 9, 2020: Boy with special needs assaulted, no suspects detained
- September 8, 2020: Significant increase in compensation to victims’ families
- September 7, 2020: Ben Uliel’s conviction left standing
- September 7, 2020: Orian Ben Uliel sent letter to Central District Court
- September 2, 2020: Three detained over “Circling the Gates”
- September 1, 2020: Family sues over Molotov cocktail attack on home
- August 31, 2020: Rock terror in Gush Etzion
- August 30, 2020: Assault on R. Glick recognized as terror attack
- August 28, 2020: Ma’aleh Shai razed
- August 27, 2020: Youths attacked in Har Gilo region – Suspects detained
- August 25, 2020: Youths attacked in Har Gilo region
- August 24, 2020: Police illegally destroyed impounded car
- August 20, 2020: Ad Kan sues over threats to its activists
- August 17, 2020: Rock terror on “fun day”
- August 17, 2020: Yitzhar resident’s impounded vehicle destroyed in scrapyard
- August 16, 2020: Police sued for false imprisonment
- August 12, 2020: Appeal held on penalty for Baruch Mizrahi’s murderer
- August 10, 2020: Appeal on penalty for Baruch Mizrahi’s murderer
- August 10, 2020: Judge halts plea bargain deliberation of Barkan terrorist abettor
- August 9, 2020: Indictment to be read for Memorial Day attack terrorist - Update
- August 6, 2020: New evidence in Kfar Duma case
- August 6, 2020: Deliberation held on printing house appeal
- August 2, 2020: Antisemitic attack near Jaffa Gate – Suspects interrogated
- July 29, 2020: Demolition of terrorists’ houses as deterrent
- July 28, 2020: Rock terror continues, authorities won’t act
- July 23, 2020: Detained attack victims released
- July 23, 2020: Mother of detained attack victim calls for his release
- July 22, 2020: Appeal on remand of attacked agriculturalists partially accepted
- July 22, 2020: Shomron Regional Council Head backs detainees
- July 21, 2020: Appeal filed over remand of attacked agriculturalists
- July 21, 2020: Thief recorded on video released from remand
- July 21, 2020: 23,000 NIS compensation for assault victim
- July 21, 2020: Arab protesters attack Jews in Yaffo
- July 20, 2020: GOC suddenly cancels engagement party
- July 19, 2020: Charged with “Shema Yisrael” on the Temple Mount
- July 15, 2020: Attack dog incident in Hevron
- July 14, 2020: Indictment to be read for Memorial Day attack terrorist
- July 13, 2020: More violence in Beit Jann
- July 10, 2020: More destruction in Kumi Ori
- July 9, 2020: Complaint filed over violations of Pride March opponents’ rights
- July 8, 2020: Rock terror strikes again
- July 6, 2020: Life sentence for terrorist who murdered Avraham Hasno, Hy”d
- July 5, 2020: State to pay compensation in police brutality case
- July 3, 2020: Antisemitic attack near Jaffa Gate
- July 2, 2020: Printing house appealed: We did not discriminate
- July 1, 2020: GSS harassment included veiled threats
- June 30, 2020: Illegal GSS questioning, again
- June 28, 2020: Baseless detentions in Jerusalem on day of Pride March
- June 24, 2020: Rock terror in Jerusalem
- June 22, 2020: Case reopened after Honenu appeal
- June 18, 2020: Destruction near Kochav HaShahar
- June 17, 2020: Hevron incident detainees – Timeline
- June 15, 2020: Houses destroyed near Kochav HaShahar
- June 11, 2020: No detentions yet from brutal Lag B’Omer attack
- June 11, 2020: Progress in “Wedding of Hate” case
- June 10, 2020: Penalty increased for Yanai Weisman’s murderer
- June 10, 2020: Yitzhar resident sues GSS for libel
- June 9, 2020: Joint List members cause disturbance at Duma trial
- June 9, 2020: Sheva Brachot celebrants detained
- June 9, 2020: State retracts assault indictment
- June 8, 2020: Mivtan ordered GSS to clarify procedures
- May 31, 2020: Indictment in Kever Yosef murder case
- May 31, 2020: Complainant awarded 5,000 NIS over police negligence
- May 20, 2020: Head of security sues left-wing activist
- May 19, 2020: Only 17 years' imprisonment for attempted murder
- May 18, 2020: “You have imprisoned an innocent man!”
- May 17, 2020: Verdict to be handed down for Ben Uliel
- May 14, 2020: Honenu launches campaign to end rock terror
- May 14, 2020: Assault by Arab traffic inspectors in Jerusalem
- May 12, 2020: “Exposing the Duma Blood Libel” – Part 4
- May 11, 2020: 50,000 NIS compensation in assault case
- May 10, 2020: Arabs destroy field, injure Jewish grower in Geulat Tzion
- May 6, 2020: Was the destruction in Kumi Ori illegal?
- May 3, 2020: “Exposing the Duma Blood Libel” – Part 3
- April 27, 2020: Kumi Ori: Dog found abused, border police suspected
- April 26, 2020: 21,000 NIS compensation in civil suit
- April 23, 2020: Timeline: Destruction and detention in Yitzhar
- April 23, 2020: Verdict postponed in Kfar Duma case
- April 23, 2020: “Exposing the Duma Blood Libel” – Part 2
- April 21, 2020: Freedom of religion violated, printing house fined
- April 19, 2020: Flag-waving reception for released mother of Barkan terrorist
- April 16, 2020: “Exposing the Duma Blood Libel” – Part 1
- April 14, 2020: Bedouin assault near Rimonim
- April 5, 2020: Rock terror continues on Route 446
- April 2, 2020: Precedent: Lien imposed on terrorist’s PA stipend
- March 31, 2020: Purim assault in Old City Jerusalem
- March 30, 2020: Case closed despite video evidence
- March 25, 2020: Five detentions in Kumi Ori
- March 25, 2020: Despite Corona, terror attacks continue
- March 25, 2020: Kumi Ori closed military zone
- March 23, 2020: Suspect in Hawara terror attack released
- March 20, 2020: Barkan terrorist’s father sentenced
- March 19, 2020: It was hypocrisy, not support for human rights
- March 19, 2020: Police harass family of youth under house arrest
- March 19, 2020: Ben Uliel not allowed contact with family
- March 15, 2020: Police harass families of youths under house arrest
- March 12, 2020: Minor summoned to file complaint, interrogated under warning
- March 11, 2020: Shomron youth seriously injured in attack
- March 3, 2020: Many irregularities in Kfar Duma case
- February 29, 2020: Bill of indictment contradicts eye witnesses
- February 27, 2020: Complaints filed with Mivtan over administrative detainee
- February 27, 2020: Court canceled Ben Uliel’s petition
- February 26, 2020: Resentencing in Zemora terror case, prison term lengthened
- February 25, 2020: Resentencing in Zemora terror attack case
- February 25, 2020: Ben Uliel to be transferred to Eshel Prison
- February 25, 2020: Attacked youth sues for compensation
- February 24, 2020: Father of Barkan terrorist to be sentenced
- February 21, 2020: Terror attack near Mevo’ot Yeriho
- February 20, 2020: Will the ‘Wedding of Hate’ defendants be exonerated?
- February 19, 2020: Rabbi Glick threatened during interrogation
- February 19, 2020: Rabbi Glick falsely detained on Temple Mount
- February 13, 2020: Liens imposed on terrorists’ PA salaries
- February 13, 2020: Yeshiva student attacked near Old City Jerusalem
- February 12, 2020: Administrative detainee served with new order
- February 12, 2020: Court released GSS detainee
- February 11, 2020: Administrative detainee illegally held
- February 11, 2020: DM Bennett canceled administrative order
- February 11, 2020: Demand for release of administrative detainee
- February 10, 2020: Detainee released, DM Bennett signed administrative order - Update
- February 10, 2020: Detainee released, Minister Bennett signed administrative order
- February 10, 2020: Illegal tear gas use on protesters at Geulat Tzion
- February 9, 2020: Father of Barkan terrorist exonerated from failure to prevent attack
- February 8, 2020: GSS detainees, a week without meeting an attorney
- February 6, 2020: Inappropriate police-border police operations revealed
- February 5, 2020: GSS detainees still have not met with attorney
- February 3, 2020: GSS detainee updates
- February 2, 2020: Severe IDF brutality in the Shilo Bloc
- February 2, 2020: GSS detains youth in Shilo Bloc
- February 2, 2020: Sexual harassment complaint to GSS
- January 30, 2020: Arab incite, Jews brutally detained
- January 30, 2020: Brutally detained Pride March protesters sue police
- January 29, 2020: Im Tirtzu coordinator awarded compensation for rights violation
- January 27, 2020: Deliberation on appeal for Barkan terrorist’s mother
- January 23, 2020: Appeal filed on sentence of Barkan terrorist’s mother
- January 23, 2020: Shefar’am: Uniformed soldier injured in antisemitic assault
- January 21, 2020: Antisemitic assault in Bat Yam
- January 20, 2020: Minors filmed immersing in spring sue border police
- January 19, 2020: DA indicts GSS detainee
- January 16, 2020: Breakthrough in parole conditions
- January 15, 2020: House demolition in Kumi Ori
- January 15, 2020: Life imprisonment for Yanai Weisman’s murderer
- January 14, 2020: Terror cases closed without investigation
- January 13, 2020: Terrorists to compensate family with over 300,000 NIS
- January 13, 2020: GSS detainees expected to be released
- January 12, 2020: Honenu to PM: Stop the brutal GSS interrogations
- January 10, 2020: Court authorizes GSS interrogation on Shabbat
- January 9, 2020: Two terrorists indicted for ramming attack
- January 9, 2020: GSS detainees’ gag order partially lifted
- January 9, 2020: GSS detainees meet with attorney
- January 7, 2020: Honenu requests response from "Mivtan"
- January 7, 2020: Over one million NIS compensation awarded to terror victim
- January 7, 2020: Court deliberation for GSS detainees - Updated
- January 6, 2020: Rom: False detention, illegal remand
- January 6, 2020: Five days without seeing an attorney
- January 5, 2020: Revealed: Terror attack, not traffic accident
- January 5, 2020: GSS detainees - Update
- January 5, 2020: Family of youth under house arrest harassed by police
- January 3, 2020: Protest opposite GSS facilities
- January 3, 2020: Detainees denied right to meet with attorney
- January 2, 2020: Two detained in Gush Etzion
- January 1, 2020: Revoke the terrorist’s citizenship!
- December 31, 2019: Dangerous police incident in Bat Ayin
- December 26, 2019: Police sued for 70,000 NIS compensation over rights violations
- December 25, 2019: GSS violates rights of right-wing interrogatees
- December 23, 2019: 40,000 NIS awarded in civil suit
- December 22, 2019: Terrorist given light sentence in plea bargain
- December 17, 2019: Abettor’s appeal rejected in Barkan terror case
- December 16, 2019: Terrorist in Zemora case resentenced
- December 16, 2019: Jews indicted for prayer on Temple Mount
- December 15, 2019: Terrorist in Zemora case to be resentenced
- December 9, 2019: Barkan terror attack case updates
- December 8, 2019: Court cancelled Zarog’s restrictive conditions
- December 5, 2019: Barkan terrorist abettor filed appeal
- November 27, 2019: Minor assaulted in Old City of Jerusalem
- November 26, 2019: Neriya Zarog released, returning home
- November 24, 2019: Murderer of Rabbi Ben-Gal, Hy”d, sentenced
- November 24, 2019: Zarog’s order to expire
- November 21, 2019: Zarog to remain in remand until order expires
- November 17, 2019: City of David assault trial begins
- November 17, 2019: Barkan terrorist abettor sentenced to active prison term
- November 17, 2019: Zarog still remanded, refuses to sign on administrative order
- November 14, 2019: Zarog refuses release conditions
- November 14, 2019: Zarog released to house arrest, again, State appealed, again
- November 14, 2019: Court released Zarog to house arrest, State appealed
- November 12, 2019: Barkan terrorist's mother sentenced
- November 11, 2019: Policemen assaulted journalist in Yitzhar
- November 11, 2019: Barkan terrorist's mother to be sentenced
- November 11, 2019: Neriya Zarog – Police brutality in Yitzhar
- November 10, 2019: Yitzhar: Police close in on Zarog – Timeline
- November 8, 2019: Netzach Yehuda soldiers threatened in prison
- November 8, 2019: Police raid Yitzhar home in search of Zarog
- November 6, 2019: Protesters pepper-sprayed near Kochav HaShahar
- October 31, 2019: PIU initiate investigation of border policewoman who slapped child
- October 31, 2019: Violent detention in Tzfat
- October 31, 2019: Police, GSS to compensate three youths
- October 30, 2019: Netzach Yehuda soldiers still detained
- October 30, 2019: Five worshipers detained on Temple Mount
- October 30, 2019: Yitzhar resident injured during olive harvest
- October 29, 2019: 12-year-old boy detained near Shilo Hills
- October 24, 2019: Kfar Duma trial: Verdict handed down to minor
- October 24, 2019: Worshipers attacked outside of Hurva Synagogue
- October 23, 2019: Kfar Duma trial: Verdict for GSS tortured minor
- October 22, 2019: Tisha B’Av: Police indifferent to assaulted Jewish youth
- October 20, 2019: Yitzhar resident who objected to IDF violence released to house arrest
- October 19, 2019: Violently detained Yitzhar minor released
- October 16, 2019: Police harass family on Rosh HaShana
- October 13, 2019: Yitzhar resident: “I won’t obey administrative order”
- October 8, 2019: Request: Allow prisoners minyan on Yom Kippur
- October 7, 2019: Zemora case: Appeal accepted, terrorist convicted of attempted murder
- October 6, 2019: Decision to be handed down in Zemora case
- October 3, 2019: Victim of mistaken identity sues police
- October 2, 2019: Yitzhar resident served with administrative order
- September 29, 2019: Honenu assists Breslov hilltop youth under travel ban
- September 26, 2019: Yitzhar resident’s wife to GOC: “Cancel the order”
- September 25, 2019: Peaceful demonstrators violently detained
- September 23, 2019: Prison Service to compensate youth
- September 23, 2019: Rabbis’ letter in support of Yitzhar resident
- September 19, 2019: Antisemitic sign on public bus reported
- September 16, 2019: Sentence increased in Barkan terror case
- September 15, 2019: Today: Deliberation on appeal in Barkan case
- September 11, 2019: Letter in support of Yitzhar resident
- September 10, 2019: Terror victims receive compensation, precedent set
- September 9, 2019: Incident occurred while the accused was interrogated
- September 5, 2019: Demonstration in support of Yitzhar resident
- September 5, 2019: Two antisemitic incidents near Jaffa Gate
- September 4, 2019: Yitzhar resident faces administrative order
- September 4, 2019: Arab assailant to pay 30,000 NIS compensation
- September 2, 2019: 81-year old woman roughly detained
- August 26, 2019: Youths indicted for “Shema Yisrael” on Temple Mount
- August 26, 2019: Was the police lineup contaminated?
- August 25, 2019: Father and son detained at protest after terror attack
- August 19, 2019: Youth injured on Tisha B’Av
- August 15, 2019: Mistaken identity led to detention, distancing order
- August 13, 2019: Minor compensated for detention over “looking like a hilltop youth”
- August 11, 2019: Kfar Duma case: DA’s office rejects District Court’s opinion
- August 7, 2019: Brother of Barkan terrorist sentenced
- August 6, 2019: Sentence to be handed down in Barkan trial
- August 1, 2019: Support for soldiers
- August 1, 2019: Jewish driver attacked on Route 65
- July 29, 2019: Policeman pretends to be postal employee, youth served with administrative order
- July 28, 2019: Barkan trial continues
- July 25, 2019: Precedent: Court accepts affidavit from absent crime victim
- July 24, 2019: Suspects detained over intentional hit and run collision
- July 24, 2019: Expert opinion: Kfar Duma graffiti not by Ben Uliel
- July 23, 2019: Families of Barkan terror victims to testify
- July 21, 2019: Over-policing: Judge cancels traffic ticket
- July 18, 2019: Motorcyclist injured in intentional hit and run collision
- July 18, 2019: Barkan case: Complaint filed over coordinating testimonies
- July 17, 2019: Outstanding soldier falsely detained
- July 17, 2019: Brother of Barkan terrorist convicted
- July 17, 2019: Newlywed detained at his home
- July 15, 2019: Terrorist convicted of attempted murder
- July 14, 2019: Assault victim awarded 13,000 NIS compensation
- July 11, 2019: Rabbi Ben-Gal’s murderer convicted
- July 8, 2019: Motorcycle ramming victim sues terrorist
- July 7, 2019: Left-wing activist harassed couple, case closed
- July 4, 2019: Police take sides in Old City land dispute
- July 3, 2019: Hevron: Assault near Ma’arat HaMachpela
- June 26, 2019: Kfar Duma trial, defense phase
- June 20, 2019: Minors detained near Temple Mount gates refused to post bail-UPDATE
- June 20, 2019: Minors detained near Temple Mount gates refused to post bail
- June 19, 2019: Apple orchard set on fire, case closed
- June 18, 2019: Jewish youths assaulted in Old City on eve of Shavuot
- June 13, 2019: Rock-thrower detained in Hevron
- June 12, 2019: Indictments filed over Molotov cocktail attack
- June 11, 2019: Riot victims sue for emotional injuries
- June 6, 2019: Bereaved father levels strong criticism at GOC
- June 5, 2019: Demand for deterrence factor in Barkan case
- May 21, 2019: Zemora case continues
- May 19, 2019: Deliberation in Zemora case
- May 16, 2019: Kfar Duma resident speaks to PI
- May 12, 2019: Plea bargain disconnects minor from Duma case
- May 7, 2019: Five rioters from Hawara attack sentenced in plea bargain
- May 5, 2019: Yanai Weisman, Hy”d, case continues
- April 30, 2019: More evidence lost in ‘Wedding of Hate’ case
- April 28, 2019: Supreme Court rejects terrorist’s appeal
- April 6, 2019: Duma case survey: GSS version not reliable
- April 3, 2019: Terror victim undergoes operation
- March 28, 2019: Bleicher: It was a terror attack, not an accident
- March 27, 2019: Hit-and-run or terror attack?
- March 10, 2019: Terrorist’s attorney detained, deliberation postponed
- March 5, 2019: Deliberation scheduled on appeal in Zemora case
- February 17, 2019: More disturbances near Mevo’ot Yeriho
- February 10, 2019: Weisman’s widow spoke in court
- February 5, 2019: Minors detained overnight
- January 31, 2019: Military prosecution rejects appeal
- January 31, 2019: Police to compensate illegally handcuffed minors
- January 30, 2019: Father of Barkan victim to speak at appeal
- January 29, 2019: Third conviction in Yanai Weisman, Hy"d, case
- January 24, 2019: Indictment filed in case of Rechalim minor
- January 23, 2019: Remand extended, indictment for fifth minor likely tomorrow
- January 21, 2019: Protesters detained near Adei Ad
- January 20, 2019: Remand of fifth minor extended, again
- January 15, 2019: Plaintiff’s affidavit filed in case of Rechalim minor
- January 15, 2019: Police concealing documents in GSS minor case
- January 13, 2019: Appeal rejected on remand of fifth minor
- January 11, 2019: The fifth minor will not be released before Shabbat
- January 11, 2019: Will the fifth minor be released before Shabbat? - UPDATE
- January 11, 2019: Will the fifth minor be released before Shabbat?
- January 11, 2019: Appeal to release last GSS detained minor before Shabbat
- January 10, 2019: R. Eliyahu wrote letter to GSS Head
- January 10, 2019: Press conference on GSS detained minors
- January 10, 2019: GSS detained minors to be released
- January 10, 2019: Written response to illegal summonses
- January 10, 2019: Parents of detained minors request meeting with President Rivlin
- January 9, 2019: Illegal police raid on yeshiva in Rechalim
- January 9, 2019: Attorneys: Minors must be present at deliberation - Update
- January 9, 2019: Attorneys: Minors must be present at deliberation
- January 8, 2019: More GSS detained minors meet with attorney
- January 7, 2019: Parents of detained minors hold press conference
- January 7, 2019: Judge orders complaint transferred to “Mivtan”
- January 7, 2019: Attorneys to meet with minors
- January 6, 2019: “We will not allow the youths to be falsely accused”
- January 6, 2019: Attorney to give slander warning
- January 6, 2019: “GSS hasn’t learned anything”
- January 6, 2019: Who is going to put an end to this injustice?
- January 6, 2019: MK Yogev calls for oversight on the GSS
- January 6, 2019: After week in remand, GSS detained minors meet with attorneys
- January 5, 2019: Demonstrator detained at protest
- January 5, 2019: Head of Shomron Council speaks at protest
- January 5, 2019: Protest in Jerusalem: Youth in Yosh have rights too!
- January 5, 2019: Rabbi Druckman: Release the youths
- January 5, 2019: Protest in Jerusalem
- January 5, 2019: GSS, police block exit to Kochav HaShahar prior to J-lem protest
- January 5, 2019: Minor detained in Jerusalem
- January 4, 2019: New order for GSS detained minors
- January 4, 2019: Mother of detained minor: Let them keep Shabbat!
- January 4, 2019: Protest: Youth in Yosh have rights too!
- January 4, 2019: Rabbis’ letter expresses great concern for detained minors
- January 3, 2019: Complaint: Unjustified use of pepper spray
- January 3, 2019: Police brutality in Amona - Timeline
- January 3, 2019: Central District Court – Deliberation and protest
- January 3, 2019: Mother of detained minor to Minister Shaked: “Does the GSS run the country?”
- January 2, 2019: GSS detained minors – Protests
- January 2, 2019: Border policeman Ben Deri released from prison
- January 2, 2019: Minister Ariel spoke to father of detained minor
- January 2, 2019: Educational institution harassed by GSS
- January 2, 2019: Rabbi Ben-Gal’s murderer on trial
- January 1, 2019: Protesters block entrance to Jerusalem
- January 1, 2019: Hundreds at protest opposite Justice Minister’s residence
- January 1, 2019: GSS detained minors still under order not to meet with attorneys
- January 1, 2019: Will the detained minors see an attorney?
- January 1, 2019: “Stop Duma 2!”
- December 31, 2018: GSS detained minors still have not seen attorney, condition unknown
- December 31, 2018: Honenu Director to Tag Meir: Do Jewish minors have rights?
- December 30, 2018: GSS detained minors have not seen attorney
- December 30, 2018: Im Tirtzu activist sues Israeli Police
- December 26, 2018: Beit Jala terrorist indicted
- December 24, 2018: Geulat Tzion evacuation injury incident update
- December 21, 2018: Former GSS Deputy Director on false confessions
- December 20, 2018: Investigation in assault case stalled
- December 19, 2018: Civil Administration not penalized for flock damage
- December 18, 2018: Detainee transported by reckless police driver
- December 17, 2018: Incident not nationalistically motivated, detainee released
- December 16, 2018: Verdict handed down in Yanai Weisman, Hy”d, case
- December 16, 2018: Gelman family: Verdict is victory for terror
- December 15, 2018: Verdict to be handed down in Yanai Weisman, Hy”d, case
- December 13, 2018: Protests throughout Israel
- December 13, 2018: 22 Route 60 detainees taken to Sha’ar Binyamin
- December 13, 2018: Route 60 detainees taken to Sha’ar Binyamin
- December 12, 2018: Kfar Duma trial: Evidence from scene incompatible with confessions
- December 9, 2018: Resident detained in Geulat Tzion
- December 9, 2018: Illegally detained minor unconditionally released
- December 9, 2018: GSS agent to testify in Kfar Duma trial
- December 7, 2018: Illegally closed assault case to be reopened
- December 5, 2018: Arab/left-wing disturbance in Shilo Bloc
- December 5, 2018: Minor brutally detained in Ramot
- December 3, 2018: “Duma Blood Libel” Facebook page administrators to distribute booklet
- December 3, 2018: Complaint: Woman partially stripped during Geulat Tzion evacuation
- November 30, 2018: Qusra assailant remanded until end of proceedings
- November 29, 2018: Military Court: Barkan terrorist’s father detained until end of proceedings
- November 29, 2018: Assailants identified, but case closed
- November 29, 2018: Jewish youth detained in Shilo Bloc
- November 28, 2018: Terrorist ordered to pay victim 30,000 NIS compensation
- November 27, 2018: Military Advocate General’s office to appeal terrorist’s exoneration
- November 22, 2018: Elor Azariya: Police leaked personal information, again
- November 22, 2018: High-level support for demolishing collaborators’ houses
- November 21, 2018: Brother of Barkan terrorist detained until end of proceedings
- November 19, 2018: IDF policy endangering Israel
- November 19, 2018: Rabbi Shevah’s family: “Demolish the terrorist’s rebuilt house”
- November 16, 2018: Kfar Duma trial: Ben Uliel’s alibi not investigated
- November 15, 2018: Will the bar mitzva hike assailant be released?
- November 13, 2018: Eight girls detained near Temple Mount
- November 7, 2018: Youth injured in terror attack awarded 60,000 NIS
- November 4, 2018: 20-month sentence for religiously motivated assault
- November 3, 2018: Jewish minor detained at protest near Neve Tzuf
- October 31, 2018: Terrorist exonerated from murder
- October 30, 2018: Adviser to nationalist prisoners, Rabbi David Azulai, ztz”l
- October 30, 2018: Jewish vehicle attacked near Shefaram
- October 28, 2018: Call to reexamine Kfar Duma case
- October 24, 2018: Court orders release of minor
- October 24, 2018: Minor transfers house arrest address to Minister’s address
- October 22, 2018: Evidence lost in ‘Wedding of Hate’ trial
- October 22, 2018: Comatose terror victim succumbed to injuries, family demands retrial
- October 18, 2018: 10 Administrative orders in 18 months
- October 16, 2018: Witnesses to rock-throwing detained
- October 15, 2018: Assailant convicted of aggravated assault
- October 14, 2018: Minor released minutes before Shabbat
- October 14, 2018: Kfar Duma trial to be held in open courtroom
- October 11, 2018: Accomplice denied parole
- October 11, 2018: Will the accomplice be released on parole?
- October 8, 2018: Minor unjustifiably detained twice
- October 7, 2018: Detentions at demonstrations following terror attack
- October 7, 2018: Family of terror victim demands change in policy
- October 7, 2018: Policeman lied, detainee awarded 10,000 NIS in compensation
- October 4, 2018: Clemency request for border policeman Ben Deri
- September 29, 2018: Remand extension for Kfar Yafia assault suspects
- September 29, 2018: Assault in Kfar Yafia nationalistically motivated
- September 29, 2018: Kfar Yafia assault, police statement
- September 28, 2018: Serious assault in Kfar Yafia
- September 26, 2018: Four detainees on Temple Mount
- September 17, 2018: Accomplices to murderous terror attack released on parole
- September 17, 2018: Youths unjustifiably detained on Temple Mount, released
- September 16, 2018: Deterrence necessary to fight terror
- September 13, 2018: Visitor to Temple Mount detained, released
- September 6, 2018: Jewish youth removed from Temple Mount
- September 6, 2018: GSS testimonies in Kfar Duma trial to remain under immunity
- September 6, 2018: Will GSS agents’ testimonies of torture be revealed?
- September 5, 2018: The Kfar Duma trial continues
- September 5, 2018: Terrorist’s house not to be demolished, victim’s family protests
- September 4, 2018: Active prison terms, 30,000 NIS compensation imposed on terrorists
- August 29, 2018: Police request denied, indictment not filed
- August 26, 2018: GSS compensated illegally recruited youth
- August 20, 2018: Minors unconditionally released
- August 19, 2018: Six minors detained at protest
- August 19, 2018: Supreme Court accepts AG’s last-minute appeal
- August 16, 2018: Suit filed against policeman who broke minor’s arm
- August 6, 2018: Jewish shepherds assaulted, 4 Arabs detained
- August 6, 2018: Three Jewish shepherds assaulted in Binyamin
- July 29, 2018: Assaulted Jewish youths detained in Jerusalem
- July 26, 2018: Tisha B’Av: Dozens distanced from Temple Mount gates
- July 25, 2018: One month after serious assault, no detentions
- July 25, 2018: Demand filed with TIPH to compensate assaulted minor
- July 22, 2018: Arab rioting near Beit HaChoshen, Jerusalem
- July 22, 2018: Tisha B’Av: Three Students for the Temple Mount activists detained
- July 22, 2018: Last Yitzhar detainee released
- July 22, 2018: Tisha B’Av: Temple Mount detainees
- July 19, 2018: Three weeks after serious assault, no detentions
- July 19, 2018: Two out of three Yitzhar detainees released
- July 16, 2018: Sentence in Zemora case: 14 years, 500,000 NIS compensation
- July 16, 2018: Verdict in Zemora case – Today
- July 15, 2018: Honenu director Meidad: “Release Ben Uliel!”
- July 15, 2018: Supreme Court releases minor in Kfar Duma case
- July 13, 2018: AG’s office appeals decision in Kfar Duma case
- July 12, 2018: Detention in Shilo Bloc agricultural area
- July 12, 2018: Deliberation on minor in Kfar Duma case
- July 12, 2018: Verdict to be handed down in Zemora case
- July 12, 2018: Kfar Duma case: Deliberation expected to be held shortly
- July 11, 2018: Deliberation to be held in Kfar Duma case
- July 11, 2018: Policeman indicted for brutality
- July 9, 2018: 15-day distancing order for two minors
- July 8, 2018: Two minors detained near Temple Mount gates
- July 8, 2018: Youth seriously injured, no suspects detained
- July 8, 2018: Kfar Duma trial: Court demands expert opinion from Probation Service
- July 3, 2018: Hilltop detainees released
- June 28, 2018: Youth narrowly escapes rioting Arabs
- June 27, 2018: “Circling the Gates” detainees unconditionally released
- June 26, 2018: “Circling the Gates” detainees spend night in remand
- June 25, 2018: Deliberation on release of minor in Kfar Duma case
- June 25, 2018: State to represent policeman in brutality case
- June 23, 2018: Kfar Duma trial: confessions invalidated, deliberation on Sunday – POSTPONED
- June 22, 2018: Kfar Duma trial: confessions invalidated, deliberation on Sunday
- June 21, 2018: Video clip backs defendant, not the police
- June 20, 2018: Protesters against destruction in Yehuda, Shomron detained
- June 19, 2018: Father of detainee in Kfar Duma case responds to verdict
- June 19, 2018: Verdict in Kfar Duma case read at Lod District Court
- June 19, 2018: Court orders release of Tapuah protest detainees
- June 17, 2018: Dozens of detainees at Tapuah hilltop
- June 14, 2018: Kfar Duma case: Protest opposite Justice Minister’s residence
- June 13, 2018: All Netiv HaAvot detainees released
- June 13, 2018: Netiv HaAvot detainees brought to court
- June 11, 2018: Severe criticism by Rabbi Druckman of Kfar Duma trial
- June 10, 2018: Netiv HaAvot protests and detentions
- June 10, 2018: Sexually harassed minor released home after 12-day remand
- June 10, 2018: Border policemen filmed minors immersing in a spring
- June 10, 2018: AG’s office appeals penalty for border policeman
- June 7, 2018: Demonstration of Kfar Duma interrogation torture methods
- June 6, 2018: Kfar Duma case torture methods revealed by GSS interrogators
- June 5, 2018: Rabbis demand investigation of Kfar Duma case torture
- June 4, 2018: Interrogated minor sexually harassed
- June 3, 2018: Interrogated minor administered sedative without parents’ consent
- June 1, 2018: Parents of minor in Kfar Duma case level harsh criticism
- May 30, 2018: Minors detained, interrogated without meeting with attorney - Update
- May 29, 2018: Minors detained, interrogated without meeting with attorney
- May 24, 2018: Ad Kan responds to Nawi indictment
- May 23, 2018: Zemora case: Compensation demand
- May 22, 2018: Vehicles illegally towed by police in Yitzhar, then returned
- May 22, 2018: Deliberation scheduled in Zemora case
- May 17, 2018: Zemora case: New evidence rejected
- May 17, 2018: Elad Sela to be released home
- May 16, 2018: Youth awarded 7,050 NIS for illegal search
- May 14, 2018: Geulat Tzion minors released from remand
- May 13, 2018: Shilo Bloc: Border police officer delayed medical treatment of detainee
- May 13, 2018: Supreme Court orders consideration of remand alternative
- May 13, 2018: Ten detained in Shilo Bloc
- May 9, 2018: Detention near Jerusalem
- May 2, 2018: Detention over demarcation order violation in Geulat Tzion
- April 30, 2018: “It turned out that there was nothing to the case.”
- April 29, 2018: Minor threatened in detention center
- April 29, 2018: Honenu Attorneys to demand release of minor
- April 27, 2018: Supreme Court rejects appeal without deliberation - UPDATE
- April 27, 2018: Supreme Court rejects appeal without deliberation
- April 26, 2018: Minor finally located, meeting with attorney banned
- April 26, 2018: Minor detained, released
- April 25, 2018: Military Advocate General to submit new evidence in Zemora case
- April 25, 2018: Trial over for border policeman
- April 25, 2018: Agent provocateur operated among minors
- April 24, 2018: New evidence in Zemora case
- April 24, 2018: 15-year-old detained, remand extended
- April 17, 2018: Prison sentences for accomplices to Malka’s murderers
- April 16, 2018: Developments in Kfar Duma trial
- April 15, 2018: First conviction in ambushed bar mitzva hike case
- April 11, 2018: Verdict in Zemora terror attack case: Not attempted murder
- April 4, 2018: 13-year old girl detained in Old City of Jerusalem
- March 30, 2018: Detentions in the Old City of Jerusalem
- March 29, 2018: Kfar Duma trial: “Allow our son to celebrate the Seder at home”
- March 28, 2018: Bereaved father responds to Yehonatan Gefen
- March 26, 2018: Bar mitzva hike case closed
- March 23, 2018: Disturbances near Mevo’ot Yeriho
- March 22, 2018: Salomon family’s murderer’s house not to be completely demolished
- March 22, 2018: A Year in Review: Nisan 5778/March 2018
- March 22, 2018: Detainee awarded 12,250 NIS compensation
- March 21, 2018: Distancing order canceled for Yitzhar youth
- March 21, 2018: Detainees sue over illegal inquiry
- March 15, 2018: Kfar Duma arson incident trial
- March 13, 2018: Yitzhar detainees unconditionally released
- March 12, 2018: Closed military zone order used against residents
- March 8, 2018: Demarcation order protested
- March 7, 2018: “Why are we giving them prizes?”
- March 6, 2018: Distancing order reduced by 15 days
- March 5, 2018: Complaint filed with police, GSS
- March 4, 2018: GSS hassles Gemara class
- February 28, 2018: Minor awarded 6,500 NIS compensation
- February 22, 2018: “Revoke entry permits for funeral participants”
- February 22, 2018: “Allow Jewish prisoners to hear ‘Parshat Zachor’”
- February 22, 2018: Letter: “Allow Jewish prisoners to hear ‘Parshat Zachor’”
- February 21, 2018: “Who is responsible for the error?”
- February 20, 2018: House arrest of assaulted youths canceled
- February 20, 2018: Eviatar outpost near Tapuah Junction evacuated
- February 18, 2018: Terrorist’s family allowed to complete second story
- February 18, 2018: Terrorists’ bodies returned, victims’ families not informed
- February 16, 2018: Worshippers at Joshua’s Tomb detained
- February 15, 2018: Short detention, reason unknown
- February 14, 2018: Verdict of Salomon family murderer to be read tomorrow
- February 14, 2018: Assault in Old City of Jerusalem
- February 8, 2018: Minor awarded 5,500 NIS in compensation for strip search
- February 8, 2018: Distancing order for Otzma Yehudit director canceled
- February 5, 2018: Status of terrorist’s house to be clarified
- February 5, 2018: Detentions in protests after Rabbi Ben-Gal, Hy”d, murder
- January 31, 2018: Detentions in Havat Ma'on
- January 28, 2018: Head of DCL Center, Shechem assaulted youth, broke camera
- January 27, 2018: Protest opposite Maj.-Gen. Numa’s residence
- January 22, 2018: Jewish shepherd injured by rock-throwing Arabs
- January 18, 2018: Picard threatened with distancing order
- January 14, 2018: Main assailant identified – and released
- December 26, 2017: Investigation of injured confiscated flock reopened
- December 14, 2017: Detainee released thanks to video documentation
- December 4, 2017: Honenu demands apprehension of suspects in ambush of hiking bar mitzva boys
- November 30, 2017: Tzabar group satire shows reality
- November 30, 2017: Civil Administration sued for damage to flock
- November 29, 2017: Youths not brought to deliberation due to lack of vehicle
- November 28, 2017: One policeman, three serious complaints filed
- November 14, 2017: Police sued for brutality and false detention
- November 5, 2017: GSS to transfer ‘confidential’ appraisal
- November 1, 2017: Detainee awarded 5,000 NIS for release delay
- October 25, 2017: Couple awarded 4,500 NIS in compensation
- October 25, 2017: Knesset committee to discuss bill regarding detentions
- October 19, 2017: Prisoner awarded 8,000 NIS in compensation for strip searches
- September 18, 2017: Complaint filed against police brutality
- September 4, 2017: Second administrative order canceled
- September 4, 2017: Will the danger remain?
- September 3, 2017: Appeal accepted
- August 28, 2017: Without trial, without warning
- August 23, 2017: Minors released, again
- August 23, 2017: Appeal to stop Temple Mount soccer games
- August 20, 2017: Yitzhar resident faces distancing order
- August 20, 2017: Complaint justified, interrogator to be reprimanded
- August 17, 2017: Two minors released to house arrest
- August 6, 2017: Assault victim files complaint
- August 3, 2017: Detainee calls for cancellation of administrative orders
- August 2, 2017: Tasered detainee released from remand
- July 27, 2017: Soldier exonerated from all guilt
- July 26, 2017: Shilo Bloc residents detained at dawn, released after interrogation
- July 24, 2017: Jewish shepherd ambushed by terrorists
- July 24, 2017: Remand extension for protesters
- July 21, 2017: Court rejects police demand for distancing
- July 11, 2017: Suit filed over interrogation in shower
- July 2, 2017: Four minors detained at dawn
- June 26, 2017: Detainee fainted, denied medical care for 3 hours
- June 21, 2017: Media spin failed, detainees released
- June 21, 2017: Jew detained at Temple Mount gate
- June 13, 2017: Ofer Military Court canceled administrative order
- June 12, 2017: Detainees refuse conditional release
- June 11, 2017: Assault victim detained in Old City Jerusalem
- June 7, 2017: Witnesses corroborate detainee’s alibi
- June 6, 2017: Minor’s right to privacy violated
- May 28, 2017: Police brutality: Amona resident sues for 70,000 NIS
- May 18, 2017: Picard given 24 hours to get organized
- May 18, 2017: Striking attorneys disrupt court proceedings
- May 17, 2017: Attempted lynch victims released after interrogation
- May 10, 2017: Complaint: Minor strip-searched without cause
- May 3, 2017: Independence Day detainees released
- May 3, 2017: Police interrogate man in shower
- April 28, 2017: Jews attacked by Arab mob, detained
- April 26, 2017: Honenu responds to fake news
- April 23, 2017: Detained youths held by GSS under harsh conditions
- April 19, 2017: 13 year old girl detained at gates to Temple Mount
- April 18, 2017: Ben-Yosef's killer sentenced to only 6 years
- April 9, 2017: Detained Temple Mount activists ordered released
- April 9, 2017: Temple Mount activists detained
- April 6, 2017: Minor's administrative order canceled
- April 5, 2017: Severe police brutality in Ofra
- March 30, 2017: Honenu demands committee to examine police brutality
- March 26, 2017: Court orders Homesh detainees released
- March 26, 2017: Homesh detainees to be brought to court
- March 22, 2017: Police raid and detentions in Yitzhar
- March 21, 2017: Minor detained in Ramat Migron
- March 20, 2017: First personal police brutality suit
- March 14, 2017: Why was the case against left-wing activists closed?
- March 14, 2017: Amona police brutality case
- March 7, 2017: Is this a case of discrimination?
- March 5, 2017: Honenu: Re-open case against intelligence officer
- March 5, 2017: District court releases Ofra detainees
- March 2, 2017: Magistrate court orders release of Ofra detainees
- March 2, 2017: Police brutality: Minor's arm broken
- March 1, 2017: Police brutality documented, detainee released
- March 1, 2017: Minor awarded compensation for violated rights
- February 28, 2017: Ofra Updates
- February 27, 2017: Arab assailant given lenient sentence
- February 26, 2017: Temple Mount detainee released
- February 26, 2017: Youth detained for "future misdemeanor" released
- February 26, 2017: Youth detained for "future misdemeanor"
- February 16, 2017: Temple Mount activist sues police for humiliating illegal detention
- February 14, 2017: Protester detained in Jerusalem
- February 12, 2017: Success: Falsely detained American to receive citizenship
- February 9, 2017: Arabs assault Jewish youth during police operation
- February 9, 2017: Forged document prevents soldier's release
- February 8, 2017: Amona cases
- February 5, 2017: Attempted lynch victim detained
- February 2, 2017: One detainee at protest opposite Police Commissioner's residence
- February 2, 2017: Video clips of police brutality in Amona – Part 2
- February 2, 2017: Honenu to GOC: The evacuation of Amona was illegal
- February 2, 2017: Video clips of police brutality in Amona – Part 1
- February 2, 2017: Amona: More complaints of police brutality
- February 1, 2017: Amona: Violence starts where there are no cameras
- January 30, 2017: Soldier released due to failings in disciplinary proceedings
- January 30, 2017: "A matter of bragging"
- January 26, 2017: Police negligence caused false detention
- January 25, 2017: "The police showed contempt for the Supreme Court."
- January 23, 2017: Mista'arvim in Geulat Tzion incident
- January 22, 2017: Police attempt to manipulate court ruling
- January 19, 2017: Geulat Tzion case continues
- January 18, 2017: Was the incident staged? - UPDATE
- January 18, 2017: Minor served with new administrative order
- January 17, 2017: Was the incident staged?
- January 17, 2017: Due to public pressure guest list not limited
- January 16, 2017: Is the Prison Service being vindictive?
- January 16, 2017: Police violate regulations, minor's condition exacerbated
- January 10, 2017: New administrative order for Yitzhar minor
- January 9, 2017: Court rejects police appeal on detained worshippers
- January 9, 2017: Six detained in demonstrations after J'lem terror attack
- January 5, 2017: Detained assaulted worshippers unconditionally released
- January 5, 2017: Assaulted worshippers detained
- January 3, 2017: Minors left barefoot in cold, abuse or error?
- January 2, 2017: Documentation of illegal body searches erased
- January 1, 2017: Adei Ad resident to be compensated for false detention
- December 29, 2016: 60-day distancing order for Temple Mount detainees
- December 29, 2016: Temple Mount detainees held overnight, awaiting deliberation
- December 27, 2016: Amona protester released from house arrest
- December 19, 2016: Amona protester's leg broken by police brutality
- December 12, 2016: "Legitimate protest does not justify administrative orders"
- December 11, 2016: Detainees left overnight in cold, open areas of police station
- December 7, 2016: Supreme Court verdict on Temple Mount distancing
- December 6, 2016: AG's office retracts border policeman's indictment
- December 5, 2016: AG's office retracts claims against border policeman
- December 4, 2016: Minors detained over Amona fliers
- December 1, 2016: Stringent restrictions imposed on Amona protesters
- December 1, 2016: Despite documentation, two cases of police brutality closed
- November 28, 2016: The need for Honenu
- November 24, 2016: Military court cancels administrative order
- November 23, 2016: Old City detainees spend night in remand
- November 20, 2016: Detained minors held handcuffed for hours
- November 20, 2016: Court to rule on delayed administrative order
- November 15, 2016: Detainee "violated" house arrest while testifying in court
- November 9, 2016: Youth detained for six month old Facebook post
- November 8, 2016: Jewish youth detained in Hevron released
- November 2, 2016: Legal protest leads to administrative order
- November 2, 2016: "Cover up": Documents in the Kfar Duma case disappeared
- November 1, 2016: Court rejects demarcation order claim
- October 27, 2016: District court levels sharp criticism at Prison Service
- October 26, 2016: Four minors falsely detained during olive harvest
- October 26, 2016: Injured minor's family furious over light sentence
- October 18, 2016: Police wait six months to detain Beit El resident
- October 14, 2016: Brother detained during bar mitzva celebration
- October 6, 2016: Is it a case of harassment by the police?
- September 28, 2016: Will Elad Sela be home for Rosh HaShana?
- September 27, 2016: Temple Mount distancing regulations revealed
- September 25, 2016: “Al-Aqsa Preacher” sentenced
- September 21, 2016: Policeman filmed threatening young woman
- September 20, 2016: Peace Now obligated to clarify erroneous statement about Honenu
- September 20, 2016: Where does the Central Command have authority?
- September 13, 2016: Nahaliel detainees released
- September 13, 2016: Distancing order canceled for Temple Mount activist
- September 12, 2016: Detained minor evacuated for medical treatment
- September 11, 2016: Detained minor: “A policeman punched me.”
- September 4, 2016: Assaulted Jews distanced from Yehuda/Shomron
- August 31, 2016: Activists detained at Temple Mount gates
- August 29, 2016: New administrative order for Shomron resident
- August 28, 2016: Is entering Area B without coordinating with the authorities a criminal offense?
- August 24, 2016: Honenu demands reopening of case
- August 24, 2016: Confiscated weapon returned to assaulted soldier
- August 23, 2016: According to police, Zuaretz forbidden to approach GOC's residence
- August 22, 2016: Jewish tourists assaulted by Arabs, soldier detained
- August 18, 2016: New administrative order served after father of five returned home
- August 17, 2016: Urgent request accepted
- August 17, 2016: Geulat Tzion resident detained at dawn
- August 10, 2016: Detained protesters, one injured, released in Ashkelon
- August 8, 2016: Complaint filed with PIU for assault and interfering with evidence
- August 3, 2016: Honenu criticized suspension of border policeman
- August 2, 2016: Knesset Committee discussed Yitzhar minor's case
- August 1, 2016: Knesset Committee to hold deliberation on Yitzhar minor's situation
- July 25, 2016: Yitzhar minor still harassed by police
- July 24, 2016: Military court criticized administrative orders
- July 21, 2016: 55-year-old man detained over Facebook post opposing Pride March
- July 21, 2016: Minors released to house arrest
- July 21, 2016: Honenu filed complaint, police officer to face disciplinary trial
- July 20, 2016: Yitzhar minor still wandering from host to host
- July 20, 2016: Police give teacher warning in middle of night
- July 19, 2016: Minors held under inhumane conditions
- July 19, 2016: Minors describe brutal ISA interrogations
- July 17, 2016: Falsely accused minor released
- July 17, 2016: Minors transferred to detention center
- July 15, 2016: Minor released to house arrest
- July 14, 2016: Police investigate Facebook post
- July 14, 2016: Minors' rights violated during intensive ISA interrogation
- July 14, 2016: Yitzhar minor's family in solidarity campaign: “We are all living on the street”
- July 13, 2016: Arbitrarily detained minor unconditionally released
- July 12, 2016: Minor arbitrarily detained in Old City of Jerusalem
- July 12, 2016: Temple Mount activist detained on his way to memorial
- July 12, 2016: ISA extended ban on minors meeting with attorney
- July 11, 2016: Detained minors at ISA facility still forbidden to meet with attorney
- July 11, 2016: Court leveled criticism, Honenu filed civil suit
- July 10, 2016: Detained minors taken to ISA facility, forbidden to meet with attorney
- July 7, 2016: District court accepted appeal in Yitzhar minor's case
- July 7, 2016: Yitzhar minor visits Knesset
- July 5, 2016: Court: Yitzhar minor to remain under house arrest
- July 5, 2016: Rabbis visit Yitzhar family's tent in show of support
- July 4, 2016: Yitzhar minor's grandparents, friends harassed by police
- June 29, 2016: Judge censures police, releases minor
- June 24, 2016: Yitzhar minor to serve house arrest at home
- June 24, 2016: Yitzhar minor detained at home
- June 23, 2016: Yitzhar minor ordered to stay on isolated farm
- June 22, 2016: Social media protest: “A Bench for the Yitzhar Minor”
- June 22, 2016: National Council for the Child sent urgent letters to GOCs
- June 21, 2016: Courts release Givat Gal detainees, AG's office objects
- June 21, 2016: King David's Tomb detainees conditionally released
- June 20, 2016: Detentions, Sefer Torah knocked to the ground at King David's Tomb
- June 20, 2016: King David's Tomb: Police brutality
- June 20, 2016: Minor to be forced to leave parents' home
- June 19, 2016: Kfar Duma incident: Youth coordinator exonerated of all guilt
- June 16, 2016: Injured Givat Gal detainees to be indicted
- June 14, 2016: Demolition in Givat Gal, no order presented to court
- June 9, 2016: Shomron residents recruited by intelligence officer
- June 8, 2016: Father of minor under administrative order sends letter to Defense Minister
- June 7, 2016: Hearing held for minor under impossible to fulfill house arrest
- June 6, 2016: Youths released after police admit they were outside of closed military zone
- June 6, 2016: Judge ordered release of rabbi detained at Jerusalem Day incident
- June 5, 2016: Rabbi leaving Temple Mount detained
- June 5, 2016: Administrative order served to minor still cannot be implemented
- June 5, 2016: Temple Mount: Jew detained on Jerusalem Day for answering “Amen”
- June 2, 2016: Administrative order served to minor cannot be implemented
- June 1, 2016: By administrative order, 15-year old youth banned from parents' home
- May 29, 2016: Youth banned from making contact with record number of individuals: 87
- May 24, 2016: Dozens of security forces catch three youths studying at Givat Geulat Tzion
- May 19, 2016: Night raid in Yitzhar, four administrative orders served
- May 18, 2016: Youths detained for asking Arab policeman to identify himself
- May 17, 2016: Administrative detainee Meir Ettinger scheduled for release
- May 10, 2016: Two minors released from remand to house arrest
- May 9, 2016: Minors aged 12, 15 released from isolated police station, parents not notified
- May 8, 2016: Police detectives travel long distance to carry out false detention
- May 3, 2016: Second administrative order served 5 days after first expired
- April 20, 2016: Prohibiting meeting with attorney liable to lead to false confessions
- April 20, 2016: Two ISA detainees released to house arrest
- April 18, 2016: Why weren't the parents informed?
- April 18, 2016: ISA detainees to be brought to court
- April 17, 2016: Jew detained on Temple Mount for giving commentary
- April 15, 2016: Detained minor interrogated by ISA rushed to hospital
- April 15, 2016: Detainees' families to Chief Rabbis: “Help our sons keep Shabbat”
- April 14, 2016: ISA interrogation: Violence, humiliation, Shabbat violation
- April 14, 2016: 10 days under ISA interrogation without meeting with attorney
- April 12, 2016: Detainees' father concerned by possible torture
- April 11, 2016: Gag order still stands
- April 10, 2016: Order prohibiting ISA detainees from meeting with attorney extended by five days
- April 7, 2016: ISA detainees interrogated, still haven't met with attorney
- April 5, 2016: Is this another case of ISA torture?
- April 4, 2016: Supreme Court: Meir Ettinger not given furlough to son's brit milah
- April 3, 2016: Chief Rabbi: “Allow Meir Ettinger to participate in his firstborn son's brit”
- April 3, 2016: Meir Ettinger's wife: “We will not hold the brit milah in prison”
- April 3, 2016: Supreme Court hearing scheduled for day of brit milah
- April 3, 2016: Ettinger's wife turns to Chief Rabbis for assistance
- April 3, 2016: District Court: Ettinger not allowed furlough for son's brit milah
- April 2, 2016: Demonstration in Jerusalem: “Let Meir attend his son's brit”
- April 1, 2016: Administrative detainee to court: “Allow me to attend my son's brit milah”
- March 28, 2016: Sheikh Omar Abu Sara'a convicted of incitement to injure Jews
- March 27, 2016: Who is interfering with soldiers' actions?
- March 20, 2016: New developments in Kfar Duma case
- March 16, 2016: Grounds for administrative order: Protest opposite Major-General's residence
- March 15, 2016: Police brutality during yeshiva raid
- March 14, 2016: Sheikh Al-Mughrabi convicted of incitement
- March 9, 2016: “Gun license bureaucracy endangers lives”
- March 9, 2016: Is protest against administrative orders being silenced?
- March 9, 2016: Are Jews allowed to drink from water fountains on the Temple Mount?
- March 6, 2016: “Clear violation of the freedom of expression”
- March 6, 2016: Complaint: Police interrogator abused minor
- February 28, 2016: Prison official reveals illegal searches
- February 25, 2016: IDF tightens security directives at Sha'ar Binyamin Industrial Zone
- February 24, 2016: Administrative orders extended for hilltop youth
- February 23, 2016: Court approves administrative detention extension for Meir Ettinger
- February 23, 2016: Triumph: Musi Raz withdraws petition against Honenu
- February 14, 2016: Three Jews detained on Temple Mount on suspicion of praying
- February 14, 2016: Was it apathy or powerlessness of the police?
- February 12, 2016: Terrorist in Shavuot stabbing attack convicted
- February 11, 2016: Detained Shomron resident suspected of violating administrative order released
- February 11, 2016: Soldier sentenced to seven months in prison
- February 11, 2016: Temple Mount activist awarded 32,000 NIS compensation
- February 10, 2016: Shomron resident suspected of violating administrative order detained
- February 4, 2016: Court to rule on extending Ettinger's detention
- January 31, 2016: Appeal accepted: Gun license returned to Old City resident
- January 27, 2016: Hunger striking detainee loses consciousness
- January 26, 2016: Two administrative detainees on hunger strike
- January 24, 2016: Civil suit: Police officer slapped minor protesting tortuous interrogations
- January 21, 2016: Policy of administrative orders continues
- January 19, 2016: Case of minor's complaint of police brutality closed due to “lack of public interest”
- January 7, 2016: “The detention was a cover-up”
- January 7, 2016: Police violence in Jerusalem
- January 6, 2016: Attorney General's office cancels hearing
- January 5, 2016: Arami family requests assistance from Police Commissioner
- January 5, 2016: Magistrate Court Judge strongly criticized Yehuda-Shomron Police
- January 4, 2016: Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem: “Check claims of torture”
- January 3, 2016: Administrative detainee to be released, not involved with incident attributed to him
- January 3, 2016: Honenu demands: Lift the gag order!
- December 30, 2015: Minors released from remand
- December 30, 2015: Photographic evidence: Detained minor attempted suicide
- December 29, 2015: Court orders release, State Prosecutor and police refuse
- December 28, 2015: Judge orders Kfar Duma case detainee released
- December 28, 2015: District court judge strongly criticized Temple Mount police
- December 28, 2015: Detainee held under extreme conditions charged with minor incident
- December 24, 2015: Judge bans two released detainees from entering Temple Mount
- December 23, 2015: Demonstrators violently detained
- December 23, 2015: Demonstrators detained protesting GSS torture released
- December 23, 2015: Honenu Attorney to Knesset Minister: “No justification for sadistic torture in this case”
- December 22, 2015: Jews detained on Temple Mount on Tenth of Tevet
- December 20, 2015: Revealed during deliberation: One of the detainees attempted suicide
- December 20, 2015: Two Kfar Duma case detainees to be released
- December 17, 2015: Honenu press conference: Interrogators applied severe methods of torture
- December 16, 2015: Detainee's mother faints in court
- December 14, 2015: Netzah Yehuda soldier released after 60 day military prison sentence
- December 10, 2015: Honenu operations manager violently detained outside of courthouse
- December 9, 2015: Anarchist provocation in Hevron leads to detention of Jewish minor
- December 9, 2015: Open letter from Kochav HaShachar: “Red lines have been crossed.”
- December 9, 2015: Susiya defendants exonerated after a 3 year trial
- December 8, 2015: Detainees not allowed to lay tefilin, light Hanukkah candles
- December 6, 2015: GSS interrogated detainee's relatives
- December 1, 2015: Cleared for publication: “Price tag” detainees released
- December 1, 2015: Honenu to IDF: Disclose IDF-B’Tselem working procedures
- November 30, 2015: Unprecedented: Supreme Court authorized remand extension in absence of minor detainee
- November 30, 2015: Unprecedented: State demands remand extension in absence of minor detainee
- November 29, 2015: Document reveals IDF-B’Tselem “productive dialogue”
- November 26, 2015: Minor detained, banned from meeting with attorney, charges not presented
- November 26, 2015: Seven Jewish youths unconditionally released from remand
- November 23, 2015: Five students detained in raid on Yeshivat Homesh
- November 19, 2015: Indictment filed against demonstrators protesting synagogue destruction
- November 17, 2015: Ettinger and Slonim to remain under administrative detention, court cited “extreme ideology”
- November 16, 2015: Plea bargain approved for murderer of Yinon Levanon, Hy”d
- November 12, 2015: Indictment filed against Sheikh Al-Mughrabi for incitement
- November 12, 2015: Appeal rejected in Nahal Hareidi case
- November 10, 2015: Unreasonable question posed to detained Nahal Hareidi soldier
- November 10, 2015: Administrative order "upgraded" in order to bypass courts
- November 8, 2015: Detainees suspected of bringing barbed wire to Givat Ze'ev released
- November 8, 2015: Confiscated flock returned to owner, 3 ewes died
- November 4, 2015: Honenu filed complaints, inciting sheikh detained
- November 4, 2015: Decision to be given in 6 weeks on administrative detainees
- November 3, 2015: Order illegible, detainee unconditionally released
- November 2, 2015: Givat HaBaladim raided, homes dismantled
- November 1, 2015: Clinic staff to be investigated on suspicion of denying terror victims treatment
- November 1, 2015: Nahal Hareidi soldiers detained until end of proceedings
- November 1, 2015: District court rejected police appeal, detainee released
- November 1, 2015: Administrative order bans Temple Mount activist from Jerusalem
- October 29, 2015: Indictment filed against Nahal Hareidi soldiers
- October 29, 2015: MPCID searched for “right-wing” expressions in detainees' cell phones
- October 28, 2015: Five Givati soldiers investigated
- October 28, 2015: Soldiers suspected of beating terrorists detained
- October 27, 2015: Imprisoned terrorists repeatedly threaten administrative detainee
- October 27, 2015: Youth detained over order impossible to fulfill
- October 27, 2015: Sheikh inciting to injure Jews continues sermonizing on Temple Mount
- October 25, 2015: “Investigate medical staff who refused to treat terror victims”
- October 22, 2015: Youths released due to lack of evidence
- October 21, 2015: Administrative detention: “Not only a personal matter”
- October 20, 2015: Jerusalem District Court to rule on administrative detainee
- October 19, 2015: Youth ordered released due to lack of "reasonable suspicion"
- October 19, 2015: Three terrorist-chasing detainees released to house arrest
- October 18, 2015: “Meleva malka” in support of Shomron detainees
- October 15, 2015: Remand on terrorist-chasing detainees extended
- October 14, 2015: Four men chasing terrorist detained
- October 13, 2015: Court authorizes transfer of administrative detainees to solitary confinement
- October 13, 2015: Ettinger allowed to speak to family, ends hunger strike
- October 13, 2015: Jew detained for satirical Facebook post
- October 12, 2015: 13 year old illegally held in remand
- October 12, 2015: Police demanded house arrest, court released detainee
- October 12, 2015: Suspected of praying on Temple Mount, weapon license revoked
- October 11, 2015: Prison Service admits to violation of law
- October 11, 2015: Two Jewish protesters beaten and detained
- October 11, 2015: Jew detained at demonstration
- October 8, 2015: Meir Ettinger starts hunger strike
- October 8, 2015: Protesters detained in Jerusalem, Petah Tikva and Lod
- October 7, 2015: Another Shomron resident served with administrative order
- October 7, 2015: Administrative detainees illegally transferred to high security wing
- October 7, 2015: “Whoever shoots a terrorist is a hero, not a criminal”
- October 6, 2015: After wave of Arab terror, Jewish man banned from Yehuda and Shomron
- October 6, 2015: Yinon Levanon's, Hy”d, family demands justice in court
- September 21, 2015: Detained outpost resident unconditionally released
- September 20, 2015: Court authorized administrative order for Ettinger
- September 20, 2015: Three detained at protest in Armon HaNatziv
- September 18, 2015: Order impossible to fulfill issued to youth
- September 17, 2015: Case against yeshiva student to be closed
- September 16, 2015: Yeshiva students call “Shema Yisrael” through loudspeaker, one detained
- September 10, 2015: “Confidential material” included articles posted openly on Internet
- September 8, 2015: Jew detained for reciting blessing on Temple Mount
- September 6, 2015: Jews banned from Temple Mount allowed to return
- September 1, 2015: Minor released from remand, issued administrative order
- August 27, 2015: Five detentions in raid on conference at Nof Ayalon
- August 27, 2015: Police forces surround conference at Nof Ayalon community center
- August 23, 2015: Minors under house arrest arrive late for interrogation, police demand return to remand
- August 23, 2015: Nine administrative orders served in one day
- August 19, 2015: Minors suspected of arson to be released
- August 18, 2015: District court accepted appeal by police, Honenu appealed to Supreme Court
- August 18, 2015: Honenu attorney sets legal precedent in military court
- August 17, 2015: Detainees from demonstration opposite terrorist supporters released
- August 17, 2015: Detainees released to house arrest, police appealed
- August 14, 2015: Mordechai Meyer's parents sent letter to Defense Minister
- August 13, 2015: Honenu filed complaint, AG to consider trying sheikh
- August 13, 2015: GSS detains 7 Jewish youths at Givat HaBaladim
- August 11, 2015: Police, GSS detained two Jewish youth, reason unknown
- August 9, 2015: Despite holding license, Adei Ad resident detained for possession of weapon
- August 6, 2015: Representatives of the State did not give suitable answers
- August 4, 2015: Complaint sent to AG on GSS interrogation methods
- August 4, 2015: Has a witch hunt started?
- July 30, 2015: Minor unjustifiably held in remand
- July 30, 2015: Bride detained on Temple Mount on suspicion of praying
- July 29, 2015: Missing detainee found, suffering from injuries
- July 29, 2015: Court ruling: Shofar blowing permitted on Temple Mount
- July 27, 2015: Two detainees in church arson case released
- July 22, 2015: Despite police demand, court released protesters
- July 20, 2015: GSS interrogators threaten detained youths
- July 20, 2015: Bar-Kapara's murderers to be indicted
- July 19, 2015: Bar-Kapara's family to hold protest
- July 16, 2015: Bar-Kapara's family to fight until truth comes to light
- July 13, 2015: Temple Mount activists' protest authorized
- July 13, 2015: Deliberation to take place on Temple Mount protest petition
- July 12, 2015: Petition: Allow Temple Mount activists to protest
- July 9, 2015: Temple Mount policies discriminate against Jews
- July 9, 2015: Temple Mount activists detained near Western Wall
- July 7, 2015: Jewish minors released
- July 7, 2015: After altercation in Jerusalem, Jews detained, Arabs released
- July 6, 2015: Father and son released from remand
- July 5, 2015: Threatened Jews detained in their own home
- July 2, 2015: Youth in remand due to discriminatory policy to be released
- June 29, 2015: Father and sons assaulted on Temple Mount
- June 28, 2015: Release conditions relaxed for two Givat Ronen residents
- June 25, 2015: Youth still in remand due to discriminatory policy
- June 25, 2015: House arrest extended for two Binyamin region youths
- June 24, 2015: Yitzhar resident released after false detention
- June 24, 2015: Complaint filed against officer for deleting video of police brutality
- June 23, 2015: Yitzhar resident’s detention based on weak testimony
- June 23, 2015: New information supports attempted murder claim for terrorist
- June 23, 2015: Two Binyamin region youths released to house arrest
- June 21, 2015: Knife attack NOT considered attempted murder
- June 18, 2015: Detained hikers released
- June 18, 2015: Youth to remain in remand due to discriminatory policy
- June 15, 2015: Sheikh incited, Honenu filed complaint
- June 14, 2015: Defendant exonerated eight years after incident
- June 10, 2015: House arrest conditions eased for Kochav HaShahar case defendants
- June 10, 2015: New immigrant recruited as informant
- June 7, 2015: Indictment filed against Givat Ronen detainees
- June 4, 2015: Givat Ronen detainees' remand extended again
- June 3, 2015: Yinon Levanon's family to Justice Minister: Do not allow this injustice
- June 2, 2015: Remand of Givat Ronen detainees extended
- May 31, 2015: Kedar to Attorney General: Cancel the plea bargain
- May 31, 2015: Case ends in severe criticism of discrimination against the right-wing
- May 31, 2015: Will Adei Ad resident return home for house arrest?
- May 28, 2015: Jewish youth on Temple Mount 'framed'
- May 26, 2015: Parole board orders release of Shlomi Dvir
- May 22, 2015: Court ruled against synagogue prayers for Kochav HaShahar defendants
- May 18, 2015: Youths hiking near Tzfat detained by GSS in supposedly routine check
- May 13, 2015: Religious prisoner's rights violated
- May 12, 2015: Kochav HaShahar detainees released to house arrest, but not at home
- May 10, 2015: Bridegroom detained on suspicion of praying on Temple Mount
- May 6, 2015: Increase in administrative orders issued to youths
- May 5, 2015: Court rejects house arrest extension request
- May 5, 2015: Bat Ayin : 13 year old youth detained in dawn raid
- May 4, 2015: Police admit: Posters in support of Elad Sela are legal
- May 3, 2015: Video of Kochav HaShahar incident reveal details
- May 3, 2015: Bat Ayin detainees: Adult remains in remand, minor released to house arrest
- April 29, 2015: Is legitimate protest being silenced?
- April 28, 2015: MK's criticize police conduct in Kochav HaShahar incident
- April 28, 2015: Bat Ayin detainees unconditionally released
- April 22, 2015: Indictment filed against Kochav HaShahar detainees
- April 21, 2015: Kochav HaShahar secretariat denounces police conduct
- April 20, 2015: Soldier detained on Temple Mount on suspicion of bowing
- April 20, 2015: Police didn't investigate, detainees still remain in remand
- April 18, 2015: Police attempt to cause disturbance, detain five in ambush
- April 15, 2015: Cleared for publication: Two detainees released after 11 days of interrogation
- April 13, 2015: Honenu attorney: Soldier's indictment highly problematic
- April 13, 2015: Detained minor banned from meeting with attorney
- April 13, 2015: Soldier accused of leaking information indicted
- April 1, 2015: Soldier released from hospital to GSS facility
- March 31, 2015: District Court: Soldier to meet with attorney tomorrow
- March 31, 2015: IDF soldier held by GSS rushed to hospital for emergency operation
- March 22, 2015: More administrative orders issued to Jews
- March 19, 2015: Remand extended again on soldier suspected of leaking information
- March 16, 2015: No evidence presented to soldier suspected of leaking information
- March 16, 2015: Supreme Court rejected petition, administrative orders left in effect
- March 11, 2015: Remand extended on soldier suspected of leaking information
- March 10, 2015: Police ignore court decisions, Honenu plans to sue
- March 9, 2015: Ma'on couple released from remand
- March 9, 2015: Ma'on couple detained
- March 8, 2015: Judge didn't read appeal, youth remained in remand
- March 4, 2015: Supreme Court issued temporary injunction freezing administrative order
- March 4, 2015: Youth falsely detained in Old City of Jerusalem
- March 3, 2015: Unusually severe orders issued to Shomron resident
- March 1, 2015: “The plea bargain is a crime”
- February 28, 2015: Family to protest lenient sentence for son's killer
- February 25, 2015: Police demand rejected, youth detained in Yitzhar released
- February 25, 2015: Second night raid in one month on Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai
- February 23, 2015: Judge criticized police conduct, detainee released
- February 18, 2015: Minor detained in police raid on yeshiva released
- February 17, 2015: Adei Ad resident detained near Shiloh released
- February 15, 2015: Youths detained in Old City of Jerusalem
- February 13, 2015: Why was the prisoner transferred?
- February 10, 2015: Policeman suspected of slapping detained boy to stand trial
- February 8, 2015: After 13 years in prison, Ofer Gamliel to be released
- February 5, 2015: Rabbi Elitzur briefly detained on Temple Mount, faces possible ban
- February 2, 2015: Court criticized police treatment of Temple Mount detainees
- February 2, 2015: Last Itamar/Rekhes HaGidonim detainee released
- February 1, 2015: Six Jewish youths detained on Temple Mount
- February 1, 2015: Three brothers aged 9, 12, and 14 brutally detained
- January 30, 2015: Jewish shepherd detained after Bedouins attempt to steal his sheep
- January 29, 2015: Rekhes HaGidonim resident to remain in remand
- January 29, 2015: One more detainee in Itamar incident case
- January 26, 2015: Police admit that incident was attempted lynch
- January 25, 2015: Two additional Itamar rapid response squad detainees
- January 24, 2015: Dangerous police incitement attempt in Adei Ad
- January 22, 2015: Did the police prosecutor conceal evidence from the court?
- January 21, 2015: Itamar rapid response squad members released
- January 21, 2015: Muslim preacher detained on suspicion of incitement
- January 21, 2015: “The investigation is one-sided”
- January 20, 2015: Remand extended on Itamar rapid response squad member
- January 20, 2015: Itamar rapid response squad members detained
- January 19, 2015: Gush Katif expellee detained at enlistment office, suspected of incitement
- January 12, 2015: R. Glick to Supreme Court: “Include me as an appellee”
- January 6, 2015: Indictment filed against Ben-Tzion's murderers
- December 31, 2014: “How can the police be so cruel?”
- December 31, 2014: Youths falsely detained at hilltop community
- December 31, 2014: Memorial service held for Avi Ben-Zion, Hy”d
- December 30, 2014: Council chairmen to Ya'alon: “Recognize Avi as a terror victim”
- December 29, 2014: Memorial service for Avi Ben-Tzion, Hy”d, to be held on Wednesday
- December 25, 2014: Suspect cleared in Latrun Monastery arson case
- December 22, 2014: Rights of detained minors severely violated
- December 22, 2014: Beit Orot stabbing incident classified as terror attack
- December 21, 2014: Youth detained on Temple Mount
- December 21, 2014: Ben-Tzion, Hy”d, family: “They told us fabricated stories”
- December 21, 2014: Ben-Tzion, Hy”d, family to hold press conference
- December 18, 2014: Jewish youths detained on Temple Mount
- December 17, 2014: Shomron resident detained after catching rock thrower
- December 16, 2014: Jewish woman carrying grape juice detained at entry to Temple Mount
- December 16, 2014: Complaint filed against inflammatory Muslim preacher
- December 7, 2014: Honenu to soldiers under investigation: “We are here for you”
- December 1, 2014: Israeli Government officially recognizes Arami's death as murder
- November 26, 2014: Gag order lifted: Netanel Arami's murder was terror attack
- November 25, 2014: Arami's family demands: “Lift the gag order”
- November 20, 2014: Release of detainee who was falsely detained for alleged threats
- November 19, 2014: Court ruled: Police demand rejected, demonstration detainees to be released
- November 19, 2014: Close to 40 demonstrators detained, 4 held overnight
- November 16, 2014: “Legal first aid” cards distributed to police, security guards in Jerusalem
- November 12, 2014: Jewish youth detained, main claim against him: wearing a neck-warmer
- November 11, 2014: “A soldier fighting terror should return both alive and inculpable.”
- November 7, 2014: Youths detained posting announcements
- November 2, 2014: Demonstrator detained opposite Petah Tikva Courthouse
- October 31, 2014: Police request rejected, Temple Mount activists released
- October 30, 2014: Police intend to keep Temple Mount activists in remand overnight
- October 28, 2014: “The policemen choked me and repeatedly hit my head against a wall.”
- October 28, 2014: Disturbance broke out in Petah Tikva Courthouse
- October 27, 2014: Meeting with attorney denied to two minors
- October 27, 2014: District Court: No link between Lehava activities and violent incidents
- October 24, 2014: Detainees from Jerusalem protest released
- October 23, 2014: Police incitement in Shilo Bloc region
- October 23, 2014: IDF Radio journalist asks: "Since when does a room have sanctity?”
- October 21, 2014: Following Honenu's demand exercise equipment removed from beit midrash
- October 20, 2014: Nationalistic motivation erroneously attributed to detainees
- October 12, 2014: Appeal accepted, 13-year-old released from remand
- October 10, 2014: Youth not allowed home for Succot holiday
- October 7, 2014: Student photographing damage detained for interrogation
- October 5, 2014: Youth under administrative order allowed home for Yom Kippur
- October 1, 2014: “Our son was murdered. The State must not remain silent.”
- October 1, 2014: Demonstration scheduled to protest handling of Arami death investigation
- September 30, 2014: Netanel Arami's mother: “The cover-up won't work. People aren't stupid.”
- September 29, 2014: Beit midrash turned into fitness room
- September 23, 2014: Called on soldiers to refuse orders, detained a week later
- September 22, 2014: Four minors released to house arrest
- September 19, 2014: Youth detained on suspicion of violating administrative order
- September 16, 2014: Honenu director: Why is everyone silent about this?
- September 11, 2014: Court ruling: Deputy AG discriminated against right-wingers
- September 11, 2014: 9 Years later, indictment for participation in protest
- September 10, 2014: Honenu to soldiers: “Don't be naive. Seek legal counsel.”
- September 10, 2014: AG's office cancels indictment filed against Yitzhar resident
- September 8, 2014: Four minors to be held in remand until end of proceedings
- September 4, 2014: Youth probation service recommends release, court extends minors' remand
- September 3, 2014: Soldier kept in remand despite solid alibi
- August 31, 2014: Car-jacking narrowly averted, Jewish driver detained
- August 29, 2014: Arson attack on Arab café investigated, arson attack on Jewish outpost ignored
- August 26, 2014: Family's home attacked by Arabs in Tzfat, son detained
- August 24, 2014: Five days remand over suspicion of tearing shirt
- August 24, 2014: Rachel's Tomb detainees released
- August 21, 2014: Youths under administrative order detained for praying at Rachel's Tomb
- August 18, 2014: Fourth administrative order signed recently
- August 18, 2014: Youths detained in Ma'aleh Adumim incidents
- August 17, 2014: Indictment canceled against youth protesting release of terrorists
- August 15, 2014: Detainees in vehicular arson case released
- August 12, 2014: Police prevent meeting with attorney, courts rules no evidence
- August 11, 2014: Jewish youths detained on suspicion of beating Arab youths, mentally disabled detainee released
- August 7, 2014: Gush Shiloh resident detained, not presented with evidence
- August 6, 2014: Jewish youth detained on suspicion of singing at gate to Temple Mount
- August 6, 2014: IDF trainer tried to break up clash, was detained
- August 1, 2014: IDF issues three administrative orders against Yehuda/Shomron youth
- July 31, 2014: Soldiers' home destroyed by IDF as they fought in Jenin, Gaza
- July 30, 2014: Detainees' alibis not verified, remand extended
- July 30, 2014: Shomron hilltop raided, one detention, structures destroyed
- July 24, 2014: Honenu distributes legal aid guide to soldiers
- July 23, 2014: Lavi battalion soldiers not to be indicted
- July 21, 2014: All 4 Lavi soldiers released from remand, confined to base
- July 20, 2014: Still no evidence implicating Lavi soldiers in Halhul incident
- July 17, 2014: Bat Ayin resident issued administrative order
- July 16, 2014: Four soldiers detained on basis of complaint, no witnesses
- July 13, 2014: Police request remand extension, judge orders release
- July 10, 2014: Nachal Hareidi soldiers released early from military prison
- July 9, 2014: More detainees to be released in Shuafat case
- July 8, 2014: Remand reduced for detainee in Shuafat murder case
- July 8, 2014: Terrorists open fire, security officer detained after firing warning shots - Update
- July 8, 2014: Terrorists open fire, security officer detained after firing warning shots
- July 7, 2014: Families of suspects threatened, Honenu demands police protection
- July 6, 2014: Police Taser detainee in early morning raid
- July 6, 2014: Six detainees banned from meeting with attorney
- July 3, 2014: Soldiers sentenced to military prison after calling for elimination of terrorists
- July 3, 2014: Second detainee in Abu Ghosh “Price Tag” incident case released to house arrest
- July 2, 2014: Police to launch investigation into cyber incitement
- July 2, 2014: Despite police demands all detained demonstrators released
- July 2, 2014: 12 detained demonstrators to be brought to court
- July 1, 2014: At least two injured in Jerusalem protests following funerals of murdered youths
- July 1, 2014: Approximately 40 detained in protests following funerals of three murdered youth
- July 1, 2014: Attorney General’s office forms special team to handle “Price Tag” incidents following murder of kidnapped youths
- June 29, 2014: MK Azoulai (Shas): Prime Minister should look into GSS abuse of detainees
- June 26, 2014: District court orders release of defendant in Abu Ghosh "Price Tag" incident
- June 22, 2014: Hevron: Jews injured by Arabs detained, court orders their release
- June 17, 2014: 11 demonstrators detained in wave of protests after youths kidnapped
- June 15, 2014: Youths detained on suspicion of throwing rocks released to house arrest
- June 15, 2014: Yitzhar youths detained, Eztion Bloc yeshiva students kidnapped
- June 13, 2014: Three yeshiva students kidnapped in Etzion Bloc
- June 12, 2014: News report of Yassam police failure to cause provocation in Yitzhar
- June 12, 2014: Disguised Yassam police fail to cause provocation in Yitzhar
- June 12, 2014: Arab indicted in Old City Jerusalem assault case
- June 9, 2014: Attorney General’s office filed indictment, Jerusalem District Court released detainee
- June 8, 2014: Youth interrogated after speaking to Deputy Attorney General’s wife
- June 8, 2014: Attorney General’s office filed indictment, although evidence appears weak
- June 7, 2014: Jew assaulted in Old City of Jerusalem released from intensive care
- June 7, 2014: “Price Tag” detainee released from remand despite plaintiff's affidavit
- June 5, 2014: Assaulted Jew interrogated in intensive care
- June 3, 2014: Minor detained on Temple Mount
- June 2, 2014: Gush Halav detainees released to house arrest
- June 2, 2014: Rights of minors seriously violated in Old City of Jerusalem
- June 1, 2014: Released youth receives administrative order
- May 30, 2014: Father of detained youth to Chief Rabbis: “Help my son keep Shabbat.”
- May 29, 2014: Complaint filed with Police Investigation Unit
- May 27, 2014: Yitzhar residents detained, banned from meeting with attorney
- May 27, 2014: Another GSS detainee released from severe remand conditions
- May 26, 2014: “In the absence of media pressure an indictment would not have been filed.”
- May 26, 2014: GSS detainee denied right to meet with attorney for 8 days
- May 25, 2014: Soldier detained on suspicion of “Price Tag” incident
- May 25, 2014: More King David’s Tomb detainees unconditionally released – Update
- May 25, 2014: More King David’s Tomb detainees unconditionally released
- May 25, 2014: Police preventing detainees from meeting with attorney
- May 23, 2014: Police request one-week house arrest, court releases detainees
- May 22, 2014: At judge’s recommendation police cancel appeal, GSS detainee released
- May 22, 2014: Minor NOT banned from Jerusalem during Pope’s visit
- May 22, 2014: GSS remand conditions: Interrogations 21 hours a day, cells meant for terrorists
- May 21, 2014: Administrative orders issued in preparation for Pope’s visit
- May 21, 2014: Police cancel appeal, detainee in Yokneam “Price Tag” case released
- May 21, 2014: Letter to GOC of Central Command: Stop desecration of Yitzhar yeshiva
- May 20, 2014: Another GSS detainee barred from meeting with attorney
- May 20, 2014: Police requested 8-day remand extension, detainee released to house arrest
- May 20, 2014: 10-year-old boy detained and beaten by detectives - his brothers threatened by the GSS
- May 19, 2014: Parents of 16-year-old GSS detainee ask The Israel National Council for the Child: “Verify the status of our son”
- May 18, 2014: Two minors detained by GSS, 15-year-old prevented from meeting with attorney
- May 18, 2014: MK Feiglin severely criticized ban on GSS detainees meeting with attorney
- May 16, 2014: Court ruled on detainee banned from meeting with attorney
- May 15, 2014: 3 GSS detainees still in remand, 2 prevented from meeting with an attorney
- May 15, 2014: All Ma’aleh Rehavam detainees have been released
- May 15, 2014: GSS holding three detainees, two have not met with an attorney
- May 13, 2014: 14-year-old boys dragged out of their beds in pre-dawn raid, released in court
- May 12, 2014: Released after four days of remand: Two minors detained with nails and a felt-tipped pen
- May 12, 2014: One of the GSS detainees still barred from meeting with attorney
- May 12, 2014: Mother, son and son’s friend released from remand
- May 12, 2014: One GSS detainee released, two remain in remand
- May 11, 2014: Three detained – two minors and one of their mothers
- May 11, 2014: Two men detained by GSS, their whereabouts initially unknown, and denied a meeting with an attorney
- May 8, 2014: Remaining Yitzhar detainee in Umm al-Fahm case released - Update
- May 7, 2014: Pregnant Yitzhar resident released from detention
- May 7, 2014: Remaining Yitzhar detainee in Umm al-Fahm case released
- May 7, 2014: Yitzhar resident suspected of destroying IDF tent released
- May 7, 2014: Temple Mount detainees released
- May 6, 2014: Jews detained on march to Temple Mount
- May 6, 2014: Arabs desecrate Jewish tombs, spray paint swastikas, slash tires
- May 5, 2014: District court judge criticizes police conduct concerning Yitzhar residents
- May 5, 2014: Two Yitzhar detainees released, Ben-Gvir: The police have lost all proportions
- May 5, 2014: Minors suspected of “Price Tag” incidents interrogated in absence of parents, unnecessarily detained overnight
- May 5, 2014: Ya’alon mentions “Price Tag” incidents in Memorial Day speech, audience disapproves
- May 4, 2014: Two Yitzhar residents detained on suspicion of destroying IDF tent
- May 4, 2014: Yitzhar detainee’s remand extended, attorney Ben-Gvir: “This is a showcase detention for PR purposes only”
- May 2, 2014: Detained Yitzhar couple allowed to meet with attorney, wife released
- April 30, 2014: Letter to police from detained Yitzhar couple
- April 30, 2014: Two couples from Yitzhar detained, one in front of their children, both family cars impounded, police preventing meeting with attorney
- April 27, 2014: Gag order lifted on Old City Jerusalem incident
- April 24, 2014: Release Jews, and not terrorists
- April 23, 2014: 3 Girls suspected of “Price Tag” incident released from detention
- April 20, 2014: Another detention and release following recent incidents in Yitzhar
- April 11, 2014: After five court deliberations, thanks to Honenu’s work only two detainees from recent incidents in Yitzhar remain in remand
- April 7, 2014: Police requested remand extension, Jerusalem Magistrate Court ordered minor released to house arrest
- March 19, 2014: 30 Coalition and opposition MK’s signed letter to Netanyahu: “Release Jewish prisoners”
- March 12, 2014: Twice in two weeks Channel 2 was forced to post clarification
- March 11, 2014: Havat Gilad residents Yehuda Landsberg and Yehuda Savir to be released to house arrest
- March 5, 2014: Instead of an apology more distortion
- March 5, 2014: Thank you to our supporters
- February 26, 2014: Peace Now removed post defaming Honenu from their Facebook page
- February 24, 2014: Peace Now endeavoring to discourage contributions to Honenu
- February 23, 2014: Peace Now delegitimization campaign against Honenu
- February 23, 2014: Peace Now calls for cancellation of Honenu’s non-profit status
- February 16, 2014: Court overturned parole board decision to release Dvir and Gamliel
- February 14, 2014: Jerusalem Magistrate Court ordered detainees released, police to file appeal
- February 14, 2014: Jerusalem District Court ordered immediate release of detained youths
- February 13, 2014: District court overturned decision, four minors released from remand
- February 12, 2014: Honenu appealed, Jerusalem District Court released detained youth
- February 7, 2014: Tomb of Elazar ben Aharon HaCohen desecrated
- February 6, 2014: Temple Mount: Israeli flag, banned - Hamas flag, permitted
- February 6, 2014: Violent detentions at Jerusalem protest
- February 5, 2014: Indictment filed against Landsberg, Savir and Richter
- February 4, 2014: Three infants approximately one year old left unsupervised as police detained their mothers
- February 4, 2014: Mothers’ picnic protest in Shilo Bloc
- February 4, 2014: Three 12 year old boys detained, released by Jerusalem District Court
- February 3, 2014: Letter from wife of GSS detainee Yehuda Landsberg
- January 31, 2014: Olive trees uprooted in Esh Kodesh, again
- January 30, 2014: Meeting between attorney and detainee postponed by GSS
- January 28, 2014: Three Jews suspected of setting Arab cars on fire detained by the GSS
- January 26, 2014: Two additional detainees in arson case, none have met with an attorney
- January 21, 2014: Detainee not allowed to meet with Honenu attorney
- January 19, 2014: Boaz Albert returned home!
- January 16, 2014: K’far Saba Magistrate Court ordered Boaz Albert released
- January 15, 2014: Another minor detained in Kfar Qusra incident case
- January 15, 2014: Update: Boaz Albert’s case to be reviewed at 9:00 A.M. Thursday, January 16
- January 15, 2014: Boaz Albert to return home!
- January 10, 2014: Jerusalem District Court rejects appeal, Jews detained in Kfar Qusra incident to be released
- January 10, 2014: Jerusalem Magistrate Court: Jews detained in Kfar Qusra incident to be released
- November 27, 2013: Boaz Albert: Case against police violence closed, Honenu will appeal
- November 25, 2013: Police raid in Migdal HaEmek: High school yeshiva student detained today during class on suspicion of vandalizing vehicles 6 months ago
- November 24, 2013: Detainees once more released quietly in yet another “price tag” case
- November 21, 2013: Detainee’s remand extended in graffiti “price tag” case
- November 20, 2013: Golani soldier suspected of spraying anti-Arab graffiti will be released to house arrest
- November 20, 2013: Golani soldier detained on suspicion of spray painting anti-Arab graffiti on buses
- November 19, 2013: Is the Department of Nationalist Crime in the Central Unit of the Israeli Police trying to artificially increase its case load?
- November 18, 2013: Boaz Albert transferred from Nitzan Prison to Ayalon Prison due to threats on his life
- November 18, 2013: Due to legal pressure on police, woman detained during clashes between Arabs and Esh Koshesh residents released
- November 14, 2013: Jerusalem: After the murder of Eden Atias, hy”d, 150 protested the rise in terror, 3 detained
- November 13, 2013: Three youths suspected in first “price tag” case to reach indictment exonerated
- November 6, 2013: Protest held against Major General Nitzan Alon’s misuse of administrative orders
- November 1, 2013: The saga continues: Boaz Albert, released by the court, refused to sign and will remain in remand
- October 22, 2013: District court rules: Boaz Albert to be released
- October 18, 2013: Three additional Yitzhar detainees in Boaz Albert case
- October 17, 2013: Knesset Speaker Edelstein and Magistrate Judge Bechor level criticism against police conduct
- October 17, 2013: Another pre-dawn raid in Yitzhar: “They dragged people out of bed in front of their children at 2 A.M.”
- October 15, 2013: Court levels strong criticism at Israeli Police, GSS and rules: Boaz Albert to be released
- October 1, 2013: Supreme Court rejects appeal to release Ofer Gamliel
- October 1, 2013: Additional Yitzhar residents detained
- September 26, 2013: Boaz Albert detained during Succot holiday, update
- September 24, 2013: Boaz Albert detained during Succot holiday
- August 26, 2013: Honenu activist Eran Schwartz released
- August 18, 2013: Boaz Albert sues police over brutal detention
- August 16, 2013: Court orders Boaz Albert released
- August 16, 2013: Boaz Albert to be released by court order
- August 1, 2013: Attacked hikers accused of assault to be released
- July 31, 2013: Hikers attacked, detained on suspicion of assault
- July 23, 2013: Boaz Albert to be released from administrative order
- July 23, 2013: Prison sentence of Akiva HaCohen reduced by third, despite opposition of Prison Service
- July 21, 2013: Honenu responds to planned release of terrorists
- July 19, 2013: Six Yitzhar detainees released
- July 18, 2013: Court orders Yitzhar detainees released
- July 18, 2013: Jewish girls detained while praying in Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem
- July 17, 2013: Jerusalem District Court: Conduct of judge inappropriate
- July 15, 2013: Remand extended on minors detained at Yitzhar
- July 15, 2013: Remand extended on adults detained at Yitzhar
- July 15, 2013: Deliberation to be held on Yitzhar detainees
- July 10, 2013: Knesset Coalition: Jewish prisoners will not be released even if Arab terrorists are
- July 9, 2013: Five youths detained in Oz Tzion
- July 9, 2013: Five youths detained in Oz Tzion
- July 4, 2013: Youth accused of vandalizing Latrun Monastery while under house arrest
- July 3, 2013: Court ruled: GOC erred in phrasing restraining order
- July 2, 2013: Remand extended on Latrun Monastery graffiti suspect
- July 2, 2013: Three youths detained at dawn in Beit El
- June 27, 2013: Police Unit for Nationalist Crime releases minor from remand
- June 23, 2013: Court: Ban on Jewish prayer on Temple Mount violates freedom of worship
- June 17, 2013: More false detentions in supposed “price tag” cases
- June 13, 2013: Court: Suspects will be released tomorrow, police conduct is negligent
- June 13, 2013: Youths detained on suspicion of burning Arab fields
- June 12, 2013: Police filed indictment, court canceled house arrest
- June 5, 2013: Minors assaulted on moped ride, spent night in remand
- June 3, 2013: Jerusalem District Court: Police are quick to file futile appeals
- May 31, 2013: District court rejects Honenu’s appeal, arson suspect will remain in remand
- May 30, 2013: District court rejects police appeal, arson suspects will be released
- May 29, 2013: Court’s opinion of arson in Har Hevron region: It is very difficult to link the defendants to the arson
- May 19, 2013: Court issues restraining order banning two youths from entering Yitzhar
- May 17, 2013: Amona detainees released
- May 17, 2013: Two Jews detained during Arab riot near Amona
- May 16, 2013: Detention and release in case of assault on police detectives in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem
- May 8, 2013: Undercover policemen beat and detained Jerusalem Day celebration participants
- May 8, 2013: Temple Mount detainees unconditionally released
- May 8, 2013: Additional Temple Mount detainee on Jerusalem Day
- May 8, 2013: Six Jews detained for praying on Temple Mount
- May 5, 2013: Youth detained for distributing fliers
- May 5, 2013: Arabs burn vineyard, Jews detained after disturbances broke out
- May 4, 2013: Two boys aged 13 and 14 detained in Kiryat Arba
- May 3, 2013: Yitzhar resident violently detained during protest
- May 3, 2013: Court released three Yitzhar detainees
- May 1, 2013: Update, protest detainees: two released, three still in remand
- May 1, 2013: 12 detained in protests after murder of Jewish father of five children
- April 29, 2013: Police selectively enforcing law on Temple Mount, detainee unconditionally released
- April 26, 2013: Court ruled: Violating no-access zone order not cause for remand
- April 23, 2013: Detentions and unconditional release in arson case
- April 23, 2013: Two minors detained on Temple Mount
- April 23, 2013: Youth detained at Netzah Binyamin
- April 23, 2013: Judge stated: The detention of minors is not a means of punishment
- April 22, 2013: Minors released home for house arrest despite police demand for stay in reform institution
- April 19, 2013: Two youths detained in Netzah Binyamin
- April 18, 2013: Minors detained in Old City of Jerusalem
- April 12, 2013: Reserve soldier detained yesterday released
- April 11, 2013: Reserve soldier detained on suspicion of threatening Arab youths
- April 9, 2013: Despite parole board’s decision Ofer Gamliel will not be released
- April 7, 2013: Court ruled: Nationalist graffiti is not a “price tag” incident
- April 2, 2013: Dawn raid in Esh Kodesh, detainees released after interrogation
- March 27, 2013: Police harass family on Seder Night
- March 24, 2013: Supreme Court: Attorney General’s office went too far, there are no grounds for remand
- March 21, 2013: Four detained at Givat Egoz
- March 19, 2013: High school yeshiva student detained in raid, to be released
- March 15, 2013: Youth detained on suspicion of planning “price tag” incident released
- March 13, 2013: Pregnant detainee spent night on bench in police station
- March 11, 2013: Clashes and detentions in Ramat Migron
- March 7, 2013: Geulat Tzion case coming to a close
- March 5, 2013: Decision to release Ofer Gamliel postponed five weeks
- March 5, 2013: Judge in Geulat Tzion case states: There has been no progress in the investigation
- February 28, 2013: 16 year old youths held in cells meant for terrorists
- February 27, 2013: Deliberation on Geulat Tzion detainees delayed until Thursday
- February 27, 2013: Dawn raid on Geulat Tzion
- February 14, 2013: Detained Ma'aleh Rehavam protesters conditionally released
- February 14, 2013: Youths accused of assaulting Arab taxi drivers released from house arrest
- February 14, 2013: 18 youths detained in Ma'aleh Rehavam protests
- February 8, 2013: Youth detained on suspicion of assault released
- February 7, 2013: Remand extended on detainee accused of assaulting Arabs in Jerusalem
- February 6, 2013: Ofer Gamliel scheduled to be released
- February 5, 2013: Detainee released, Judge Priess: It is difficult for me to fathom the prosecution's opinion
- January 30, 2013: Youth falsely detained
- January 21, 2013: Young girls detained “Circling the Gates” in Jerusalem
- January 3, 2013: District court judge ruled: Magistrate court judge erred and violated rights of the detainees
- January 2, 2013: Probation officer berated parents over religious beliefs
- January 2, 2013: Esh Kodesh: Tuesday's detainees will be brought to court, disturbances expected again on Wednesday
- December 31, 2012: Plea bargain reached in “spy” case
- December 30, 2012: Sole detainee in Oz Tzion incident released
- December 26, 2012: Jewish youths detained in Hevron
- December 21, 2012: Update in Daharia vehicular arson case
- December 21, 2012: Daharia incident: Court orders release of detainees
- December 21, 2012: Dramatic development in Daharia vehicular arson case
- December 19, 2012: Police lost control of Arab mob, abandoned Jewish women
- December 7, 2012: Three detainees suspected of assaulting Arab released
- December 6, 2012: Daharia detainees: The police are using every trick in the book to incriminate us
- December 5, 2012: Police libel: incident blown out of proportion
- November 22, 2012: Two youths detained for blocking highway
- November 16, 2012: Honenu's legal battle against unjustified weapons confiscation
- October 31, 2012: Dozens interrogated in Latrun vandalism case
- October 24, 2012: Police extend remand of minors suspected in “price tag” incident
- October 14, 2012: Jerusalem District Court twice overturns Magistrate Court rulings
- October 12, 2012: Judge released two suspects, police detained additional suspect
- October 11, 2012: Court accepted both appeals and released all detainees
- October 4, 2012: Jews detained after Arabs riot on Temple Mount
- September 27, 2012: More detainees and interrogations in Gush Etzion fire bomb case
- September 13, 2012: Bat Ayin detainees released
- September 13, 2012: Two additional detainees in Gush Etzion fire bomb case
- September 12, 2012: Night raid on Yitzhar yeshiva, student detained
- September 6, 2012: Yeshiva student falsely detained near Yitzhar
- August 31, 2012: Last of the detained Bat Ayin youths released
- August 30, 2012: Bat Ayin minors to be released from remand tomorrow morning
- August 28, 2012: Police violate rights of Bat Ayin detainees
- August 27, 2012: Zion Square altercation detainee released to house arrest
- August 26, 2012: Minors 12-13 years old detained on suspicion of throwing fire bomb
- August 22, 2012: Police preparations in Migron area: Four administrative orders in two weeks
- August 17, 2012: GSS agents warn youths following fire bomb attack
- August 14, 2012: Missing detained youths have returned home safely
- August 13, 2012: The whereabouts of two supposedly released youths are still unknown
- August 13, 2012: Minor released, but family vacation ruined
- August 7, 2012: Akiva HaCohen returns home with family after year under restraining order
- August 7, 2012: Four detainees in Shvut Ami
- August 5, 2012: Shabbat desecrated, over 20 detainees in Ramat Migron
- July 30, 2012: Detainee refused to recognize the court, detained until the end of proceedings
- July 30, 2012: Impounded car belonging to youths suspected of “price tag” incident released
- July 24, 2012: Mosque arson detainees released
- July 22, 2012: Police attempt to bypass court's decision
- July 22, 2012: Judge on mosque arson case: The evidence is weak
- July 19, 2012: Four detainees in Ramat Migron
- July 19, 2012: Remand extended on suspects in mosque arson
- July 18, 2012: Minor detained at Shomron Brigade Base Junction
- July 17, 2012: Detainee taken from Yitzhar Junction to Hevron Police Station
- July 15, 2012: Police detain detainee released by court
- July 11, 2012: Police ignored court ruling, detainee missed matriculation exam
- July 10, 2012: Hevron: Jewish children injured in Arab rock attack
- July 10, 2012: Police ignore court decision on Ramat Migron
- July 9, 2012: Police arrest newlyweds' friends at Sheva Brachot celebration
- July 5, 2012: Harassment of the "spies" continues
- July 5, 2012: Youth detained yesterday on suspicion of "price tag" incident released
- June 25, 2012: Police agreed to release Kiryat Arba detainee
- June 25, 2012: Police refused to present warrant, beat detainee
- June 22, 2012: Within one day, two violent detentions
- June 21, 2012: Violent detention in Kiryat Arba
- June 21, 2012: Hizma detainee released
- June 21, 2012: Jew violently detained at Hizma checkpoint
- June 19, 2012: Bureaucracy kept minor in remand for entire day
- June 18, 2012: Two minors detained at yesterday's Jerusalem demonstration released
- June 17, 2012: Magistrate Court ordered release of last two Ramat Migron detainees
- June 17, 2012: Two demonstrators detained at Jerusalem protest
- June 17, 2012: 9 out of 11 Ramat Migron detainees released
- June 13, 2012: Home raided in Ramat Migron
- June 12, 2012: Young woman arrested in Ramat Migron
- June 6, 2012: Jerusalem protest detainees released
- June 6, 2012: Four arrests at protest opposite Knesset
- May 28, 2012: Jewish worshipers detained after attack by Arab
- May 21, 2012: No interrogation, but indictment filed against Ramat Migron arrestees
- May 21, 2012: Police harass Jerusalem Day Parade detainees
- May 20, 2012: Parole deliberation postponed by six months in Bat Ayin Underground case
- May 19, 2012: Police violence and arrests in Ramat Migron
- May 18, 2012: Court ruling: Ramat Migron residents are permanent residents
- May 17, 2012: Honenu victory for resident of Mitzpe Avichai
- May 17, 2012: Arrests in Ramat Migron and Oz Tzion, 5 minors released
- May 10, 2012: Chabad emissary detained at Ben-Gurion airport
- May 8, 2012: Today's Yishuv HaDa'at and Hevron arrestees released
- May 8, 2012: Another arrest in Alei Ayin vehicular arson case from 10 months ago
- May 8, 2012: Suspect interrogated then arrested for refusing to sign restraining order
- May 6, 2012: Deliberations on Bat Yam rabbi case postponed
- April 30, 2012: Girl harassed, father arrested
- April 30, 2012: Yesterday's Bat Yam arrestees released
- April 29, 2012: Disturbances and arrests in Bat Yam
- April 28, 2012: Binyamin Brigade base arrestees released
- April 27, 2012: 10 youths arrested at Binyamin Brigade base
- April 27, 2012: 15 year old youth arrested in Hevron
- April 24, 2012: False detainment in Ramat Migron
- April 23, 2012: 12 year old boy detained at “Circling the Gates” in Jerusalem
- April 20, 2012: Ramat Migron arrestees released
- April 19, 2012: Clashes and arrests in Ramat Migron
- April 18, 2012: Families with young children detained on way to Foreign Minister's home
- April 18, 2012: Tomb of Joshua arrestees released
- April 17, 2012: Two arrests at Tomb of Joshua
- April 15, 2012: Hevron residents arrested on Shabbat released
- April 11, 2012: Jewish man arrested on Temple Mount
- April 9, 2012: Five arrests yesterday in Jerusalem and Oz Tzion
- April 5, 2012: Two arrests for suspected entry to Joseph's Tomb
- April 4, 2012: Arrested yeshiva student released
- April 4, 2012: Hevron arrestees will remain in remand overnight
- April 4, 2012: Warrant canceled, student arrested nonetheless
- April 4, 2012: Arrests following expulsion from “Beit HaMachpela” in Hevron
- April 4, 2012: Suspect in Nabi Elias vehicular arson case released to house arrest
- April 3, 2012: Young woman arrested, not allowed to take two-month old infant with her
- March 29, 2012: Appeal postponed on youth accused of slaughtering goat
- March 28, 2012: Three remaining Ramat Migron arrestees released
- March 27, 2012: Another remand extension on youth assaulted and suspected of damaging flock
- March 27, 2012: Givat Ronen arrestees released
- March 27, 2012: Newsbrief – 7 arrests in raid on Ramat Migron
- March 27, 2012: Young women arrested in Oz Tzion
- March 26, 2012: Clashes and arrests at Givat Ronen
- March 26, 2012: Arrested administrative exile released
- March 25, 2012: Administrative exile arrested
- March 25, 2012: Yeshiva student arrested after Arab provocation near Oz Tzion released
- March 25, 2012: Yeshiva student arrested after Arab provocation
- March 22, 2012: House arrest conditions lightened for suspect in Luban Al-Sharqiya case
- March 22, 2012: One day remand extension on youth assaulted and suspected of damaging flock
- March 22, 2012: Charge sheet filed against minor suspected of vehicular arson
- March 21, 2012: Assaulted youth suffered head injury, arrested for assault
- March 21, 2012: Raid and arrests in Ramat Migron
- March 20, 2012: Remand of minor extended, charge sheet to be filed
- March 20, 2012: Arrestee released in the Nabi Elias case, charge sheet to be filed
- March 19, 2012: Gag order lifted: Additional arrests in Nabi Elias vehicular arson case
- March 15, 2012: Yet another arrest and unconditional release
- March 14, 2012: Arrestee accused of chopping down Arab trees released
- March 13, 2012: Remand on arrestee extended
- March 13, 2012: Four arrests in joint pre-dawn raid by security forces
- March 12, 2012: Assaulted students accused of assault
- March 11, 2012: Arabs attacked, Jewish youth arrested, forced to violate Shabbat
- March 7, 2012: Another arrest and release in the Ephraim Brigade case
- February 26, 2012: Havat Gilad resident suspected of involvement with vehicular arson released
- February 23, 2012: Response to Supreme Court's rejection of petition opposing pardon of Disengagement protesters
- February 23, 2012: Remand of suspect in vehicular arson extended
- February 22, 2012: Additional arrest in the Nabi Elias case
- February 21, 2012: Bat Ayin arrestee suspected of rock throwing released
- February 20, 2012: Violent arrest in Bat Ayin
- February 19, 2012: Arrestee suspected of burning vehicle in Nabi Elias released
- February 17, 2012: Tuba Zangria mosque arson saga comes to a close
- February 16, 2012: Remand extension on Yitzhar resident suspected of “price tag” incident
- February 16, 2012: Arrested Givat Assaf yeshiva students released
- February 15, 2012: Yassam police raid yeshiva in Givat Assaf
- February 14, 2012: Second remand extension of Tapuah suspects in “price tag” incident
- February 14, 2012: Brutal arrest near Pisagot Junction, youths later released
- February 14, 2012: Two youths accused of throwing rocks arrested and released
- February 10, 2012: Arrested Yitzhar resident released at Petah Tikva court
- February 10, 2012: Remand extension of Tapuah suspects in “price tag” incident
- February 10, 2012: Arrest in Tapuah on suspicion of “price tag” incident
- February 9, 2012: Yeshiva students arrested in Jerusalem last night released
- February 8, 2012: Two yeshiva students arrested in Old City of Jerusalem
- February 8, 2012: Yitzhar resident falsely detained near Rosh Pina
- February 5, 2012: Seven demonstrators arrested opposite Rami Ziv's residence in Peduel
- January 31, 2012: Following Honenu's petition Israeli Prison Service rescinded decision to transfer Ami Popper
- January 30, 2012: Are the prison authorities playing around with Ami Popper? Is Ami Popper's status in danger of changing following Katzav's incarceration?
- January 29, 2012: Two youths arrested at Ramat Migron
- January 29, 2012: "What did an elderly woman, a grandmother and a daughter who suffered the untimely loss of her father, do that necessitated abuse such as this?”
- January 26, 2012: Kiryat Arba man aged 60 arrested, unconditionally released following urgent appeal by Honenu
- January 19, 2012: Two arrests in violent destruction of Yisa Bracha neighborhood in Mitzpeh Yericho
- January 18, 2012: Yitzhar resident arrested on suspicion of allowing his children to stay in Ramat Migron outpost
- January 15, 2012: Scandalous police conduct in Ephraim Brigade incident investigation
- January 15, 2012: Supreme Court rejected State's appeal – The “spies” will be released
- January 15, 2012: Two youths detained on suspicion of involvement with Ephraim Brigade base incident – Warrants were issued a month ago
- January 13, 2012: The five defendants in the "spy" case
- January 10, 2012: Court released 5 “spies” to house arrest - “Their activity centered on organizing demonstrations, not violence”
- December 28, 2011: End of saga? Administrative exile investigated on suspicion of “price tag” incident released
- December 26, 2011: Jewish woman arrested on Temple Mount on suspicion of praying
- December 25, 2011: Remand extended for suspect in Ephraim Brigade incident - “The evidence is weak”
- December 22, 2011: Two Bat Ayin minors released - “Big case was revealed to be baseless”
- December 20, 2011: District court shortened remand of three administrative exiles
- December 20, 2011: Deliberation ended at 3:07 A.M. - Ramat Migron detainees released
- December 20, 2011: Remand extended for administrative exiles - “They haven't presented any evidence”
- December 19, 2011: District court levels strong criticism at police conduct, “The police are making their own laws”
- December 19, 2011: Urgent appeal filed on three Ramat Migron arrestees
- December 18, 2011: Court rejected appeal filed by police, partially accepted Honenu's appeal
- December 16, 2011: Response from close associates of detained administrative exiles
- December 15, 2011: Police requested 7-day remand, court ruled 1 day
- December 15, 2011: Last soldier suspected in “price tag” incident to be released today
- December 14, 2011: Police haul from administrative exiles' apartment – Plastic toy guns and three-year old boy
- December 14, 2011: Judge Romanov conformed to the system: Youths who entered Jordan kept in remand
- December 13, 2011: Did Jerusalem DA interfere with scheduling deliberation date for outpost founders in Jordan?
- December 13, 2011: Court released founders of outpost in Jordan
- December 12, 2011: Soldier suspected of “price tag” incident released, Honenu - “The IDF should do some soul searching”
- December 11, 2011: Honenu reports: Police embarrassed again – Court unconditionally released girls suspected of “price tag” incident
- December 8, 2011: Solder unconditionally released - “They wouldn't tell me what the charges were”
- December 8, 2011: Judge – “If there is no significant development the arrestees will be released”
- December 7, 2011: “The fact that the CID investigators did not present any formal accusation to the soldiers speaks for itself”
- December 6, 2011: Court released girls suspected of “price tag” incident
- December 4, 2011: Remand of teenage girls detained by National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations extended
- December 4, 2011: Most wanted by the National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations – Jewish teenage girls
- November 30, 2011: GOC Central Command renewed administrative distancing orders
- November 29, 2011: Two minors detained on light rail in Jerusalem released
- November 28, 2011: Court released two minors detained on light rail, police will appeal
- November 28, 2011: “The key to releasing the nationalist prisoners is in Ne'eman's hands”
- November 27, 2011: Altercation on light rail between Arab women and Jewish girls
- November 24, 2011: Scandal! Two minors still in remand because of malfunctioning police station fax
- November 24, 2011: Court released all Kever Yosef detainees
- November 24, 2011: 11 Jewish detainees in Shechem
- November 19, 2011: “The police are detaining people based only on their external appearance”
- November 19, 2011: Young Jewish woman detained during clashes with Arabs in Hevron
- November 16, 2011: Court placed restraining order on man who demonstrated opposite Justice Minister Ne'eman's residence
- November 16, 2011: Detainee from demonstration opposite Justice Minister Ne'eman's residence will be brought to court this morning
- November 15, 2011: The Bayt Fajr saga is over - Attorney Lin: “Who will compensate those falsely detained?”
- November 13, 2011: Two youths detained at Ramat Migron
- November 13, 2011: Dozens demonstrated yesterday opposite Justice Minister Ne'eman's residence
- November 9, 2011: Attorney General's office won't lose honorably
- November 8, 2011: House arrest requested, detainee unconditionally released
- November 8, 2011: Four youths detained at Ramat Migron
- November 7, 2011: Three indicted detainees unconditionally released
- November 6, 2011: ”The new investigative staff for 'price tag' incidents has lost all sense of proportion”
- November 6, 2011: Today: Protest opposite the President's residence - “Release the Jewish nationalist prisoners”
- November 3, 2011: Court refused police request - Last suspect in Tuba-Zangria mosque arson case released
- November 1, 2011: Police requested remand extension, court immediately released detainees
- November 1, 2011: Third suspect released in mosque arson case – “The police should get their house in order”
- November 1, 2011: Hevron area and Jerusalem residents detained
- November 1, 2011: One detention during destruction of Ramat Migron outpost
- November 1, 2011: Yassam police restrain all residents of Ramat Migron outpost on site
- November 1, 2011: Fury in Hevron: Yassam police wake up widow, orphans in early morning raid
- October 31, 2011: Shomron resident detained during brutal, violent raid on Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai
- October 30, 2011: Court recommended releasing suspect in mosque arson case, police refused
- October 29, 2011: Youth detained last night at Oz Tzion outpost in Binyamin
- October 29, 2011: Three detained after “Circling the Gates” in Old City
- October 24, 2011: MPCID detained IDF soldier on suspicion of “price tag” involvement
- October 23, 2011: Saturday night: Demonstration opposite President's residence - “Release the Jewish nationalist prisoners”
- October 22, 2011: Police won't let up – Another detention in mosque arson saga
- October 18, 2011: Another baseless detention – Second Tuba Zangria mosque arson case detainee released
- October 16, 2011: Are they running out of steam? One suspect released in Tuba Zangria mosque arson case
- October 12, 2011: Police raids in Jerusalem and Shomron: "The police have lost their minds”
- October 11, 2011: Court ruled: "There is insufficient evidence to press charges"
- October 10, 2011: "The police are looking for progress in the investigation, at any price”
- October 10, 2011: “We estimate that after the parade of detainees and interrogatees, nothing will come of it.”
- October 3, 2011: Court extended remand on three youths detained in Binyamin
- October 3, 2011: Yehuda and Shomron Police, arrogant?
- September 28, 2011: Ofakim detainee released to house arrest
- September 27, 2011: National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations released Alex Ostrovsky, suspected of vandalizing IDF vehicles
- September 27, 2011: Kiryat Arba resident escapes lynch, finds himself in police investigation
- September 27, 2011: Remand of suspect in army vehicle vandalism extended by one day
- September 26, 2011: Youth arrested yesterday during Palmer father-son funeral released
- September 26, 2011: Bedridden terror victim arrested for not appearing in court
- September 22, 2011: The rabbi spoke to GSS – The young man was arrested
- September 21, 2011: Three young women arrested at Tapuah Junction released
- September 21, 2011: Petah Tikva District Court rejected appeal, Eli resident will remain in remand
- September 21, 2011: Hevron resident arrested yesterday will be released soon at police station
- September 21, 2011: Police will bring to court three young women arrested at Tapuah Junction
- September 21, 2011: Deliberation will take place this morning on appeal filed for Eli resident remand
- September 21, 2011: Three young women arrested at Tapuah Junction
- September 21, 2011: After hours of searching – Hevron detainee located
- September 21, 2011: Deliberation took place this morning on Beit El minor
- September 20, 2011: Deliberation took place this morning on Uri Baram, charged with distributing film against Deputy Attorney General Shai Nitzan
- September 20, 2011: National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations investigators to detainee: “We know that you didn't carry out the act.”
- September 20, 2011: The National Unit of Serious and International Crime Investigations to request 9-day remand extension for Eli resident
- September 19, 2011: New immigrant, Eli resident arrested on suspicion of damaging Binyamin Territorial Brigade vehicles, detainee denied all charges and supplied alibi
- September 19, 2011: Police detectives raid home in Eli, arrest one
- September 19, 2011: Deliberation took place this morning on Tekoa resident accused of resisting destruction of Carlebach family home
- September 19, 2011: Two deliberations on Shomron residents took place at K'far Saba Magistrate Court
- September 16, 2011: Esh Kodesh resident detained this morning released
- September 16, 2011: Conflicts in Shiloh region – Arabs placed knife at hiker's throat
- September 14, 2011: Four children arrested while waiting at K’far Etzion Junction bus stop
- September 14, 2011: Deliberation took place this morning on young woman accused of throwing rocks at Arab vehicle after terror attack
- September 14, 2011: Trial of Yitzhar resident ended at K’far Saba Magistrate Court
- September 12, 2011: Court refused complete Yehuda and Shomron ban for Shevut Ami detainees
- September 12, 2011: Three Shevut Ami detainees remained in remand overnight
- September 12, 2011: Before Shabbat: Seven arrested hikers released
- September 12, 2011: How did the father of 8 children, with no criminal record, find himself accused of persuading a man to place an explosive charge in a policeman's vehicle?
- September 6, 2011: Deliberation took place this morning on Yitzhar resident accused of violating restraining order
- September 6, 2011: Hevron resident arrested during Migron destruction demonstration
- September 5, 2011: Last Migron detainee released
- September 5, 2011: Six out of seven Migron detainees released
- September 4, 2011: Hevron resident arrested on suspicion of assaulting European anarchist in city
- September 1, 2011: Repeat: False delay by Yehuda and Shomron police
- September 1, 2011: Charge sheet issued against Ofakim residents suspected of setting fire to Arab's house
- August 31, 2011: GSS interrogators apply pressure on Jerusalem resident for confession on mosque arson
- August 30, 2011: Two Adei Ad residents arrested yesterday released
- August 29, 2011: Two Adei Ad detainees will remain in remand overnight
- August 28, 2011: Youth from Binyamin region arrested near Ramat Migron
- August 28, 2011: Two youths arrested at Ma'aleh Ha'arba'a outpost released
- August 27, 2011: Ma’aleh Ha’arba’a: Two youths arrested over Shabbat in conflicts
- August 25, 2011: Two Ofakim residents suspected in arson attempt on Arab house in city
- August 25, 2011: Two youths arrested yesterday at Ramat Migron outpost released
- August 24, 2011: Two youths arrested at Ramat Migron
- August 23, 2011: Youth delayed at Ramat Migron outpost on suspicion of possessing a pipe wrench...
- August 22, 2011: Six additional arrests at Ramat Migron
- August 22, 2011: Court canceled bond for Ramat Migron detainees
- August 22, 2011: Five Ramat Migron detainees remain in remand due to inability to post bond
- August 21, 2011: Deliberation will take place at 12:30 on Ramat Migron detainees
- August 21, 2011: 18 youth detained at Ramat Migron
- August 19, 2011: Shomron resident arrested after habeas-corpus writ issued against him
- August 17, 2011: Police and GSS continue attempts to recruit informants
- August 16, 2011: GSS won't let up, continues to harass released detainees
- August 15, 2011: Again: another strange GSS idea proven wrong - Yitzhar detainees released
- August 14, 2011: GSS agent posed as member of “The New Guard”
- August 14, 2011: "The arrest stemmed from an error, there was no warrant, no map, why is there a restraining order?”
- August 14, 2011: GSS interrogators pressured brother of detainee
- August 12, 2011: GSS applied inappropriate pressure on Itamar resident in order to incriminate one of the Yitzhar detainees
- August 11, 2011: Administrative exile Uriya Cohen released from remand - “Apparently there is no evidence in the case”
- August 10, 2011: Administrative exile arrested taken to GSS facilities
- August 10, 2011: Three young women arrested last night at Ramat Migron outpost
- August 10, 2011: Three Hevron residents arrested after entering the tomb of Otniel ben Kenaz
- August 10, 2011: Police detectives arrest administrative exile
- August 9, 2011: District court rejects appeal filed on Yitzhar detainees
- August 9, 2011: Honenu attorney Kedar: “The GSS must decide – criminal or administrative procedure”
- August 8, 2011: GSS requests remand extension on two Yitzhar detainees
- August 7, 2011: "The detainees are being held like the worst of terrorists”
- August 7, 2011: Two detainees in GSS basement
- August 7, 2011: Highway 4: Police detectives stop vehicle carrying administrative exiles
- August 7, 2011: Special (Yassam) police forces “kidnapped” yeshiva student in Yitzhar
- August 6, 2011: Resident of Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter arrested on suspicion of assaulting Arab
- August 6, 2011: Two rapid response squad members arrested yesterday at Givat Ronen released
- August 6, 2011: Additional arrest at Givat Ronen – Regiment commander: “I want at least five arrests”
- August 6, 2011: Member of Har Bracha's rapid response squad arrested while extinguishing fire at Givat Ronen
- August 6, 2011: The Kedumim resident arrested on suspicion of damaging olive trees released from remand
- August 4, 2011: Kedumim resident arrested on suspicion of damaging Arab olive trees
- August 2, 2011: IDF issues 12 administrative restraining orders to Yehuda/Shomron residents, Yitzhar resident delayed
- August 1, 2011: Police detained Jewish resident of Beit Tsafafa
- August 1, 2011: Nine detained yesterday at “Circling the Gates”
- July 30, 2011: Last night – police detained man who threw stink bomb at Gay Pride Parade
- July 30, 2011: Youth, resident of Havat Maon arrested in Har Hevron
- July 28, 2011: Approximately 15 youths detained last night on way to Shechem
- July 27, 2011: Binyamin resident arrested after habeas-corpus writ issued against him
- July 27, 2011: Deliberation took place on Gush Etzion resident at K'far Saba Magistrate Court
- July 26, 2011: Tzfat resident interrogated on suspicion of distributing fliers against Arabs in the city
- July 26, 2011: Mitzpe Yericho resident arrested on suspicion of damaging Arab cars after murder in Itamar
- July 26, 2011: Mitzpe Yericho resident arrested on suspicion of damaging Arab cars after murder in Itamar
- July 26, 2011: Three youths arrested at Tapuah Junction on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arabs
- July 22, 2011: Two youths detained near Ramat Migron released after interrogation
- July 22, 2011: Police detectives detained two youths near Ramat Migron
- July 21, 2011: Youths arrested near Achiya released
- July 20, 2011: Six youths detained after sleeping in tent near Achiya
- July 20, 2011: Court ruled - no proof that Shevut Ami is on Arab land
- July 20, 2011: Restrictive conditions on Shomron resident under house arrest eased
- July 19, 2011: A month and a half later – cell phones, computers and cameras released
- July 19, 2011: Youth arrested yesterday near Migron released
- July 19, 2011: Fury in Binyamin – Mitzpe Danny residents file arson complaint and are detained for interrogation
- July 19, 2011: Police will request remand extension on one of the detainees from Migron
- July 18, 2011: Young Jewish women attacked by Arab woman and detained by Arab policeman on suspicion of assault...
- July 18, 2011: Restrictions eased on two young women accused of setting a vehicle on fire in Hevron
- July 17, 2011: Hevron: Three youths attacked with rocks and arrested
- July 13, 2011: Third “remand extension” – Copies of “Torat HaMelech” will remain in the hands of the police
- July 12, 2011: Two deliberations took place at Jerusalem Juvenile Magistrate Court this morning
- July 11, 2011: French citizen Jewish youth arrested in altercation with left-wing activist in Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood
- July 11, 2011: Adei Ad resident released overnight
- July 10, 2011: Evidentiary hearing for Eli resident took place at Jerusalem Magistrate Court
- July 10, 2011: Adei Ad resident arrested on suspicion of stealing Arab land
- July 6, 2011: Deliberation took place in K'far Saba court on Kedumim resident charged with entering Homesh
- July 6, 2011: In Jerusalem courts several deliberations took place today
- July 5, 2011: The court canceled restrictive conditions placed yesterday on a minor
- July 5, 2011: Demonstrators arrested Sunday in Jerusalem released
- July 5, 2011: Seven arrested in Jerusalem protests – four will have remand extended
- July 4, 2011: Unbelievable - The police conduct themselves like the mafia
- July 4, 2011: HaRav Lior makes a special call - “Assist and donate to Honenu”
- July 4, 2011: Police refuse authorization for rally near Shechem
- July 3, 2011: Two additional arrests in conflicts at Bar Ilan junction
- July 3, 2011: Deliberation took place at K'far Saba court on defendant accused of staying in Homesh
- July 3, 2011: Charge sheet read this morning at deliberations on youths who blocked streets in protest of destruction and violence at Havat Gilad
- July 3, 2011: Five arrested in demonstrations against arrest of HaRav Yosef
- July 3, 2011: HaRav Yosef released
- July 3, 2011: HaRav Ya'akov Yosef arrested - National Unit of International Crime Investigations “filtered out” his attorney
- July 2, 2011: Youth arrested in Susiya released to house arrest
- July 2, 2011: Court unconditionally released Yitzhar detainees and ruled: there was no cause for arrest
- July 2, 2011: Youth detained in Susiya
- June 30, 2011: Additional arrest in conflicts near Hawara
- June 30, 2011: Two deliberations took place this morning in Jerusalem
- June 30, 2011: Youth arrested yesterday at Ramat Migron released
- June 30, 2011: Gaon HaYarden: youth arrested and released after investigation
- June 30, 2011: Three Yitzhar residents detained after protest in Hawara
- June 30, 2011: Two women arrested yesterday during destruction of Ramat Migron released
- June 29, 2011: Bedouins attacked Jews with knives at Gaon HaYarden hilltop
- June 29, 2011: Ramat Migron detainees to be brought to court tomorrow
- June 29, 2011: Two young women arrested during conflicts over Ramat Migron destruction
- June 29, 2011: One arrest after conflict with Bedouins near Mitzpe Eshtemoa
- June 27, 2011: Rav Lior on way to investigation at National Unit of International Crime Investigations offices
- June 27, 2011: Police request remand extension for youths arrested at Givat Harchivi
- June 26, 2011: Police arrest youth at Gaon HaYarden outpost
- June 26, 2011: Three youths arrested at Givat Harchivi adjacent to Elon Moreh
- June 23, 2011: After many months – Uri Baram released from house arrest
- June 20, 2011: At the end of the week several deliberations took place on Shomron residents
- June 19, 2011: Another young woman arrested on suspicion of setting vehicle on fire in Hebron
- June 19, 2011: Minor remains in remand, the reason: power games between judges
- June 17, 2011: State Attorney hasn't given up: “How could you release the shooter of the terrorist?!
- June 17, 2011: Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover detained in Gush Etzion
- June 16, 2011: Suspect released in Arak Burin shooting: Court ruled “a case of self defense”
- June 15, 2011: Shock in Yehuda/Shomron: police arrest man who shot terrorist in Arak Burin
- June 15, 2011: Two of Honenu's computers still being held by police
- June 14, 2011: Ten days later – the police “remembered” to arrest Alei Ayin resident whose house had been destroyed
- June 6, 2011: Three young women arrested on suspicion of attacking Arab at Pisagot gas station
- June 2, 2011: Two attacked students will remain in remand - “The conduct of the police is unacceptable”
- June 1, 2011: Merhav David police: two detainees from Jerusalem to remain in remand, Honenu filed urgent appeal
- June 1, 2011: Arabs attacked with cudgels and knives a group of Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem: three wounded in the head, two arrested
- May 31, 2011: Susya resident released from court – acted in self defense
- May 31, 2011: Police will request extension of remand for shepherd from Susya
- May 30, 2011: Shepherd from Susia detained by soldiers
- May 30, 2011: Two Shechem detainees released from court
- May 30, 2011: Shechem detainees: two released, two brought to court
- May 30, 2011: Four youths arrested during conflicts in Shechem
- May 29, 2011: Police detectives entice minor to reveal information about settlers , for pay
- May 26, 2011: At the K'far Saba Magistrate Court a deliberation took place yesterday on a Kedumim resident
- May 26, 2011: At the Jerusalem Regional Court a deliberation took place this morning on four youths accused of setting Arab plantations on fire
- May 26, 2011: Itamar resident arrested yesterday released at police station
- May 25, 2011: Itamar resident arrested after Arab from Awarta attempted to run him over while plowing
- May 24, 2011: At the Jerusalem Magistrate Court a deliberation took place this morning on a Tekoa D resident
- May 24, 2011: At the K'far Saba Magistrate Court two deliberations took place this morning, one on a Kedumim resident, the other on a resident of the south
- May 24, 2011: At the Jerusalem Magistrate Court a deliberation took place yesterday on a Tel Aviv resident
- May 17, 2011: GSS Jewish department coordinators continue recruitment attempts
- May 16, 2011: At the end of the week several deliberations took place at the K'far Saba and Jerusalem Magistrate Courts
- May 14, 2011: Youth arrested near Shevut Ami released with restraining order and monetary deposit
- May 14, 2011: Youth arrested near Shevut Ami outpost
- May 11, 2011: Court severely reprimanded police and unconditionally released Shevut Ami detainees
- May 10, 2011: State of Israel marks 63rd Independence Day – three youths detained on suspicion of being in Shevut Ami outpost
- May 8, 2011: After an extended remand: Magistrate Court released some copies of “Torat HaMelech”
- May 8, 2011: K'far Saba Juvenile Magistrate Court: deliberation took place this morning on Binyamin resident accused of entering Homesh
- May 4, 2011: Deliberation on Hebron resident took place at Jerusalem Magistrate Court this morning
- May 4, 2011: Yesterday: charge sheet read to Uri Bar'am, attorney Kedar announced abuse of process plea
- May 4, 2011: Plea bargain in trial of Kedumim resident accused of blocking building inspectors during the freeze
- May 4, 2011: Yesterday evening: last of Joseph's Tomb detainees released
- May 3, 2011: Petah Tikva Magistrate Court unconditionally released tens of Joseph's Tomb detainees
- May 3, 2011: Approximately 35 arrested at Joseph's Tomb and brought to Ariel police station
- May 1, 2011: This morning at Jerusalem Magistrate Court: trial of two yeshiva students who blocked street in protest of building freeze opened
- April 30, 2011: Protester accused of assaulting policeman during protest against issue of administrative orders acquitted
- April 30, 2011: Detainee from Givat Ronen conflict under restraining order until end of proceedings
- April 30, 2011: Kiryat Arba resident arrested during funeral procession of Ben-Yosef Livnat, hy”d, released to house arrest
- April 28, 2011: Two men arrested on suspicion of attacking Arabs in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem released to house arrest
- April 27, 2011: Police announce: charge sheet will be issued against man arrested during funeral procession of Ben-Yosef Livnat, hy”d
- April 26, 2011: Petition filed with District Court – allow Shachar Butbeka leave for wedding
- April 26, 2011: Trial opened this morning at District Court of Natzrat of two charged with setting on fire Arab vehicles
- April 26, 2011: Police arrest two young men on suspicion of attacking Arabs in Jerusalem, remand extended by one day
- April 26, 2011: Remand of young man arrested during the funeral procession of Ben-Yosef Livnat, hy”d, extended
- April 26, 2011: Four arrested at Joseph's Tomb released
- April 24, 2011: Police arrest four Jews who survived murderous shooting at Joseph's Tomb
- April 17, 2011: At the Petah Tikva Magistrate Court a deliberation took place this morning on “M”, who was arrested at Givat Ronen
- April 10, 2011: Deliberation took place this morning on Givat Ronen resident arrested as his house was destroyed
- April 7, 2011: Two Susia residents released after investigation
- April 7, 2011: Soldiers arrested five young men on suspicion of stealing barrels from Arab olive grove near Shiloh
- April 7, 2011: Two Susia residents arrested a short time ago in two separate incidents
- April 6, 2011: Three deliberations took place at K'far Saba Magistrate Court
- April 6, 2011: Court authorized leave for Shlomi D'vir in honor of daughter's birth
- April 6, 2011: Two Mitzpeh Asael residents sentenced to three months community service
- April 5, 2011: Police investigator in court - “Jews have no reason to enter East Jerusalem”
- April 5, 2011: Petition: Allow Shlomi D'vir leave in honor of daughter's birth
- April 4, 2011: Charge sheet issued against Tel Aviv area resident arrested at Givat Ronen
- April 2, 2011: Appeal submitted by police on release of Givat Ronen detainee rejected
- April 2, 2011: Court released last Givat Ronen detainee to house arrest
- April 1, 2011: Three young women arrested on suspicion of attacking Arab woman in the Old City of Jerusalem
- March 31, 2011: The two detainees investigated on suspicion of the shooting near Har Bracha were released
- March 31, 2011: Still in pursuit of the Glock – Early morning police raid on Yitzhar, Elon Moreh and Itamar
- March 30, 2011: The detainees from Givat Ronen: seven released, three will remain in remand
- March 30, 2011: Givat Alei Ayin resident arrested by police detectives
- March 30, 2011: The police will bring the 10 arrested from Givat Ronen to court
- March 30, 2011: District court accepted appeal submitted by Honenu – restrictive conditions placed on Gush Etzion hikers canceled
- March 30, 2011: Givat Ronen: 10 arrested in police raid, the police broke into homes and beat residents
- March 30, 2011: Yesterday at the K'far Saba Magistrate Court a deliberation took place on a Kedumim resident accused of attacking an Arab
- March 28, 2011: The Jerusalem resident arrested last night was released at the Jerusalem Magistrate Court
- March 28, 2011: Nachaliel resident released after questioning
- March 28, 2011: Residents of Mitzpeh Avichai and Haifa are barred from gatherings until the end of proceedings
- March 28, 2011: The court sentenced to prison a resident of Eli who was kidnapped and attacked by Arabs
- March 28, 2011: At the Jerusalem Magistrate Court a deliberation will take place on the restrictive conditions placed on residents of Mitzpeh Avichai and Haifa
- March 28, 2011: Police detectives arrest residents of Jerusalem and Nachaliel
- March 28, 2011: The four youths arrested in Shevut Ami were released
- March 28, 2011: The trial of the Jerusalem resident accused of participating in the protest opposite the home of Rami Ziv in Peduel ended.
- March 28, 2011: This morning at the K'far Saba Magistrate Court a deliberation took place on the Binyamin resident accused of entering Homesh.
- March 28, 2011: Shevut Ami: Border police beat four youths and then framed them
- March 27, 2011: Mitzpeh Avichai resident released to yishuv arrest
- March 25, 2011: The attacks aren't confusing the police – persecution of settlers continues
- March 24, 2011: Two youths from Karnei Shomron were arrested on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arab vehicles today
- March 24, 2011: Cleared for publication: the police arrested three residents of Tsfat on suspicion of setting on fire Arab students' cars, Honenu attorney Kedar: “Unprecedented juridical conduct”
- March 24, 2011: The police will bring to court the protesters arrested during the protests against the attack in Jerusalem
- March 24, 2011: An Arab judge issued a remand without evidence, the court released the arrested man
- March 23, 2011: The court rejected the police request, the Adai Ad resident was released unconditionally
- March 23, 2011: A young woman was arrested on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arabs during a protest at the Shiloh Junction
- March 23, 2011: The court extended by two days the remand of Mitzpeh Avichai resident
- March 23, 2011: Another raid on Mitzpeh Avichai, two residents arrested, a police officer threatened with a pistol one of the residents
- March 23, 2011: Several deliberations took place this morning at the Jerusalem Magistrate Court
- March 23, 2011: The police will request an extension of remand for the Mitzpeh Avichai resident arrested yesterday
- March 23, 2011: Police raid Givot Shiloh, conduct search and arrest
- March 22, 2011: Mitzpeh Avichai: The police are arresting Jews but refusing to arrest rioting Arabs
- March 22, 2011: He asked Rami Ziv, “Why are you destroying houses in the Land of Israel?” and was interrogated on suspicion of threats
- March 22, 2011: The police are requesting an extension of the remand of the Havat Gilad resident arrested last night
- March 22, 2011: Police raid on Mitzpeh Avichai, one resident arrested
- March 22, 2011: This morning the trial of Uri Baram was supposed to begin. The deliberation was postponed by agreement
- March 21, 2011: A resident of Havat Gilad was arrested at the Tapuah Junction, the police took out an order barring him from meeting with a lawyer
- March 21, 2011: The youth arrested at the entrance to the Temple Mount was released
- March 21, 2011: Jewish youth arrested after attempting to breach barrier at the entrance to the Temple Mount
- March 20, 2011: A dramatic event is unfolding at this time (Friday afternoon) at the Magistrate Court of Natzrat: A gag order has been placed on the details
- March 20, 2011: A resident of Nachaliel was arrested by police detectives at the Kiryat Sefer checkpoint
- March 16, 2011: In Jerusalem courts yesterday and two days ago three deliberations took place
- March 16, 2011: Two more arrested in the course of retaliatory acts on Arabs after the massacre in Itamar were released
- March 16, 2011: On Sunday a deliberation took place for the four residents of Judea and Samaria accused of protesting opposite Rami Ziv's home in Peduel
- March 16, 2011: The police request to remand in custody until the end of proceedings the resident of Hebron arrested on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arabs.
- March 16, 2011: Two of the arrested at yesterday's protests were released overnight, one remains in custody
- March 16, 2011: Three youths were arrested at Shevut Ami on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arabs
- March 16, 2011: The police presented a statement of claim against the resident of Hebron arrested yesterday
- March 16, 2011: As a result of the appeal the police released without deliberation the three protesters arrested at Givat Assaf
- March 16, 2011: Following the murder: At the Kiryat Arba intersection a young Jewish woman was arrested, in Jerusalem a young Jewish man was arrested on suspicion of attacking Arabs
- March 16, 2011: Honenu presented an urgent appeal concerning the arrest of the three protesters at the Givat Assaf intersection.
- March 16, 2011: Three youths were arrested in confrontations at the T-intersection (the Givat Assaf intersection)
- March 16, 2011: This morning the police will bring to court the resident of Hebron who was arrested on suspicion of throwing rocks at Arabs following the shocking murder in Itamar
- March 15, 2011: Community Service for Ch'
- March 15, 2011: Verdict for Kedumim Resident Who Entered Chomesh Postponed
- March 15, 2011: 15 year old freed
- March 15, 2011: Request to Release Minor
- March 15, 2011: Jew Injured by Arabs then Interrogated by Police
- March 8, 2011: Jewish teen arrested at Shiloh Junction
- March 8, 2011: Jew arrested on Shabbat
- March 8, 2011: 3 Jews arrested for "crime" shown in video as self-defense
- March 8, 2011: Arabs invade; Jew arrested
- March 8, 2011: Three minors released
- March 8, 2011: Most protestors released
- March 3, 2011: Jewish Teen Arrested at Demonstration
- March 3, 2011: Uri Baram Home!
- March 3, 2011: 3 Minors arrested, reason unknown
- March 3, 2011: two cases heard against Jews
- March 1, 2011: Anti-police violence demonstrators released.
- March 1, 2011: Four More Indicted
- March 1, 2011: Last Chavat Gilad resident freed by police
- March 1, 2011: Most anti-violence demonstrators charged
- March 1, 2011: Female Teens Arrested
- March 1, 2011: More Demonstrators Arrested.
- March 1, 2011: Demonstrators Arrested
- March 1, 2011: Chavat Gilad, Most of theose Arrested Freed
- March 1, 2011: Police Invade Chavat Gilad
- February 26, 2011: House Arrest for Hassid who Drove to Josef's Tomb
- February 26, 2011: Visit to Kever Yosef without incident, but arrested by IDF Afterwards
- February 26, 2011: Shachar Butvika's Appeal Rejected
- February 26, 2011: Community Service for "Y"
- February 26, 2011: Delay of Bat Ayin Youth's Trial
- February 26, 2011: Sentencing in a Month and a Half
- February 21, 2011: J'lem resident accused of entering Homesh
- February 20, 2011: Tea vs Anarchist
- February 20, 2011: Books Still Confiscated
- February 20, 2011: update: 4 youth
- February 20, 2011: Four Youths to Spend another day in Police Custody
- February 20, 2011: Judicial Mistake, Suspect Released
- February 20, 2011: Old Case
- February 20, 2011: Four Jailed, one released
- February 19, 2011: Demonstrator Taken By Police
- February 19, 2011: Four More Arrested at Ramat Migron
- February 19, 2011: Ramat Migron destroyed by IDF
- February 19, 2011: Chavat Gilad resident released
- February 19, 2011: Accused of Disturbing the Peace
- February 19, 2011: Jewish Woman Accused of Throwing Objects
- February 16, 2011: Baram Update
- February 15, 2011: Chavat Gilad Resident held by police
- February 15, 2011: Sentenced to Public Service
- February 12, 2011: More Delays
- February 12, 2011: Old Case Delayed Further
- February 12, 2011: 2 youths from maon
- February 12, 2011: Trial delayed
- February 12, 2011: Auto Draft
- February 12, 2011: Youths banned from Jerusalem
- February 7, 2011: Resident of Cholon was arrested this morning
- February 7, 2011: Resident of Givat Ronen, Har Bracha was released.
- February 7, 2011: Jew arrested for old "crime'
- February 7, 2011: Jewish youth still in custody
- February 7, 2011: Arabs pick fight with Jews; Jews arrested
- February 7, 2011:
- January 30, 2011: Hikers Still Being Held
- January 30, 2011: Two More Jews Arrested for Alleged Murder
- January 30, 2011: Police insist it's murder
- January 30, 2011: Two Jewish Hikers Held Over Shabbat
- January 30, 2011: 3 Jews Released
- January 30, 2011: Three Jews Arrested for Defending Themselves
- January 25, 2011: Last Young Kever Yosef Activist Freed
- January 25, 2011: Most Youth, male and female, arrested in Shechem Were Released
- January 25, 2011: Teenage Girls arrested trying to Enter Shechem
- January 25, 2011: Jewish Youth Caught in Shechem
- January 25, 2011: Yaakov Teitel Denied Psychiatric Care
- January 22, 2011: Mitzpe Avichai "photographers" released
- January 22, 2011: Butvika's "catch 22"
- January 22, 2011: Jews Arrested for photographing Shabbak
- January 22, 2011: Bat Yam Protester Held by Police
- January 22, 2011: Jewish Demonstrator tried
- January 22, 2011: Teenage girl held by police
- January 22, 2011: Jew-Arab Argument in Ariel
- January 19, 2011: Baram Held Another Day
- January 18, 2011: Baram to be charged
- January 17, 2011: Accused of Having a Knife
- January 17, 2011: Sentenced
- January 17, 2011: Knife in Car
- January 17, 2011: Decision Postponed
- January 17, 2011: Youth Jailed Despite Alibi
- January 16, 2011: Youth detained and beaten in Esh Kodesh
- January 14, 2011: Jerusalem Teen Arrested
- January 14, 2011: Ra’anana Resident Denies Charges
- January 14, 2011:
- January 14, 2011: Ra'anana Resident arrested
- January 11, 2011: Honenu helps arrange pardons for those arrested protesting Disengagement
- January 10, 2011: Community Service
- January 10, 2011: Decision Postponed
- January 10, 2011: Hearling Delayed
- January 10, 2011: Maoz Esther Case
- January 10, 2011: Teenage Girl Denies Charges
- January 10, 2011: 16 Year Old Girl, House Arrest
- January 10, 2011: Nachliel Resident Arrested
- January 4, 2011: Judgment Postponed
- January 4, 2011: Youth Sentenced to Public Service
- January 3, 2011: Judgment postponed, so judges can study material
- January 3, 2011: Judgment postponed
- January 3, 2011: Verdict against Shomron Youth
- December 26, 2010: Civil Administration destroys a home in Tekoa D. Resident arrested
- December 26, 2010: Two additional youths arrested on suspicion of attacking Arabs in Jerusalem